Fembots how do i get male orbiters online

fembots how do i get male orbiters online

i am atleast a 7 and whenever i talk to guys they just bully me. i had no problem with guys irl but now I am a schizo and afraid to leave my house. it is getting so lonely. what am i doing wrong?

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Dress like a girl and show your penis online. Lots of gays are closeted bisexuals and like that type of shit.

*guys. Same difference.

I don't have a penis is this where i am going wrong?

>dont have penis
then why are you posting here?

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you're not actually a 7 you're probably a 5 or a 4 but with an ego so you can't handle banter, which guys love to do especially r9k guys. you have to deal with people who have abrasive personalities otherwise move onto another another board.

t. fembot who never leaves home with a group of online guy friends

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Not going to orbit you but I'll be your friend if you prove you're a woman.

literally just make a shitty extra discord and see which guys are nice and which ones are assholes

i do it all the time

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post discord or email and i will message

i dont feel safe posting mine directly

fine i'll bite. i might still bully you tho

What. But I thought you liked it when I bullied you.


if you get doxxed unprompted and people shit talk you will get supporters, it happened to me and anons defended me and my right to self agency.

keep in mind im mentally disabled and vulnerable, the user who doxxed me did it because im autistic and because he dossnt think of mentally disabled people as people
so i guess get dxed with autism,

No wonder why, you sound like a complete retard lol

Are they really?

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Too submissive. You don't know these people. Assert your dominate side and they will accommodate...they're nerds with mommy fetish

So that's what you are lol, more like

t. Ugly girl who can't get a life with pathetic beta orbiters

Bet you're in some server and everytime you join VC so many guys join too, get a fucking life u weirdo

Just beta orbiters orbiting an ugly girl on the internet

it makes sense dumbass
i got doxxed just for being mentally disabled and the dude threatened to tell my dad. surreal shit

Tfw the only fembot that could match my abrasive personality probably killed herself

You deserve it for being such huge retard and also an ugly attw

at least im sound enough than the guy who doxxed me, he and i talked only for a few hours and he acted like a victim. a nice user told me that people were shittalking me though

so, thats how i got my supporters. people told me the guy posted my contact without me knowing

Ffs stop whoring on internet and get a real life u dumb bitch uhg

obvously not whoring you dumbass
he was the one who doxxed me and shittalking me, obviously a malicious troll. i cant stop him