Did you guys have word of mouth meme jokes as kids that you literally heard from like 6 billion kids?

Did you guys have word of mouth meme jokes as kids that you literally heard from like 6 billion kids?

>Spell ICUP
>Say Mike Hunt
>You're COOL. Constipated, Overweighted, Out Of Style, Loser.
>Do you have a PSP? Haha, that means you have a pretty small penis!
>Homo say what?

Any other ones that you guys remember?

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yes I remember many but I will tell none

Why not user? Originally oregano

>user when I ask you a question say 5 years
>How long have you been taking Tylenol
>5 years
>5 years
>5 years..wait

>have you seen the clown that hides from gay people?
>of course you haven't
gets 'em every time

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>I'm telling on you
>Because you put ants in my pants and made me dance

I want to go back in time and feed my self feet first into a wood chipper.

user say addicted after every question
>what happened last night

that one was kinda dumb lucky only heard it in middle school

Yep I've heard most of these. Minnesota here

Smell the cheese

I don't gett it

That's a pretty spicy one, going to use it myself

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>"this is what you guys get for bullying me" then a loud boom is a classic

I have a gold mine of these

>happy birthday to you
>you're a hundred and two
>you look like a monkey
>and you smell like one too

>I believe I can fly
>I got shot by the FBI
>I ended up in the hospital
>when all I wanted was a popsicle

user say I'm a man after every question
>work all day because
I'm a man
>go to the club because
I'm a man
>Take a hot girl home because
I'm a man
>Next morning she whispers in my ear
I'm a man

sing this one to all star by smash mouth
>Somebody once told me the world was macaroni so I took a bite right out of a tree
>It tasted kinda funny so I spat it on a monkey and the monkey got mad at me
>well a hundred years later he turned into darth vader and he threw his lightsaber at me
>well he missed me by a mile and hit my friend Kyle and that is the end of my story

>Do you want to join the PEN 15 club?
>Writes PEN15 in your hand

>are you gay?
>do your parents know you're gay?

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apu heard bulli
where is bulli

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ketchup and liquor was a good one

Imo this one is better:
>I believe I can fly
>I got shot by the FBI
>All I wanted was a chicken wing
>From McDonalds and Burger King

You mean rubber and liquor?

might go down to the local college and try this on some people tomorrow

>I know you are, but what am I
After all these years I still don't know what he is.

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It's liqour and rubber-BALLS, pleb

>do you have HIV
>are you positive?
didnt understand this one at first during middle school but now I realize they were making fun of me for being a faggot

Scooby dooby doo did a poo
and shaggy thought it was chocolate
shaggy took a bite
his face went white
and that was the end of shaggy

haeve you seen the clown that hides from gay people?