Female suicide rates barely show up

female suicide rates barely show up
>women can be sad too user

Attached: suicide_rate_in_bc_2000_to_2014.jpg (1046x584, 77K)

Men have it way worse. Something eerie about seeing all those people and their troubled histories get deduced to a statistic.

If men kill themselves more they must either have it worse or be better than women right? Either they have it worse and that leads them to more suicides or if you consider women attempting more to mean women have it harder then men are just better than women.

tfw no chad is no joke, user

It's biological
>Optimal baby production rates are to have as many women to men as possible without going over the line so that the tribe is defenceless, can't provide enough, or succumbs to inbreeding
If you could have 25 men and 25 women or 20 men and 30 women you'd want the latter. This means that men are more predisposed to getting rid of themselves, usually through war or working themselves to death, but in this society all they have to do is end themselves before they grow sensible enough to realise it's a bad idea.

wtf happened in 2014

They started counting the heads that got blown off

Female depression isn't real lol

Suicide statistics are interesting.

Attached: sillycide.png (834x598, 32K)

>16 per 100,000
wow such a real problem that we should care about. lol

tinder got popular. 2014 was when they switched to the "swipe" and hit a billion swipes per day by the end of 2014

Attached: 1524359685155.png (1400x1086, 1.67M)

thats just the teens

that's just your ass talking. if the argument is muh women, they are clearly still killing themselves. if the argument is that there are a lot of suicides, nope. life is pretty fucking good as it turns out.

Probably because no matter how shitty their lives get she will always have guys falling over each other to be with her.

God bless the souls of the men who killed themselves they're leaving more girls for the rest I hope their rest is the most soothing ever I hope if god is real that he can have it in him to show mercy I mean their life was so bad they ended it all so wouldn't they deserve mercy?
Fuck women man women should definitely out number men is 100% right

>women suffer much less than men
It only took 20 fucking years for me to realize this.

The difference is that when women are sad, both men and women give them the attention they need and don't use it as an excuse to avoid them. If a guy is sad, both men and women avoid them like the plague. No one cares about depressed men, and they know it, which is why they just an hero. There's also stuff like people coming back from wars completely broken which women never have to deal with. So yeah, if you're going to be mentally ill just make sure you're not a guy or you're fucked.

I'm sure Jow Forums would have a field day with this

Attached: vs-0618-Suicide-infographic-1185.png (1185x421, 252K)

Yuro here, isn't Nevada the only state with legal prostitution?

yep, you're absolutely right

>female suicide rates barely show up
Now it finally makes sense that was such a push to make trannies legally "females".
Those tads are needed to bend statistics, since they are nearly certain to kill themself anyway.

>women more likely to commit suicide than men
>for every one woman that commits suicide theres 5 men to match her for it

Never send a woman to do a man's job

>incels blindly believing an unsourced chart of questionable validity

>dumbass can't google any suicide statistic and see the same thing

Attached: DqQdWWZXQAI2xMr.jpg (817x891, 61K)

How does that validate OP's graph? It doesn't, you brainlet.