Weird states of existence

What are the strangest, most surreal times you've experienced in your life?

Do you ever fantasize about getting back there?

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My junior year of highschool i was being home schooled because of shit grades but it was online so i hardly did it, i pretty much went full robot mode, hardly saw daylight, stayed in my room etc. i do sometimes want to go back to that dark time and relive the pain to wake myself up and realize what i have now

I know of one specific time during Summer School in HS. I was living at my grandma and grandpa's to make sure I was kept on track and actually doing work. My diet literally consisted of Tyson Honey Breast Tenders and Dr. Pepper for like a few straight weeks. I kept complaining that I was tired so I just kept drinking more caffeine.

One night, the power went out and they drove me around to find out where it fucked up. I was still tired, but I remember it as well as a half-memory can be remembered. The night was fucking weird then. Thick, muggy air pressing against my face, the sky a surreal sunset blend of cool blues and violent reds. It was oppressive and beautiful and sickening and lonely.

So very fucking lonely.

Anyway, I don't think I'd ever want to go back to that but I'm kinda feeling weird just thinking about it.

I was doing a long research project over the summer that culminated in a 300-page paper. My supervisor was abroad and there was zero oversight, along with zero reason to leave my dorm on campus. I would spend six days a week writing and drawing nonstop leaving the room only to shower (I had a little gas stove so I didn't even have to go upstairs to cook). On Sundays, I'd walk to the grocery store and buy 6 heads of celery, a jar of mayo, 2 dozen eggs, and spam and eat only that all week. It was the most productive and happy I've been, in all actuality. I miss it. I was lonely, but I always am, and it was the only time that I felt at terms with it.

I had a surreal moment on the 4th of July.
>I was getting kicked out of my house because none of the roommates liked me
>The house was all out at the beach so I had the place to myself
>A lot of feelings rushed my mind making time feel infinite and fast
>Desided to take my dog on a walk around town before I was forced to leave
>Walked to the dock and saw many things
>Newly formed couples sharing the holiday together
>Two black girls smoking weed on a bench
>A girl watching fireworks
>Boats passes
>The sky was orange and purple, just after sunset
>A girl asked to pet my dog
>And there I was, completely in a different headspace than anyone else yet experiencing the same day

Strangely, user, I was at peace with myself. The past was messy, the events that led me there were incomprehensible. The future was uncertain. But, the present was so tangible. The surreal part of it all was I felt physically connected with the strangers around me. I miss that feeling although I dread to be in that position ever again.

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One fall break in college, I spent a week with a guy I was dating at the time and his close friend. We stayed up every night until dawn, then woke up right as the sun was setting again. I've never lived entirely in the dark for so long. I missed the sun, it was so strange and so lonely. Since we were only awake when it was dark we almost never saw people. We lived off pizza delivery and played video games all day. It was definitely fun but I never knew how much I could miss the light until I tried living in darkness.

Car crash. Spun and didn't care what happened, kinda felt it happen right before it started to spin, and shit went all slow fast. Remember looking at the oncoming traffic and thinking if they t-bone the drivers side I could die. Just slipped back into this relaxing feeling, of it's over now.
Nothing happened tho, walked away without a scratch. Not saying I wanted anything to happen one way or another but it was surreal realizing you made it to the end.

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Almost every time I go to sleep I get this feeling of being extremely small, or that everything else is extremely big, I think it's the former.
It's puniness, I lie, laying there, curled up into a ball, feeling everything vastly expanding around me in my mind.
It's quite uncomfortable, but I've come to learn how to deal with it.

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Freshman year of college, had to write an essay on Keats' "Ode to a Nightingale." Was freaking out and couldn't figure out what to say about it. Started just walking around at night, repeating it to myself, near tears at how retarded I was. Then, out of nowhere, it just clicked. Began to frantically write down the meaning to every line I read, all the esoteric meanings. Eventually collapsed from exhaustion well into the next day writing and reading frantically. Once I finally turned it in, got 100 on it with good notes. Closest I've been to a revelation type experience, lasted for hours.

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Oh fuck I HATE when this happens. Usually I'm able to kind of ground myself but that is the true big brain shit right there.

Okay, thank god I am not the only one this happens too

I've been there for months now. I see things. Every fibre of my being, and every moment of every day is occupied with the feeling of static in the Air as a war between things we cannot see not explain grows ever closer. And no one has any idea.
>pic related

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I went to visit some family up north for a week. I was in an edgy phase and I heard some music of a specific variety and I was hung up on someone special at the time. The cold weather combined with all of this made for a very specific feeling that I still think about all the time. I'd like to experience it over again

>Being normal. The thought of it seems surreal to me now. I dont remember what its like to not feel severe anxiety and depression all day. My neck is always stiff. I'm always dizzy. My brain never shuts the fuck up. I haven't left my house in 9 months. Its torture. My surreal time is the faint memories I have of living a normal life. Going to school, having a job. Interacting with others. It all seems a distant memory now. Something Ill never get back or experience ever again.

had reconstructive spinal surgery in 2012. in hospital for almost 2 months after. first 2 weeks were constant agony and delirium, dependent on nurses for everything. my mind broke from the pain, I entered realms of torment and suffering i did not know existed. i imagine that's what it feels like to be hit by a car and survive -- or what someone feels like in their final moments of transcendent agony

Something sort of like this happens to me sometimes. For me it's more like my sense of relative size disappears so everything is simultaneously infinitely large and infinitely small.

>be me, 18 years old
>ocd/anxiety/depression for a while
>all friends go away to school, parents kick me out, brother is throwing life away getting drunk everyday
>go to brothers party
>get drugged with something weird (not roofies)
>start panicking
>go outside and someone had thrown red paint all over my white car
>freaking out so ignore and go home and try to act normal
>have a week long panic attack, losing my mind
>despite being against meds, acquire a very low dose of xanax
>take it; mind goes from dark place to fine immediately
>wake up next day
>from that day I experience 4 months of constant panic/extreme depression/depersonalization
>living in my car through most of it because I come from an abusive family

I thought my brain was fried and my life was done. Used to engage in risky behavior and was basically trying to kill myself, but didn't realize it at the time. Psychologists usually don't have much to say about my experience when I go into more detail about it and are generally confused by it. I haven't really been the same since, but I'm a hell of a lot better, although I'm very worn down.

almost got hit by a car on my bike the other day, spent a good hour sitting on my couch alone staring at the wall

>ate 4 grams of shrooms
>ended up having a "bad" trip
>filled with negative energies and I was acting like a madhouse lunatic but it was incredibly fun
>felt like I was living a death grips or skinny puppy album
>all time, what has been, and what could be was happening at the same time
>I was experiencing what this video describes as the 6th dimension
>I had done everything therefor I became the color black
>was experiencing conversations I've had days before at that moment and in that moment the person I would've been talking to would have known and been implying that I'm tripping on shrooms while I'm trying to keep that a secret from them
nothing in real life beside dreams compare to how absolutely fantastic the experience was. I do wish I could go back. Or sleep and dream forever. The earthly human experience is so vanilla.

Hey, wow!

Um, I've never wanted to connect with a bunch of people like I want to right now after your post and the others who came forth about them having similar experiences.

The feeling of becoming small when you sleep is ALOT more common than you would think. This is likely the VERY EARLY stage of a shift in consciousness that can sometimes occur when one starts to sleep.

There are people out there who do REAL research into dreams and sleep and have been going at it for years! If you do a little digging, it can really throw you down a rabbit hole of obscure and new concepts you've never even thought to comprehend.

To make an EXTREMELY long story short, check out Dr. Robert Monroe and The Monroe Institute.

What other leads should I look at if I'm interested in learning about shit like this

Nothing feels more surreal than having a sleep paralysis. It can lead to extreme delusions. For example, I have had hallucinations of 7 ft tall shadow people staring at me from twhen I try to sit upwards as if to awake up.

>2013, I was 17
>met this younger girl, like 13 at the time
>we became super close, like so close we would share all of our secrets and she would constantly call me on the phone
>she singlehandedly pulled me out of my neet lifestyle
>she practically lived at my house, only went home to sleep
>she was homeschooled and her mom was bedridden with illness and her dad was off teaching in some foreign country so she had no home to go to really
>her and I were like two misfit peas in a pod
>her dad convinced her to move to the foreign country with him
>we only had a few weeks together
>the last day we hung out at her house
>after crying and hugging each other for maybe an hour under the moonlight in a park by her house, we parted ways for what could've been the last time
>put on Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here on my mp3 player in the dark
>felt and incredible range of bittersweet emotions, ranging from thankfulness that we met to hopelessness that my life would go back to shit, to incredible longing for her

Little did I know that was only the beginning of our story.

Didnt anyone find It weird for her to be constantly in your house ?

Her mom was too sick to really care. She had a really bad case of PTSD and was so medicated she was practically a zombie. My parents were just happy that I was smiling again and had a reason to live.

Her dad did, though. He said she wasn't part of my family, and she needed stability and a real home. In a way, he was right. I just wish her dad stuck around with his family, but he seems to always be too busy with his own things to think of them.

>4 tabs of acid
>1 gram of wax dabbed (from rig)
>3 blunts (passed amongst 3 others)
>1 cigarette
>half a handle
>2 beers
I couldn't walk straight.