Can we get a manlet hate thread going? Not even a roastie but fuck short men.
Can we get a manlet hate thread going? Not even a roastie but fuck short men
2019 is the year of the short men user
be ready
Hey! I'm a manlet. Life sucks when you're only 5'11" why don't you find something more productive to hate. Like numales.
>not even a roastie
>but fuck short men
a lot of faggots do, there's major appeal in twink circles
>A lot of fa-
>be 6'11 manlet
>all the 7 footers pick on me and call me names
>girls flee from my presence because of my pitiful height
god, why do I even exist
Fuck you too, whatever happened to love thy neighbour?
>fuck short men.
>fuck fat women
I never had any love for my neighbor, user. Go do 50 grow grows and come back to me.
Anybody under 5'5 should be rounded up into death camps.
Anybody below 6' should be forced to take HRT or be castrated.
It's not like they are reproducing anyways.
I want to be waited on hand and foot by a harem of qt trap slaves. Depending on my mood they would be either lovingly cuddled or beaten, choked, and humiliated.
I want a household of manlet eunuchs to serve my every whim.
As is the right of every man over 6'
>posts annoying fucking roastie in thumbnail of obvious bait post
commit an hero my brother
Nah she's a trap mate.
It's a she. Stop lying.
Let us dream, user. Let us dream.
whatever nyannyan is, they're gone from the Internet thanks to some creep who went and fucking doxxed them
All the pretty things are broken.
I wonder which tranny jannie could be behind this?