What a super shitty week. Tell me I'm retarded for having feelings and pining for females. Really having loyalty and affection for other people really is pointless isn't it? They can just shit over it and take you for granted in an instant. All those romance movies are completely fucking stupid shit that doesn't work in real life no matter how women say that's what they want. Someone kind and helpful is the last thing anyone ever wants.
It's probably pointless to ask since this board is mostly incels but how do you get out from this and make sure it never happens?
Putting women on a pedestal gives you a sort of high as a man. I have a desire to have some sort of perfect muse to direct my love at.
Camden Jenkins
>being a cuckold gives me a kind of high This is you
Daniel Walker
You can't be friends with women. If you don't ask a girl out by the second day of knowing her, just stop speaking to her.
Oliver Garcia
You should make your intentions with a girl 100% serious from the first second you talk to them. This cuts through all of their bullshit and is better no matter what. If she does like you then boom you scored, if she doesn't then you didn't waste your time and emotions orbiting her like some cuck.
If you don't do this then you deserve heartbreak.
Jeremiah Roberts
You will never stop getting in love with girls and getting disappointed and depressed when they inevitably find bfs, what you can do is make it so this isn't the most important thing in your life. It's easier to deal with this when you have other things you care more about. Also you can kind of control how much you allow yourself to fall in love with someone, liking lots of girls just a bit hurts less than really loving one girl when this happens.
Become hot and you'll get a girlfriend. Go to gym, it's literally that easy. Sure there are like one in a million cases where not even gym wont save themselves from inceldom, but for average robot and average fatty/skelly it will work. All the guys I have rejected could've been insta bf material if they just hit the gym and got sexy body.
Just go lift 3 times a week (or 6 times depending on program) for about an hour and don't eat like shit and you get a body girls will gladly fuck. It's not hard at all, I know because I myself workout.
Bentley Nguyen
that's not what I said though. having an idealised waifu is not uncommon at all
Ian Diaz
You need to value yourself first. I'd give you more pointers here but I'm going to need time to forgive you for being a beta orbiter.