She was blessed with my parents best genes and i was given my moms triangle face and dads ugly nose
Told her to stop bringing men over because she was to young to be doing that. She responds "your just mad tgat you're a virgin." My heart and mind wanted to explode because she was right
You should tell her to remember that because one day her used up dry cunt is going to be so undesirable she's going to be begging toothless homeless men to marry her.
Evan Ross
if this isnt fake, the spread of stds and pregnancy scares will naturally keep her in check. Sex does have natural consequences
Dominic Rodriguez
Wake up your parents and tell them somebody broke into the house through the window and snuck into your sister's room while its happening. Open a downstairs window quietly first.
Lucas Collins
Next time she says that ask her how much she charges for a blowjob.
Luke Johnson
so does being a virgin, have you seen the retardation in OP's post?
Jonathan Johnson
thats not the point if this is real, the potential baby will keep her in check from casual sex.
Josiah Anderson
His sister sounds obnoxious and spoiled. Don't see whats wrong with OP's post. If she's underage bringing adult men over she needs to be medicated. There is something wrong in her head.
Robert Cox
She too long gone for that, but Idont give a fuck about my sister, its just not fair i was giving the ugly genes and she's enjoying her early years
Bentley James
if its real the virginity will rot the poor boy
Jacob Wood
>obnoxious and spoiled if you function like a human being err... wait do you also not eat?
Andrew King
If your sister is under the age of consent and the guys are adults, you have a right to defend your sister from rape with force. She is literally unable to consent so it doesn't matter her opinion on it.
Landon Kelly
err... screwing children is not normal don't do that anymore ok ?
Jacob Howard
pedophiles can burn in a fire. OP is saying his sister is just functioning like a human being.
Jayden Carter
>teehee being a whore is natural :) Every day I am reminded that live in a society
Colton Nelson
No, he's saying she's young and they're adult men. He is saying she is a young child screwing adult men and being BPD about it when told to knock it off. Her being "young" and them being "men" is literally in his post, if you're even barely literate you wouldn't be having this trouble.
Sebastian Collins
t. virgin you're just as much a part of society. if you stop eating nobody will care either.
Easton White
that would be reassuring if it were true, but it isn't. Nobody cares about girls' virginity anymore
Easton Reed
t. victim of parental abuse you're just as much a part of society. if you stop eating nobody will care either.
Dominic Clark
Nice argument Oh wait you didnt make one! Tits or gtfo
Charles Diaz
come back when you learn how to make an argument, pedo creep
Elijah Scott
is your penis a sex organ or just an ornament?
Anthony Edwards
I must really have triggered you be pointing out your blatant endorsement of pedophilia. I just want to remind you one last time that screwing kids, is err, not ok before I sign off. Continue to writhe and seethe and rage as you desperately attempt to flip the script to save face.
Lucas Jackson
Do you fuck dogs because they have "sex organs" you nasty fuck?
Luke Moore
get out before you get BTFO out again, pedo
Jaxon Bell
>he fantasizes about animal penis wew!
Anthony Rogers
That sounds like the great start of a Junji Ito story.
Gabriel Adams
>the downs syndrome genes don't get passed on >the good genes do The system works!