Is there any hope for me as a borderline? I feel like all I ever do is push people away with my psycho mood swings and obsessiveness. I just want to have a normal life and feel loved. Am I just completely fucked? Or can I have a fix my shit and learn to be a normal person?
Is there any hope for me as a borderline...
Hard to say. you haven't given us any specifics.
Do you think you can improve?
While you'll never be completely "normal" if you implement the right system and find the right motivation you can probably start managing and finding strategies and coping mechanisms to deal with your obsessiveness, to cancel out your paranoid thoughts, learn to modulate or even stop mood-swings before they get out of hand.
None of this will be a quick fix, and it takes a lot of effort, but your quality of life will improve if you find the right strategies and stick to them.
I like clingy friends and want a clingy best friend
However borderlines will most likely leave you at the dr0p of a hat for example the one faggot named tokimoki got kicked out of his first apartment because he assaulted the landlord in an emotional outburst because i called him fat and suggested he needed to fast and cease his sugar addiction.
Borderlines are usually not loyal I like clingy loyal ones
y'all are emotional idiots ripe for manipulation.
I'm planning on doing dbt next year when I can afford it so that I can help manage everything. It's very hard to control my emotions and my impulses but I am definitely trying until I can get therapy. The self destructive outbursts and the feeling that everyone hates me is hard to deal with and constantly brings me down though
>Or can I have a fix my shit and learn to be a normal person?
Obviously this. You need to learn to recognize when you're being psycho, and modify your behavior accordingly.
I know I'm just some guy on the internet, but if you want my advice, look at self-improvement like a very slow game of dominoes, you have to knock over the first few but that starts a chain reaction that makes later things easier.
>It's very hard to control my emotions and my impulses
When do these flare up?
>The self destructive outbursts
What's the most common example of one of these?
>and the feeling that everyone hates
Who is 'everyone'? What do they do that makes you think they're expressing displeasure or hate with you?
Do any of us have any hope whatsoever of making it?
Hard to say...
>When do these flare up?
It's hard to say most of the time but the most common times I can think of are when I get criticised harshly, insulted or when someone close to me cancels plans with me or doesn't reply to me for hours on end
>What's the most common example of one of these?
Self harm and constantly repeating how awful I think I am is a big factor in a lot of them. But I also isolate myself or specifically say things to get someone to leave and stop talking to me all together.
>Who is 'everyone'? What do they do that makes you think they're expressing displeasure or hate with you?
What I mean by everyone is everyone that is close to me. I know that I interpret social cues and things people say and do incorrectly. However it still doesn't stop the feeling that they hate me because it's what I see when I talk to them unless they explicitly say that they don't hate me (sometimes the emotions get too overwhelming and even when they say this I still don't believe them). This also ties into my self destructive outbursts because it can lead to me having them sometimes
I have read this user, but I'm just trying to process it and think of something relevant to say. So don't think I've fucked off. Is it okay if I ask you some more questions?