If you pronounce "regularly" as "reguly" and "definitely" as "defintly", you need to lift your game...

If you pronounce "regularly" as "reguly" and "definitely" as "defintly", you need to lift your game. Sick of hearing tards who can't pronounce words properly.

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preemptive fush and chups

user you should go to bed it's pretty late

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Never hear those. In Dixie you might catch an "Accreate" (Accurate) or "Simyular" (Similar) though.

Worst is "ask" as "aks" like fuck off

no user I'm a big boye

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how do you fuck up a word that badly?

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We just barely pronounce unstressed syllables so "kyurit" and "kreeit" aren't very far apart.

Another odd thing is that we barely pronounce any stops on the ends of words. You probably have heard "runnin' and jumpin'" instead of "running and jumping" but we also say "thin" instead of "thing" and "inste" instead of "instead" and anything else that really ends with a b, p, d, t, g, or k.

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not pronouncing stops on the ends of words makes me mad for some reason

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Don worreh, we don lie' i' when thuh brits don pronounce their r's, so ah understan.

something something stoicism

I don't normally transcribe my accent lol

go on do summin i dare you

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Go ohn, do sumthin', ah dare you

Are you the kind of people that says "thing" as "thang" or "than'"

If you don't say "y'all" your accent isn't fun

Attached: gotta honk fast.gif (350x426, 98K)

We pronounce it the exact same way we say "thin"


y'all're never gunna ge tuh experience thuh bes accen, mah accen.

>not pronouncing it as regly

Heard everything but the instead part, do you live in some fucking swamp in Georgia?

North Georgia/southern appalachia actually

We don't completely remove it but when speaking it does just kind of go away if you're paying attention. "instead" only sometimes but other words more often. It's easier to just randomly not say voiceless ones (p, t, k) for example, but still. I do say "inste" often enough.
