>coworkers chatting it up in the break-room >i walk in to fix myself a cup of coffee >they stop talking and look at me >the blonde whispers something into the other one's ear >'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew NO WAY' >'shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he's going to hear' >'teehee, ew'
>Let's have a cum swallowing contest. Who should be today's victim for a surprise blowjob? >I bet user cums buckets. You probably couldn't swallow all of it. >'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew NO WAY' >'shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he's going to hear' >'teehee, ew'
>Hey user, how's your day?
Adrian Thompson
Just be nice to them and start slowly dropping seeds about how fat they are, how big their necks are, say they have man hands, etc etc. This will eat them up inside.
Matthew White
>Be black >Hang out with the 3 asian girl employees when I can >Can see black girls seething Girls are bad at hiding their asspain.
t.never had a job in his life Shit like this happens all the time.
John Powell
Thank god ive never actually heard someone talking about me. Ive only ever found out later
Nolan Allen
it's just how you frame it OP
Landon Wright
You BLACKED any of them yet?
Andrew Russell
>Never overhear any coworkers talk about me >Random 8/10 tells me she heard I like to read >Become pretty cool friends at work >She's married to an ultra chad like almost every other attractive woman I work with Hospitals aren't for us
Charles Barnes
> ask coworker out > part-time so don't see her for two weeks > we see each other again > she's in another area talking to a friend quite loudly > "HE ASKED ME OUT" > they both cackle loudly > they were making no effort to be quiet and I heard the whole thing
You robots should practice your don't fuck with me vibe. It makes you more of an outcast but nobody talks shit when you are nearby.
Dominic Reed
The best thing to do is seem like it doesnt bother you at all.
Ethan Williams
I've been using this lately, and it really works. Not sure if im doing it correctly, but basically I just do my actions with extra strenght and act like im a little bit mad
Gavin Davis
You should also train on your resting death stare face
Connor Fisher
>'teehee, ew' Was this a legit line?
Jackson Sullivan
this doesn't work if you're a 100lb manlet. no ones going to be intimidated by you
Jason Sullivan
That doesn't come with training. It's a gift my friend.
usually you would be right as its more effective when done by big boys but small anons might pull it off well if they add a tinge of psycho. No one is scared of a manlet until they picture him snapping.
Michael Carter
so much this. Been doing it for like 10 years now especially back school. also if you dont have down and natural git gud tbqh Also helps being 6'4" lmao
Luke Johnson
One thinks you're fuckable, the other does not. Kill em both.
Brody Bailey
should've snapped at them
normies do not have souls. giving them a pass does not endear them to you. they just hate you more
Isaiah Gutierrez
You mean because you will split them in half?
Jaxson Barnes
Apparently I give off that vibe, a girl at my work told me I don't talk much and it's very intimidating. I just don't speak when there's nothing to say, I'm there to work, not to engage in frivolous chitchat about what I got up to on the weekend absolutely nothing
Sometimes I forget I'm surrounded by people, one of the younger girls about my age laughed when she saw me stirring my tea with a pen lid. I just said there are no spoons and this was the most effective way to stir my tea. One of the older workers remarked on how it was smart to use the lid, in a tone that was on my side. I am a rather odd fellow and I make no attempt to hide it, I haven't been attracted to a woman I've met for quite a while now anyways so it's not like I aim to impress anyone.
Underrated, made me cackle like a madman
Anthony Williams
Ohshit, that could happen. But nah, I mean I have no idea how to push things into a sexual light, I always end up just being friends cause I don't want to be creepy.