Mine is Misfortune Embodiment. I basically become the god of bad luck.
"The user of this power can become the embodiment of misfortune, they can cause unfortunate conditions or events, and can make others and themselves unlucky to any severity, as such, they have limitless control over all forms of misfortune on all levels. They are able to feed off the power of others misfortune, and empower themselves with it."
>powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Instilled_Knowledge Would unironically solve most problems in my life. Also >Known users: Venom Snake (Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain) I don't remember that part of MGSV
whoops. Power is Despair Embodiment Users become the living embodiment of despair and gain the ability to feed off of the despair of everyone and everything, including themselves. Users can convert despair into energy and use it as a full source to extend their own life span or as a weapon. They may never age and may be immune to death unless certain conditions are met.
Daniel Ramirez
is this your true identity? also kind of hard to beat something that nullifies all other abilities
>Disproportionate Force >User can make great/difficult movements/accelerations with very little force and effort. They can make the most difficult/energy consuming/largest of movements with minor push/pull.
powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Cyber_Mode finally i can jump through the internet and strangle all the 13 year olds that shit up games and then all the trash teammates in video games that go "chill bro it's just a game lol yeah we're losing but im just here to have fun haha"
Haemokinetic Wall Construction User can create walls of blood from nothing or by shaping the existing blood from oneself or from the others, they can shape the wall to shape they want, but afterwards the walls are unchanging and immobile.
Is this a joke? The power to perceive reality. I must already have this power because even a random power fun thread won't allow me the fantasy of imagining a better life. Pic related