For those of you who failed college/university, how has life been treating you since you failed?

For those of you who failed college/university, how has life been treating you since you failed?

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Failed out. Took a year off to work and reset my life. Almost joined the navy, luckily got into another school and I'm doing much better.

Loneliness and depression is a bitch, idk how some of you true robots do it. All I can say is that the world is a cold and tough place sometimes but you gotta keep going.

Good luck out there.

I became a security guard. Been doing this for 5 years now. Probably going to off myself after my grandpa dies, which is probably soon.

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>Depression set in full swing
>Flunked out
>Had a few shitty jobs
>Had fewer good ones
>Currently in second semester back
>All A's so far
It got better once I started actually going to class and stopped playing videogames.

I didn't fail, I was forced to withdraw though.

Life has been shit, and I don't think I will survive to this time next year.. I think I will commit suicide.

Didnt really fail but dropped out because someone close died and I was drinking pretty fucking heavily over it. Dropped out right before my last semester in ChemE too. Since then I joined the military, got kicked out, failed at killing myself, did absolutely nothing but lay in bed on drugs for a year, and now my first day of work is tomorrow so Im laying in bed on drugs trying not to feel nervous. Pay is pretty good too and only requires a ged I think. Kind of wish I never went to college, but I guess I gained a lot of life experience that I wouldnt have otherwise. Still probably not worth 20 grand a semester or whatever the fuck it was.

>I didn't fail, I was forced to withdraw though.
Same here, user. Care to share your story? I'll try and remember you next year.

>Grocery stocker
>Will probably be have 5k in savings in few months

Perhaps buying my own trailer home might motivate me to go back to college

Whats it like? Im an out of work ex soldier was booted out of a Police Academy.

Go to community college man and give it an honest try. It's pretty expensive still, but it's better than just waiting to die like how I used to feel.

Monotonous. Doing two 16 hour shifts a week sounds nice in theory, but this endless cycle of mindless emptiness on shift is absolutely exhausting. At this point, I'd much rather have a job where you actually have to do things, instead of sitting around all night.

Been living the NEET life ever since

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Least you have a job, fuckhead.

>stopped playing videogames.
This improved my life as well, but I already knew it would.

>Community college

For what though? Nothing appeals to me

>Kind of wish I never went to college
i feel this. i'm about to drop out right in my last semester and not sure where i'll end up as a result

>dropped out
>goth gf
>shitty jobs
>apartment finally
>marry goth gf
>more shit jobs
>evicted after losing shit job
>live with her sister for a bit
>decent job
>shitty job
>best job yet with good benefits
>have baby
Me life is alright all things considered. I'm quite happy with it.

>tfw all of my few friends have dropped out or failed out of college
>tfw I'm the only one still going but my GPA got fucked up and I have no idea what I'm doing after graduation
A-at least I didn't drop out... Right?

>dropped out to be an artist
havent touched a pencil since (6 months)
>will most likely return starting over at 24

i feel like a retard

I am clueless right now lads. This is a genuine cry for help. I'm about to get kicked out for shit grades in my third year. I don't know what to do anymore. I still have finals coming up but I haven't gone to more than half my classes so far. I am beyond fucked. I don't know what to do, please. I have no friends in uni

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Are you me bro? I failed out uni and have been in security for 6 years.. I really want to go back to school and leave this shit but Im worried its too late..

It's never too late to go back

>For those of you who failed college/university, how has life been treating you since you failed?

I failed last year

Haven't been doing anything since

lol fail school, i hope you mean med shcool or something

should have tried harder brother, our generations worst lie is that trying is uncool, you slacked bro, you can only work hard to get out of it, there is no way else. the painful way, the long way, the tedious way.

Force yourself to suffer for your mistakes. Stay up day and night studying and do nothing else with breaks inbetween. Start sleeping the days before the exam while still studying.
Atleast you tried your best till the end.

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Apply to jobs others won't take. I did pest exterminator before I was able to get my degree. Shit was gross, but it's good money.

> fucked up the last exam before thesis
> literally did jackshit, so huge surprise
> did jackshit about thesis too
> got restored
> passed needed exams
> plural because program changed
> defended thesis, graduated, got a job

Never went to college thats fuckin gay man I live with dad like the daddy's boy I am and work with him at his job it's lil hard but it's fine man college is a meme anyways only women and trannys get free college so fuck those student loans bullshit

I got a work that I hate
I work with the dumbest people possible
A coworker of mine doesn't know who was Hitler
doesn't know what is fascism, nazism, socialism, communism, capitalism, doesnt know who was Michelangelo
and plastic arts to her are the same as literature
she's basically a tard, yet got married and had a son when she was 19, typical dumb roastie

Well i'll be dropping out of the second semester next year, since i already stopped to go to the first semester classes right now.
Some people died / got cancer that i know / are my relatives which is why i'm unmotivated to do anything right now. The reality is probably that i applied for some apprenticeships at a couple of large companies and they accepted me. Now i'll be doing an apprenticeship as an electrician at a good company, instead of doing.this lifeless STEM shit.

Having something to look forward to - like this job - is making everything easier. My biggest problem right now is how to get my student loans till august without visiting classes. I'm planning to only attend the english exam and skip math and physics

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I've felt like I wasted my life and that I'm living without a purpose.