>Watching porn with my headphones on
>Something feels wrong
>Look around and make eye contact with my mom
>She's standing in my doorway with an awkward expression on her face
>I scramble to turn off my hentai porn
>She closes the door shut and walks away
>I lock my door and fall asleep blue-balled
>That morning I wake up and tiredly walk into the kitchen
>Mom is cooking breakfast, she makes eye contact and gives a weird smile
>I sit down
>She walks past my seat and runs her fingers through my bedhead
>feels good man
>"Tired from touching yourself all night, user?"
Jesus Christ, mom
Watching porn with my headphones on
She wants your dick, Pepe poster. Stop touching yourself all night and go for it.
>>"Tired from touching yourself all night, user?"
hold her down and cum in her face
Alpha Mommy
Jesus fucking christ this is the hottest fucking thing I've ever read on here
>C-can you do it f-for me next time, mommy?
>All this oedipus shit
>shes just fucking with him for being a smelly virgin
>that last line
I fucking snorted, that's great
Whats wrong with the barrel of that gun? Is it diseased?
>things that never happened
post more bullying OP
"is the gun diseased"
what does that mean
Mum coming in hot with the BANTS. Hope you at least managed some sort of comeback.
Was your headphones plugged in?
I want to fuck your mom so bad
answer me you son of a bitch i wont be able to sleep thinking about this comment
Reading this made my dick DIAMONDS. Post pics of your mom right now please omg
The barrel is below the slide, at least from what it looks like at that angle. I don't think that gun would function.
This user. Are you too autistic to take a hint?
>taking a shower in the bathroom
>someone walks in unannounced and lifts up the toilet seat
>suddenly realize it's mom when she speaks
>"want me to join you in there, honey" she says
>she's taking a piss a foot away
>"uhhh, no thanks" I blurt out in reply
>she peeks her head in past the curtain from the toilet and stares at my flaccid dick
>mom gasps out in surprise and closes the curtain
>"I thought you were your father, sorry" she apologizes
>hear her scramble her clothes back on and flush the toilet
>burning water scolds my body
Why Mommy
now you have to fuck your mom, theres really no other choice. See how you compare to your dad.
>Watching porn with my headphones on
you got subhuman IQ or you just don't care?
prolly not even a real story.
Oedipus complex faggot
>not having your door within your peripheral vision
>not having headphone only on one ear