When the hell are we going to invent smell-o-vision?

When the hell are we going to invent smell-o-vision?

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I hope its soon. This image looks savory and delicious, i bet it would smell hot as fuck.

When are we going to have SOA level VR to fuck custom made waifus?

i just want to smell a vagina once man is that too much to ask for

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It's a feat that most people on this board will never accomplish. I'm praying for you to succeed user. Smell that pussy!

>i just want to smell a vagina once man is that too much to ask for
yes. fuck off creep

>fuck off creep

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Gif related, it's you

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Once we get brain interface, "smell-o-vision" will be close behind

Vaginas do not smell good
Vaginas smell bad
Think about how your dick smells
Now think about how twelve of your dicks would smell
Vaginas probably smell worse

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john waters already created it

my dick smells awesome thank you very much

Is anyone else here extremely DRAWN to the SMELL of female ASSHOLE?

not op but i love u

They smell gross

You idiots. It's a hole they bleed out of, not a field of lilies. Their hair smells heavenly, their skin smells great -- everything below the waist is smelly, just like on you. One instance where the 2D>3D meme is correct. Bodies are disgusting.

That butthole looks like it smells like really old french onion soup dude

I also love you back

The ASSHOLE smells the best though.


I would probably disagree if I had to smell your dick

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Two different senses you nig nog. I bet you'd have been one of the retards that fell for that infamous April Fools Day prank.

>two different senses
...but they're not. OP just wants to be able to smell what he sees instead of seeing a scent. Like, in reverse.

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This is a nightmare future and you don't know what you're signing up for.

That looks fucking disgusting man. The asshole is completely out there and the pussy looks used and abused like a ham sandwich. I don't care whether that's true or not, fact of the matter is the bitch got her asshole and pussy out for the camera and spread that shit to be seen and it looks as bad as it seems. I'd rather eat raw cold hotdogs and beans dipped in milk than go near that shit. Looks detestable. Am I a fag for that? Maybe, maybe not. I think I just have standards, and I like a butt with a human attached to it that won't spread their asshole for anyone but me, but that's just me. You know what? I'm fucking gay. Fuck this disgusting, abhorrent trash. I'm the asexual milky beans man from Mars, and that is GROSS. Put your STANK ass pussy away and go play with legos you fucking degenerate STANK BITCH!