One chance at life

>one chance at life
>mom had me at age 45

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dont forget circumcision!

So what's the problem with that?

Not original

Similar boat shit sucks man. Im in my mid 20s and my mom is almost 70. Dads already dead. I will have nothing left before Im 30. This is fucking gay.

Wow that's impressive. Are you alright?
Born while my mother was at 37 here, i have an heart's valve malformation since birth

it's better that they're gone sooner than later. my parents had me when they where 19. terrible optimization, poorly executed. defective unit. sad way to live, honestly.

Kids born to mothers that are over 30 have increased chance of having assburgers or autism or ADHD or Downs or physical malformations etc.
Chance increases year by year past 30.
t. born to mother that gave birth at 40 and got autism.

youre sad that your mom wasn't a roastie who had you at 18. You probably have a incest fetish. Faggot

Whoa, hold your horses, fren.
Why are being so rude? He's just stating scientifically accurate facts

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Do you think this is why there are more young people with mental disorders now? Because more women are having kids later now than several decades ago when they usually had them in their 20s or earlier.

I feel ya, man. My future kids aren't ever gonna meet my parents when they're adults. I'm the youngest person and only male in my immediate and extended family both sides.

I feel like an endangered animal, fighting to survive.

Maybe, look at single moms. Most of them are nearing 30 or over it.
Plus the fact that boys dont have male role model to whip 'em into shape when there is only mom around.

My mom had me at 41.
What really fucking sucks is her going through menopause right with I was a young teenager. Parents were super out of touch (and you thought yours were bad). And too old and low engry to deal with a teenager.

Don't waste your chance!

Why would wanting to be born when your mom was 18 imply incest ? Wtf user

Yes, that is one factor,

be raised by a woman with daddy issues who is only a grown up girl with electra complex, and a farm dumbass pice of shit 12 y/older than she

they didn't know how to rise me or my brothers in any way, luckely for me i realised that and start education me for my own in what im capable of, but it sucks being a middle 20's and still virgin cuz insecurities, never have trusted anyone to really intimate much of my personal life, even if i had friends i lack of confidence to open talk my problems with

So yeah i think is wrost when stupid young ppl rush things, as far as I'm concerned it would be better for them and for a non existing me to had been aborted

How old was her when she had you ?

23, and my father was her first boyfriend, not entierly her fault, i also blame my grandfather for being overprotectives,and their father for being too conservatives. the result of all that was me, putting an end to this shitty family tree

My mum had me when she was 13. I'd rather be in your boat.

you about as inbred as a sandwhich?

rape baby?

orignal originallity

for the love of god man this deserves an ama thread all its own please do one

statutory rape yes, not forceful rape
this thread's pretty quiet so I can answer questions here

nice, im on the spectrum and my brother whos 2 years younger than me had a bunch of learning difficulties.

i think my mum was 35 when she had me then 37 for my brother. thats kinda scary if you think about it - you can make your kids retarded just be being lazy about it...

what was it like having an underage mom at the age of 4? where you just put up for adoption/family member cared after you? was your mom ever encouraged to abort and if so why didnt she (no offense to you my guy im sure youre a wonderful human being)

was your mom attractive to you when you began masturbating due to her relatively young age? did she ever get married/ was it odd watching young suiters come into the house while you where younger? what was your childhood like? was she more prone to outbursts?

My grandma helped raise me until my mum finished high school. She didn't want to abort but I haven't found out why. I had a fairly normal childhood since my grandparents were there a lot. High school was tough sometimes since everyone thought she was a MILF they had a chance with.

I've never been attracted to her. Apart from the guy who got her pregnant she never dated until I was 7 or 8. I imagine guys were put off with her being so young with a kid my age. She's pretty chill as a parent since she smokes weed from time to time and meditates and does yoga and shit like that. She got married when I was 13 and she was 26.

neat thanks for not taking any offense

I've experienced enough to not get offended at things like that.

Both dad and mom were over 40 when i was born.
The closest sibling to me in age is over 15 yrs older.
Am sperg, multiple allergies, pale skin, didn't get diagnosed with hypothyroidism until few years ago, that's the reason am fat (started to lose weight few weeks after therapy) despite not eating garbage ever, respiratory problems leading to sleep apnea since forever, surprisingly despite being a mouthbreather for most of my life chin goes strong.
I don't have any malformation, except i apparently almost roped with umbilical cord a week before being born neck ainkt alright, i get a sore throat from talking too much, I don't think i am capable of screaming.
Have some other minor issues that are easily solved, but this shit piles up and makes your life hell from not being able to do the same things as a healthy person.
I am in limbo, not retarded and crippled enough to be disabled, not good enough to succeed.
My oldest bro looks almost the same as me, but because he was born 21 yrs earlier he has NONE of the issues i have, i might have higher iq but it's useless.
So yeah parents having kids later leads to a genetically worse population most of the time.
Does that explain it.

My mom had me at 28, and my dad was 40ish. They were too tired to care for me even then. Fuck, my dad didn't even participate in my life at all, he'd just lock his office door and tell me to fuck off when I wanted to see him after work, I was maybe 2 years old.

I don't have any diagnosed disabilities, like Asperger's, but I sure do have a lot of the symptoms. I feel that's more related to shitty upbringing than having me late though.

>multiple allergies
>pale skin
>almost roped with umbilical cord a week before being born neck ainkt alright

I have all of this, and my mother had me 10 years before yours. There's a lot more to health problems than just having your kid late.

That's like being born age 30 compared to someone whose mom had him at age 15

>mother was 38 when i was born
>heart's valve malformation since birth because born at 8th month
>C-section birth and autism
on top of this i'm also only child so i really think i was born just as "fix the marriage" baby or "let's make grandparents happy" baby