So many freaks on this board.
Lets have a nice normal thread. Maybe some of them will get jealous in a good way and see the light.
How has your day been, buddy?
So many freaks on this board.
Lets have a nice normal thread. Maybe some of them will get jealous in a good way and see the light.
How has your day been, buddy?
I get the point of everything except for not listening to foreign music. Whoever made this shitpost needs to improve. Still though, I'd say it's about a 7.5/10. It's very obvious but since this is 2018 Jow Forums I'm sure people will bite.
If you're that normal, why did you bother wasting time posting on this not so normal board when you could have done more normal activities ?
If your friends knew you went to this board they wouldn't think you're so normal anymore
Just because you're special, doesn't mean you're useful or that people should have to put up with your shit.
/trv/ler here. I just arrived to an exotic country. Anyone want shots? It's a long car ride and I'm bored.
>all these angry weirdos
god i love being normal and well-adjusted
Oh shit, is /trv/ the ticket to normiehood?
There are no robots or incels on that board.
Yeah you can go blow money to be an incel in another place. Snap a few pictures, make up some stories, and boom you can have something to fail at talking about in a conversation.
>i go to a gay board to say i'm normal
welcome lol. days been good.
Pretty boring actually. I met a cheerleader in uni who said she loved me but I said no just to make her desperate for me. Got 300 tinder matches and I'm meeting the hottest one of them in an hour. She's very excited. Me, not so much. Done that so many times that it gets really boring. Probably gonna pump and dump her.
Wrong, incels are unable to travel outside their hometown.
>I'm proud to be normal
Wrong, incels are unable to travel outside their home
Yes, if you go couch surfing and basically meet other travelers in a foreign country, you are bound to flirt and socialize and get laid.
People are much more relaxed and risky when nobody they know is around, and all the people near you are one time use friends. You aren't as embarrassed, and you can literally walk away from anything bad that happens.
They can go to the nearby store occasionally
I guess I'm kinda normal.
I have a pretty good paying job.
Plenty of friends.
I've had sex.
I've had a GF.
I've been on dates.
But I draw Sonic the Hedgehog lewds in my freetime.
Just opened up r9k for the first time in half a year.
pic related.
Normal = Boring
But then again no one is normal; everyone is unique in their own way. What is normal to one maybe not normal to another.
But that's my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Sounds pretty cool. So go travel alone? I'm having a hard time imagining how exactly to go about that.
And the big question: should I actually use the /trv/ board or should I keep away from it? I'm thinking how boards like Jow Forums can be fun to hang out on but ultimately don't help you develop much and are just another addiction.
Depends on what you want out of it. If you want to be le edgy kiddo Jow Forumstard then /trv/ will tell you to fuck off. If you genuinely want ideas and advice then go for it. Start by lurking a bit.
Yeah this image was probably created as bait, and OP is certainly using it as bait, but I still can't help but be kinda irritated when I see this thing because it is really not that far from the mindset some people have.
Like we have all encountered the type of person who takes pride in just being the default type of middle American and doesn't take the time to understand anything outside of what they're familiar with.
>being an atheist is not normal
being "normal" is boring. i dont see why so many people crave to be normal.
you forgot conservative/right wing
>not any of these things besides colored and maybe otaku
>have a few hobbies, a stable career, and actively lift and try to expand my social skills
>automatically placed in the same bin as trannies and liberal arts fags anyway
Fuck normalfags, you deserve to be bitches to your superiors.
Ok, thanks. So I understand that the board would actually
What I was thinking about were the "nobody on Jow Forums actually lifts" or "nobody on /fa/ actually knows how to dress well" memes
most normals dont know or care about politics. some are left wing some are right wing but they are really just echoing what theyre told to