I honestly thought you looked a bit of a loser on tinder but you're actually pretty funny

> I honestly thought you looked a bit of a loser on tinder but you're actually pretty funny.
w-what say!??!
literally happened to me

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She is a complete retard, I pick up and leave.

look at that SEETHING nigger. niggers!

>Huh. Thanks I guess. Wish I could return the compliment lulz.

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>She is a complete retard, I pick up and leave

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>I actually thought you were kinda of a slut from the tinder pics, I hope I'm right, I want some puss puss tonight

Laugh and keep making jokes. She clearly is into you.

>you think i'm funny? wait until you see my dick! it's a complete joke!
why are you dating girls and not cute boys, hm?

i take that beer from her, this OBVIOUSLY underage roasty.

shame on you all

fucking stupid bitch

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shame on you niggers

there's a girl in one of my classes who looks like this and seems to like me but I have no fucking clue what to do someone please help

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If you make a girl laugh and cum, she will stay with you.

you're in a position that i know it will take you at least 8 years before you even have sex, lol

Just tell her you like her man. She might say no, she might say yes, you might actually like her, you're guaranteed to get hurt. Don't make the mistakes I made.

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i excuse myself to make a phone call to the gestapo, and have these niggers arrested for menacing. and i tell them about this underage thottery who stole my beer.

1488 WPWW

>Man fuck you too!
And then I leave and drive home.

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Hey hold on why is she drinking through her nose?

Yeah this is pretty much what I thought big fucking oof but thanks fellas

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*the gestapo arrests the niggers for menacing (being within 100 ft of an Aryan, compounded by the fact that said Aryan is female*

*gestapo calls in the Stacey Thott Patrol, its where a regiment of proper Aryan Goddesses regulate on wild thottish behavior such as this. Two Valkyries come and gently escort this child with them*

*the gestapo comes to lock me away for menacing as well. but i just pay them off with some emblems i made earlier*

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what oof? nothing will feel worse than regret not trying.

>at least 8 years before getting laid
>at least
This is the oof my friend I'm gonna go and do it fuck it life is short but damn if that don't sting you know?

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> at least 8 years before getting laid
what does this even mean? why at least 8 years?

>anything other than y-you too

check me out on the right.

"That's funny, I thought you looked like an easy lay but you're holding my attention so far."

Something cocky/funny yet mildly flattering like this if you want to pursue. Also you're declaring your sexual interest in a light-hearted manner. I would probably insult her and move on if she said her line to me with anything other than a playful tone though.

You gotta ask cuz I don't know what the fuck but I believe him though.

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You say "Oh no, I am a big loser, I keep anime figures in my room and I live in my mom's basement."Don't how you're ashamed even if it's true.

>those fuckin teenage boys itt

if alcohol wont be involved you wont do anything you faggot ass bitch and a nigger will fuck your cute friend

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That's "looked like" you dumb niggerspic

But what did YOU do, OP?