
>am asian

What kind of fetishes do u have for asian girls?

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Do you have a contact where I can add you fembot? Im vietnamese

theyre better than niggers by a few star leagues.

but theyre not Aryan Goddesses

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do not sell yourself out to non-asian pigs. it is not good for our race.

I personally give up finding a bf. I just want to go NEET for the rest of my life.
t. asian femanon

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the part where we get to cuddle and hug after a day of hard work at our well paying jobs

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hapa here

All too real friendo

this kind, but that goes for all grills

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Moaning uncontrollably for hours after she cums.

Ones that end with my penis in your mouth

I want to impregnate a cute asian gf so bad

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You must have a hairy pussy.

i dont have any fetishes for asian girls because i dont really care for them

I think my ideal relationship would be a mail order bride sort of situation with a girl from southeast asia, preferably Malay or Viet, who is mostly dependent on me. I would love and support her unconditionally even if she is very clingy and needy.

How low is your Iq?

>Wanting my whiteness fetishised by an asian qt
>Knowing she is objectifying me and getting sexually satisfied with traits specific to me

Only based reply here.

Everyone else here deserve to be shot for being a degenerate.

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I dont really see the difference between asian and non-asian girls. Women are all the same. That being said, my fetish is to have a submissive girl who will do anything to please me and endure whatever games I have in store for her.

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this,i gave up on 3d women

70-80 I would say.
I dont even know how to drive still.

I just want a cute gf. i have a 'cute' fetish

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Do you live in callfirnoa?

tfw no cute codependent gf I have to drive places

Did you already apply for NEETbux for your intellectual disorder?
Dont feel to bad about not knowing how to drive tho, its pretty normal for an asian

My fetish is girls who love me

None that I know of, I do like the idea of being with a asian girl, but i know for a fact no one is gonna like a half black guy cuz they hate us

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My fetishes include:
Wholesome lovemaking

Thank you for your time.

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How do you look, do you have the big lips and broad nignog nose?

Hahahah holy shit you are retarded

No and not really, people say i have long eyelashes

You want a sincere answer? I think asian girls have the nicest butts. People go on and on about PAWGs and latinas and black girls having nice butts, but insofar as I can tell you azn girls have the nicest ones and I'm kinda surprised I don't see them fetishized to scale of other races' butts.

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Based. Cute girls are the best no matter the race. Way better than 'hot' girls.Though I don't find that girl cute.

>into 6/10 hapa
>she's been with another guy for 7 years

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How does anyone think this is cute holy fuck

>What kind of fetishes do u have for asian girls?
The same as for white girls mostly.
Guess there would be a bit more dressing asian girls up before dressing them down.
Since you just look better as a rule.

Asians look cute even if they are a bit ugly because of their neoteny

She's not I'm desperate

This is the correct answer. She literally has a pig nose and I still think it's adorable.

this girl grew into a 9/10. thats how these girls work.

nah it's opinion

what about this girI?

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I have yellow influenza and I don't think she's cute

I love their eyes, I usually dont like looking at peoples eyes cuz sperg, but I feel like I could space out looking at asian ones, they give me fuzzy comfy tummy feelings.
I guess my fetish is having a sibling-ish like asian fren, so we could laze around, play games, and always enjoy each others company

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AISH! Good enough, doesnt need more points.

i doubt i could get a girl that cute holy shit her hair looks nice

She's a solid 5.5/10 even without makeup or some shitty photo enhancer like pic related

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i used to be into asian girls but then realized white girls are superior

t. asian

i love that stupid hair style

So, you view asians like animals then.

Whites are too superior above everybody. gooks back off

He views them like anime characters most likely

are you a gook?

i am a gook

>tfw I know an asian grill in her 20s who can't drive
I hope this isn't you

My fetish for an Asian girl is like so. My white wife and I have an Asian maid that I do with as I please. We use the Asian as a nyotaimori, pic halfway related.

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>I love your stupid hairstyle!

Is this you user?

Why are you such a hateful lad?

what do you mean, im a loving person.

I mustve read that wrong, thought you implied you hated your own race. most femanons do that

welp. Whites are the master race, never forget this.

Maybe when they prove it to me I'll believe it

maybe when you open your slit eyes youll see it

and you have?

Black is beautiful, tan is grand, but white is the color of the big boss man.

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fyi we are all merely robots

Cant be a nipfag

I'm nor asian lad, for a femanon you really are big on this

I hope they all have dicks, thats about it....

What do you mean user, go on

hey. wouldnt it be a great trick, if the Elohim (the let us, "we" in the book of Genesis), created shitskins out of dirt, and then told them a fabricated version of history?

and the whole time theyre just fucking with the shitskins with shitty eyes and ugly animal genes. that would be a great game.

also, the Aryan Nation is underground on the mini continent of Greenland.

No, I'm just imagining saying it out loud

Can I date one of you?

be my hateful asian bf/gf

Don't ask for permission. Ask for forgiveness.

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I cannot view Asian women as human and never have. They will always be weird robot aliens to me. Also I find 100 percent asians to be so fucking ugly.

cant be japanese thats what a nip is user

damn senpai is that a mulatto thing? I got that too

I'll take that as a yes, THAT WAS EASY LADS

>tfw asian larpers never even reply to me

probably enjoy it, some how girls think we look nice

alright so youre a nip

>She's a solid 5.5/10
lol no you faggot. She's a 4 tops even in your image.

Do you guys really want a girlfriend/ boyfriend that badly?

t. cac larp racebait

Hello Nickolas

asians are rice-munching freaks. theyre all just a bunch of niggers.

I want to impregnate an Asian girls feet

Are you a self hating asian woman

Short hair.
Small breasts.
Maid or school uniform.
No underwear.

a little bit of hate never hurt anyone

Why do you hate yourself lad?

The majority of them have such flat, squat, pathetic bodies. They're lucky to have anyone grace them with attention.

Is that lana del rey?

Stop talking about yourself a-non

Hammer to ching chong kneecaps

Nothing in particular, I have a fetish for women who are taller than me 5'4 though so I guess alot of asian girls are already out.

>but theyre not Aryan Goddesses
asian goddess>aryan any fucking day lad.

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