Jow Forums Secret Santa 2018 #8

Post your amazon wishlists or buy for other anons!

This secret santa is based on wishlists, which you can make by registering an amazon account and adding items you want.

>Hey Sandler, it's November, why are you doing this now?
This is when it's always been started, alongside other boards. It's to ensure things will arrive by christmas because USPS will be taking a fat christmas shit, I assure you.

>Sandler, can't I be doxxed by this?
Amazon Wishlists, when set up correctly with the image provided, do not show any information except the nickname you put on the list, your state, and your city.

>How do I enter?
Simply get the ID for your wishlist and post it, from there people can copy and paste your wishlist code and make purchases.

>How do I assure I'm buying something for a robot, and not a scammer or roastie?
You have to make the judgement of lists to buy off of. I would suggest finding patterns in what people have in their lists, the kinds of products they have in their lists, and so on. Do not make a purchase for someone if you don't want to, it's as easy as that.

>Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us!
And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all.

Remember to have a good time, a lot of us don't have much else going for us in the year, so this event can be fun if you follow the guidelines and tips. Remember to post images of whatever you get so we can make new compilations, wow!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related is how to set your wishlist up so that people can buy you things.

>heh, you fuckin idiots...last year i got an epic haul by making fake addresses and got tons of gifts for doin it this time again too :))))

>look at all these things you guys bought my baby, that i totally didn't buy off my own wishlist and post pics with to fuck the thread up!

>god damnit this shit again??? clogging up the top threads of r9k, how else am i gonna see 10 trap threads?????


If we notice particular shitposters via their amazon wishlists, I'll add them to an "avoid these IDs" part of this second post.
Remember to ignore obvious shitheads, list spammers, and anyone you don't want to buy for. Only spend money if you have it to spend, and you pick a person you think deserves a gift. Enjoy, have fun.
This is original this time, AGAIN.

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I'll post mine in a little bit after I buy someone a gift, so someone tell me their favorite games and I'll pick someone

merry christmas fellow anons, stay safe and warm :)

>Forbidden knowledge
I just want some books that i have heard to be warped so that i may be able to fall deeper into the abyss there are some stuff like to get on kodi and to get more memory space for porn
Muh link:
>riddle me this: what has been created and used before our founding fathers, which they sought to be the future. Something that was once discussed and even in rare occasion used in a educational manner, but now due to the change of time it is in a bad light

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merry Christmas and happy holidonkers

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Well I may as well post in the new one. Happy Holidays, anons.
Here's mine

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ive already been gifted before btw

Happy Kwanzaa my fellow kangz

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dark messiah might and magic desu

Sleep tight user.

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hi user, my favorite vidya is: tf2, fallout nv, super shamsh bros brawl,and mortal kombat deadly alliance

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this is the last thread ill post in for a while, im losing hope anons. ill talk to you guys later. :)

Damn. We're on 8 already?
Did anybody here get a gift over $30?

Bad fur day
>dont have it listed but its a good game

my favorite game is borderlands 2, thats why if you scroll to the bottom of funkos there is like 10 borderlands figures

Me again, using same pic for recognition. Just posting so I am on the new thread.

I always wanted to fight dragons.

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i love them all.

Crap, forgot pic

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I thought everything on your list was gay untill I saw "the doors", and I thought, "well he has good musical taste" then I saw "of perception and heaven and hell" and thought "a faggot once again"

merry november christmas
hope you get what youre wishing for

Heads up for those anons originoli.

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My favorite game is "playing with legos" can you please buy me legos pls ive been good :(

dude you have like $40 in gifts, you can't ask anymore unless you give

Happy holidays anons

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gnight bots, hope you have a good/decent say at work tomorrow

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Good to see plenty of people being gifted, although I wish more people wanted books. Here's the stuff I've given so far.
My favorite game is Knights of the Old Republic, but Knights of the Old Republic II is a close second.

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My favorite game is Jak And Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. Don't want anything though. Just wanted to share that.
Evening, guys. How's the merriment going?

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im asking for a copy of the stranger, so unless you think its a gay book, yeah there you go

fuck christmas
satanism 4ever

the guy im building a computer for, it got a little expensive, but it costs only about one paycheck if you get a job, so it isn't too much. I'd hate to put together a computer with shit parts for ya

N64 resident evil 2, re3 nemesis, gears of war 1, halo 2 and 3 and diablo 2 are some of my favorite games.

ive got quite a few books on my list user, mostly manga but ive wanted japanese death poems and the master and margarita for a while now

Wholesome thread, very comfy.

ive got some manga

the man you worship was an old bald shit whos daughter hated him, fuck lavey and fuck you, but also fuck christmas. kwanzaa is a superior holiday

im sorry user didnt mean to be greedy, i'll see what i can do

I don't believe in any christian things but its more of a tradition than a religious holiday now. Do you celebrate anything different?

I don't want anything that expensive. I'd be happy some user spent 1 to 10 monies they could use just to brighten my holiday.

>tfw started working as a mailman recently
am I retarded?

I hope everyone is warm and cozy this season.

If you're feeling generous take a peek :)

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you ever look into kwanzaa's origins?

I don't think anyone got anything over $30, but a few people got stuff worth over $30 in total

Np, also here is the rest of the list in case the other anons wanted to know if their stuff is still arriving on time.

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its origins are with my ancestors, like king tut and mansa musa, we was kangz

oh shit satanism destroyed
I really enjoy kirby games. Not really the newer ones but the classics (Pre-wii)

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post your list user, i want to buy you something too!

Oh my gosh, I thought you cancelled my art stuff. Guess somebody got it wrong, that makes me glad. Thank you again, user. :)

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fuck amazon and fuck capitalism

i feel like a beggar putting my list up without being able to donate, im sorry anons. maybe next year.
Here's a list of items I've bought in the last 2 days if anyone missed the purchases.
I wanna gift another so I'll pick any at random

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fuck ur mom gay

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post it cuck I will buy you a gift

I do not have one.
Wichita user right?

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Hello there again everyone, how goes it?
Kind of random, but i really feel excited about this new year and like my life is moving somewhere.

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its battlefield 5, its a full 60.

Yes. But I'd prefer you not say my city, though I guess it's too late now and it's not the smallest city in the world.

What is everyone listening to? In my drunken haze yesterday i revisited this album and holy fuck its better than i remembered

To anyone who's familiar with this guy and didn't know, he finally got this thing on vinyl. So if anyone is interested in collecting records and likes this one then be quick because there's only 500 copies made.

But enough rambling here's my begging list

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Anyone else /comfy/? I'm detailing this while listening to Radio China (in English) on Shortwave in my flannel PJs.

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>Free games fag
Broke-user here hopefully you got the message

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I have been gifted, i only have $10 to gift so any anons with cheap lists respond please.

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ive got some other playlists if you wanna check me out. Merry christmas user :)

Srry did not know; anyone that looked at your list would know at least that much though. Merry Christmas anyway.

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i didnt make any songs, its just my favorites and stuff.

Alright! I've marked every current list on this thread!
First person who gifts more than $10 to any list here will get any gift between $10-$50! It has to be a new gift, not one already seen on these threads!

O rly? Didn't know. No sweat then, I guess.
Merry Christmas to you, too, friend.

I have money for anons who buy for me :)) make sure to play yume nikki this season!!

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also heres a nice soundtrack for you lonely NEETs out there
pls buy me legos

those look like some hefty prices, good luck user and merry christmas :)

Well i have some books, some are cheap

what message? origggg

lol we're asking for the exact same copy of the stranger

Oh hey youre still here. How did the origins deal turn out?

Finally got off work. Might go for a nightwalk later. How's everyone doing tonight

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To find my broke ass, free games fag said that was able to assist me in building a cheap desktop for steam games

harmonica, so I can play the blues :)

i got nothing, still have some hope though :)

oh i already sent you the thing, i took off the name

Anyone want to help me prevent tooth decay, it would be greatly appreciated

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>a tripfag judging someone else for having expensive tastes when the only item on his list that he's been shilling several threads now is a $60 mediocre game

Ha, well i did hear is was a really good book and have seen it in other anons list as well

What should I put on my wish list?

Also show me cool items I can buy you guys that are under $15, something unique if you want to convince me.

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I-i have 120$ to give back! ;-;

I have a no questions tab

2 items are 120 dollars, and everyones been posting their own lists multiple times, last thread i did it twice. in my opinion i enjoyed the beta, so i might like the full game, i dont really want anything else either, im not really a wanting person.

i wish i could give back. saw a knife user with a knife shop, looks like a nice business

You could get one if us the stranger?

I tried to make a list of some cheap items, I am on the lookout for things to buy for anons that look interesting/questionable. I think it would be fun.

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Ill get disowned for any of this stuff.

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Oh, thank you user merry Christmas, ill get a job soon so that can build it
>thank you again user really

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It's ok. I didn't mean to look greedy, those were the big boy items I was thinking people would just pick one or the other idk ://



Huh, i want you get disowned so that i can own you

no, you dont look greedy, you have other items on there though, all ive got is one game.