Why don't women Iike you?

why don't women Iike you?

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people don't like what they don't understand

Because they can tell I know about the narcissism and they've been conditioned to believe that makes me sexist.

because I fuck with them lol

Because im ugly, short, and have a lack of social skills.

I have the personality of a cactus

If I knew the answer to that question I would have changed it long ago

>90 IQ
>3 inch penis full mast
>no education
>no talents or skills
>not friendly, cold demeanor with little facial expression
>4/10 looks
>does not give back in relationships
That's not even all the reasons.

I'm 5'5, do I need to say more?

>I don't go outside, true shut in
>I don't talk to people
>No job
>Live with mom + grandma
>No car/driver's license
>No friends, even online
>Basically dropped out of college
>In debt
>Clinical depression, no motivation
>Dropped out of grade school at 12
>Little to no social skills
>Too nice, uninteresting and swallow when I did talk to girls
>No real hobbies or practical skills
>Spend all day here, on YT or playing games
>No good stories, at least none made after age 13
>Barely know where things are in my town, let alone the rest of the world
>Bad hair
>Patchy beard
>Weird walk
>Voice gets awkward
>Uneven jaw due to bruxism
>Thin, skinnyfat Dale Gribble bod
>Body acne/spots
>Numerous Fordyce's spots
>Mangled cut dick
>Shrunken meatus due to circumcision means that I have to wipe and shake every time I pee or my pants get wet
>Thinks Bulbasaur is the best starter
What's not to love?

They do. I'm Chadlet. Chadlets get 70% of the attention Chads would get.

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>acne scars
>dont dress nice
>no personality
>super interested in school/things rather than people to the point where im pretty sure I have the tism
>no car
A lot of those things I could change if I got motivated, but I dont really feel like it. I've accepted 2D as being better anyways

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I'm ugly, insecure, and bitter.

Pretty much the only women that have not liked me are idiots that have gotten upset after I've made it clear I don't play along with manipulative shit. Maybe it's because I've always been the bystander I can read people and their motivations pretty well. And when that kind of playing with people shit has started to surface up with girlfriends of my friends or people I've ended up being around of in school or something, I usually make it blatantly clear with my expressions and in worst cases just saying it out loud. This usually have lead to them turning passive aggressive against me, the worst case was one of my friend's gf who went completely ape shit and started to talk straight out of their ass making up stories talking about things I would never even go near and accusing me of being gay.

Luckily I choose my friends and people I associate with well and that kind of shit doesn't fly with them. The 2 people I can really call my friends know me better than my brother so there's never any heat towards me, stupid bitches just keep digging themselves deeper every time. Maybe thinking I am weak guy or something just because I seem passive. I am also a person who never meddles with or am even interested in other people's personal lives so when I say something people usually take it seriously.

Other women I think do not even think I exist or that's how they generally treat me, I get along with most people in the neutral interactions I am in with them.

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>someone on Jow Forums just made a 3 paragraph post that starts with "Pretty much the only women that have not liked me are idiots"
These are truly the end times.

They usually do when we first meet, but I often end up being way to edgy for them. Which is good because people who get offened at shit are worthless faggots anyway.

I think they do, but I can never keep eye contact

How can you tell that women like you? At least at first anyway.

Might as well tell why that one bitch went psycho on me since I started. (this was ages ago)
She started ask me questions about what do I think of her etc. trough msn messenger with my friend's account while he was in the shower or something. I could ofc tell it's not him and I straight up messaged her back something autistic like it's illegal to impersonate someone online with their account and also very sketchy and two faced on a personal level.

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Take a fucking guess bitch

Then ask them head on, if that's really true. Change can start tomorrow.

This basically. Orangutaniginal

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Autism I guess? I don't fucking know.

Because I don't have anything to say and I'm not anybody's personal clown.

Not the person you were responding to, but asking that will immediately lead to one of two answers, depending on how you ask it.
>1. "You act like you are entitled to women! Your attitude is mean and so nobody wants to be with you!"
This is if you ask it in a way that suggests you expect women to like you.
>2. "You don't have enough confidence! Women are attracted to confident guys!"
This is if you ask it in a way that suggests you expect women not to like you.

Even if you ask it in a way that leaves your expectations ambiguous, you will probably get a combination of these two answer depending on how the individual woman reads your question. In this way, the very asking of the question prevents the woman from giving you the real answer- she cannot see past the personality traits that she assumes would cause someone to even ask that question in the first place.

>Tiny Penis
>Anyone who managed to get past the previous three would be lying
>If they weren't lying I wouldn't believe them

only thing i luv about you is your starter choice user

because i know she will just get fucked by Chad behind my back

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im short........ and a redhead

First of all I do not approach, which throws off most females quite easily. She can signal her heart out, I just won't jump.
When they get to know me they do mostly like me, odd enough. But only as an amusing novelty that they MAY have sex with in a weak moment or better yet want to friend zone.
As a partner, I am too weird and unforeseeable. Also shit all "future prospects" as one qt put it so nicely.

I bet it has something to do with my face.

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>Also shit all "future prospects" as one qt put it so nicely.
Probably the biggest issue for us, we're naturally low prospect consisting of either Neets or wagecucks.

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Because they can tell I'm nowhere near Chad's mental and physical level just by my looks alone.

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Wait this is a negative?

In dudes a lot of time yes.

yes in my experience girls seem to dislike redheads while guys like them , its weird.

I have no friends aside from my libcuck weed dealer and a based atheist white nationalist who lives 1000 miles away these days. I have a physical disability self inflicted by working too much, preventing me from sleeping much or even being able to stop being slightly underweight, or get and hold another job without destroying my health and wanting to die

And yet girls seem totally into me wherever I do see them. And I ignore them because I cant imagine them being a benefit to my life unless I fuck them and leave them which isnt even worth the effort and risk of stds. Also I grew up with girls hitting on me even harder, but we were in more appropriate settings for that. But I also ignored them all for a bashful and humble girl who turned out to be a cum craving whore that warped my mind beyond comprehension with her sick perversions, shallowness and admitted sexual history after lying about being a virgin.

I ignore them only to see them have to settle for literal fat ugly niggers and Mexicans and talk about being lonely and sad on Facebook

I get the sense from women (being that theyre all taken, often married, yet look at me like a hungry dog looks at a steak) that they expect me to cuck their current guy or steal them from him

But fuck slobbering up some betas sloppy seconds without even waiting a few weeks between relationships which millenial women were apparently incapable of doing

Seriously every single chick I met was taken or broke up with a guy a week ago only to start fucking another guy within a week or so. OR they were totally unfuckable slobs. For my entire fucking life beyond the age of 17. All these fucking women with boyfriends and husbands flirting with me. Millenial women are a bunch of sick worthless whores. Its no wonder I worked my ass off alone wanting to die, until I was fucking dying, rather than get involved with these pieces of trash. Maybe gen z girls are different. But Im already fucked

Well I wouldn't advice it since I just suffered a nasty withdrawal over the weekend but opiates are pretty kino for replacing the feeling of hopelessness.

I guess I lucked out then? I had reddish hair as a kid and then randomly that changed to brown as I grew up. For a bit there in my teenage years, I still had a red beard when I first started growing it out, it's mostly brown too now though.

Because i am quiet and when you're quiet and don't look like a model they hate you.

Based Martha quote poster

I too have brown hair and a red beard. It's a common trait.

I'm ugly, boring, mentally ill and have lame hobbies. Why would anyone like me when there are so many better options?

other than the mentally ill part almost exactly my situation

What are some of you lame hobbies?

I don't know if they hate you (well they do if you are in their presence like 1-on-1), they just don't notice you at all and don't care for you. You are barely human to them

Women simply do not prefer me.

Maybe not hate but disgust and dislike, the same disgust they'd show towards a stray dog or something like that.

There we go, that stray dog analogy is excellent.

I think that is just basic npc normalfags in general though. I had multiple people in high school show general dislike and actually ask the why don't you talk question to me, with an attitude, and a few of those were boys, a few were girls.

I lift and vape weed. All other drugs are blatantly unsustainable long term.

Anime, vidya, film and television.

Soooooo same as the average person here?

Yep, and there's a reason why most of us don't have gfs. I'm also socially retarded, but again, so are most people here.

What's there to like? Even I don't like me.

>tfw 5'3
I feel you bro

If it makes you feel any better (it won't), height ain't all it's cracked up to be. I'm a little over 6' and I'm still a virgin who has never gotten close to a gf at 24. Shit don't matter if you are still a fucking autist.

They tend to like me. But I rarely meet any women. I'm highly reclusive, and on the rare occasion I'm in public, I prefer not to invade people's privacy.

I'm a virgin
I'm a NEET
I haven't had a real friend since middle school
I'm bad in social situations especially with strangers
I have no interests a girl would like