Sissy/Trap/Femboy/Tranny hate thread

Sissy/Trap/Femboy/Tranny hate thread
You are not real women and you will never pass, you are mentally ill and need help, which is a bullet to the head
You are a burden to modern society

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Other urls found in this thread:üllerian_duct_syndrome

cool story user.
it's a shame your onion will never matter

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Yeah, you messed up with that statement, you lose, now fuck off

Trannies can't even insult people correctly. Why should they be able to get put on life changing hormones?

>think it was a spelling error
lmao, dumb onions. thanks for making my point

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>Doesn't know onions is a filter of s.o.y
Fucking newfags

you should like them tho, it means there are more "females" to possibly date. after all it is more likely that a tranny will settle for less cuz she has her own flaws

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>You are a burden to modern society
you should add neets as well, in that case.

Sorry, not mentally, I am heterosexual and I like REAL women

I want to give that dog a big hug OP, that's all I know

What is a real woman, I think my gf is one of those bargain women and I must know!!

I wish just once you wretched LARPing faggots could present your nuts to me like this IRL so I could stomp them as hard as I could with my football cleats.

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Well for one thing, a real woman doesn't have a nutsack or cock. So that's step 1. Then you need to have no adam's apple, some female-sized hands and feet without prominent veins, a normal female non-faggot voice, ovaries, a uterus, fallopian tubes, so on and so on. Finally you need XX chromosomes. So all in all you queers fail this test unanimously.


Also based op

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>can't get past the filter
>*kicks him in the taint as hard as I can*

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Man those nuts are just ripe for stomping. Imagine slamming down on them with your boots and feeling them explode into bits as the queer squeals in intense pain unable to move.

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masc4fem is based and im doing my best to become the most high test male and i want a trap femboy in girl clothes gf

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God what I'd give to stomp that faggot right in his nutsack.

Jokes on you faggot that's my kink
Ok so
SRS exists that knocks out the nuts and cock
You can get your adam's apple surgically reduced in size so it's not visible, or you can train to raise it up really high so other people don't see it, also not all amab girls even grow big adam's apples, plenty of my trans friends barely have to worry about theirs.
Female-sized hands and feet without prominent veins are literally dependant on the person, I've seen tons of cis women with bigger hands and nastier feet than the cute boys I fuck.
Voice training exists.
There are plenty of cis women born without/with not functioning ovaries, uteruses, and fallopian tubes, also there are cis men who are sometimes born with all 3!üllerian_duct_syndrome
Also all of these cases don't have XX chromosomes, and there are way more I didn't list here.
Maybe being a woman is about more than just ones chromosomes?

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Just go lose your virginity to a trap you fucking rarted onions sucking bitch

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Stop mentioning them. I get turned on by just seeing those words and I don't want to fap for the 8th time today

>it's a shame your s o y will never matter
imagine trying to hide his auto-correct fail, through "le newfig xD"

Already lost mine to a woman thank you

Hey I just came back to this thread, I didn't read your post btw.