Is she someone that will work for robots? Republicans are anti-NEET. She's all for giving out free shit...

Is she someone that will work for robots? Republicans are anti-NEET. She's all for giving out free shit. Can we trust her?

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Liberals actually want to put things into action that indirectly help NEETs, I have no idea why pol9k loves conservatives so much.

Because it makes their dicks feel big.

She is against Israel so I like her already.

Because no one is happy being a NEET, if I could find a decent job I'd leave this hell, but I can't because I'm not a minority

I'm a minority and I can't get a decent job. Why do you think it's easier for us?

Because in my countries there quotas companies have to fill with minorities, so they just hire anyone that happen to be near

>She's all for giving out free shit.
Yes, to illegal Hispanic immigrants lel. Dem like her are going to throw your NEET asses under the bus the exact same way they sold out nogs for Mexicans. You're batshit delusional if you think you're special and that they won't.

She will introduce POC-NEET bill. Which basically means if you are an illegal or person of color you will have neetbux for life. If you are an American or white. You will only be allowed neetbux for 6 months while you prove you are applying to jobs. Any jobs you reject loses your neetbux. After 6 months neetbux stop.

u know thats a legit tranny right