Install grindr for shits and giggles

>install grindr for shits and giggles
>immediately get tons of messages from hot guys

Is this what being a woman feels like?

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You're a literal whore, and an attention whore. Get the fuck off my board, degenerate normalfag scum.

It's honestly phenomenal. I'm a 4/10 on a good day, and I live in the middle of nowhere, but I got so many hits it was insane. Cute guys begging for me to fuck them, daddy doms asking to fuck me, and everyone was so nice and just seemed happy to be talking to me. I felt good about myself for the first time in damn near a decade.

Few cute MtFs, too. Thinking of meeting up with some of them on the weekend.

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>gays are robots too we're the outcasts of society we can't get laid and looking for a bf just like you we belong here!!!!

>install grindr 3 years ago
>only ever get messaged by creeps and old guys
>Even when I'm desperate enough to message a weirdo back he ghosts me when I post my face

Is this what being an ugly man feels like?

>install grindr in the midwest
>nothing but old men and fat guys
>I'm one of them

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Just go on vacation to a big (small) city and try your luck there. Plenty of gays are into that.

The bbc love is there robots have to just seize it before Stacy so she finally loses

I live within 30mi of a city.

I don't think I'm cut out for it, though. One time, I got messaged by a fat guy who seemed really nice, so instead of rejecting him, I uninstalled the app immediately because I didn't want to be rude and ignore him.

Thanks, though!

Every day I get a bit closer to installing it, on the thin hope that I might feel worth something for once.

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Are there traps on grindr because the more I think about it the more I would unironically fuck a trap

Be carefull when you go out with guys they will rape you

Well if you're thin you will probably get some action, but just don't even do it if you aren't at least decent looking and not fat. I made the mistake of trying and now I just feel even more worthless and want to kill myself twice as often.

Yeah there is. Theres also cds like me

Do it. Even if you don't pursue anyone, it feels nice to be wanted (and see some strangers' thick, meaty cocks).

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i installed it once and realized 3d can never match 2d, and the trans id be into would never want me

do you guys put your face on your profiles or what

I never had one, but I'd send it in DM if they asked. Still had a few messages without one, but nothing substantial.

>my board
shut the fuck up

lmao i use grindr just for buying drugs there are a ton of dealers in my area

Some do
And thats funny as fuck what do you buy and how, i dont want to accidentaly have a dealer over instead oh a guy willing to bone

I'm 22 and look pretty twinkish. I plan on installing it next month. Idk what to expect but I think I'll cap the age range at 26

How can I get a cheap android burner phone to install grindr?

Do you not already have a phone? You don't need a special burner for it. You're not plotting to kill the President, you're looking for some willing dick.

well sometimes the get flirty but i just tell them i have to work or some shit ( bought cocaine lsd and pot from this app)