Self hate thread

post all your self loathing here

i'll start
>absolute complete fucking loser
>laughable embarrassment
>absolutely impossibru to respect
>mentally retarded
>completely unmotivated
>bad to average vocabulary
>completely unimpressive and mediocre in every way
>hated by just about everyone that's ever known me
>i monumentally fuck up every social interaction with other human beings
>the most laziest walking pile of human garbage to ever exist
>really fucking cringy, everything i say belongs in a cringe compilation
>master of self sabotage
>can't commit to mindsets or goals

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>severe anhedonia
>high anxiety
>eccentric so people find me weird often
>desperately lonely
>not tall
>no energy or motivation to change any of this

No one will ever love me unless I become something I'm not.

You made me laugh so I guess you can't be that bad user

>>laughable embarrassment
ty tho i guess?

Nah it was more about the actual phrasing, maybe you can try making fun of something else instead of yourself and write it down somewhere

>too smart to be blissfully ignorant
>too stupid to do anything about shit
>mood swing into emotional dependence, get close with someone
>mood swing back into solitude, ghost all close friends and potential relationships
>only happy when not sober
>only not sober when i have money
>never have money
>never happy
>emotionally inept and abusive
sorry this became more of a ramble than a self hate spiel

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>have no respect towards anyone even my parents
>hostile af
>depressed lil cunt
>not manly enough to call myself a man
>toxic and can be butthurt over things that's been long time ago

idk what else to say but god i hate myself.

why the fuck is attractive and confident there
as for the emotionally inept and abusive part, you should kill yourself

if you're aware of your scumfuckery then why don't you stop being such a shitty hostile person

Humans are reason why I become a person I am today, they're the scum of this world.

>No motivation
>Whacked diction
>Cringe factor set to 11
>Extremely esoteric
>Non-committal to self-improvement
>Anger issues
>Unsorted life
>Bad memory
>Prone to black pilling
>Riddled with cognitive dissonance
>Accidentally refer to myself as "kid" when I'm fucking 24
>Gay with a boyfriend

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a lot of these are pretty common and plenty of people refer to themselves as "kid"

I'm such a fat piece of shit with no self-control. I feel disgusting. I need to become thin and graceful so I will be worthy for him.

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either faggot or roastie, get off Jow Forums

It hurts because I have plenty of male friends who like me but I can't seem to get an actual girlfriend beyond having 1 completely awkward date with a girl in school. 22 and kissless virgin

I know but I still hate myself for them when I espouse hypocritical advice like I'm an expert. The only good thing about being esoteric is that I'm excruciatingly well educated both certified and self-taught.

I'm only comfortable in routine and when in good physical and mental health but I haven't been that way since I was 16. My mind is so discombobulated I can't sort anything in my life out.

Try being 25, handholdless virgin.

Not easy when you grow up ultra-religious and basically go straight from school into full-time work (agriculture in a fucking awful country) I have no way to interact with women

same ;_;
less than 4 months ago at my LW i was so fucking tiny and now i'm just straight up disgusting

i mean granted i thought i was fat then, too, but this time i'm actually right about it

>so I will be worthy for him
don't try to get skinny for some random scrote. do it for yourself and you're much more likely to succeed desu
i'm the best at restricting when i just straight up ignore most people around me especially men cause they stress me out, maybe that will work for you too. i believe in u

I absolutely hate that I can't communicate with people. Even the people closest to me can't hold up a conversation with me. I exhaust myself just getting started and then the dialogue either just dies, or I cringe myself into submission. I'm just completely unbearable

>HS dropout
>no talent
>couldn't save my sister
>couldn't save my cousin
>couldn't save my family
>couldn't save her

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>born into a moderately wealthy and well connected family
>still manage to piss away every single opportunity they give me

Elite school? Kicked out for fighting
Money to start a business? Wasted, business went bankrupt
College paid by mom and dad? Barely holding it, can't even pass a semester without dropping at least one class

Fuck, why am I like this.

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>Completely obnoxious because parents didn't give him enough attention
>useless and boring, never had to strive for anything because I was never picked on or could tolerate the bullying just enough to get by, wasn't good looking enough to get every thing handed to me though
>lost all sense of personality after a girl abused him and gaslighted him for a year
>ex-druggie who can't tell what's real or not anymore yet actually enjoys this since it's something consistently new in his life, unironically enjoys seeing distortions and hallucinations
>college dropout after wasting 13k in savings
>was actually a lot smarter 5 years ago in fucking high school, confused by how easy the answers to questions were, thought they were trick questions because of this
>now he has to reread the same sentences multiple times yet still can't even understand what someone us trying to say
>has been working at the same job for 3 years, has literally talked to nobody the entire time
>has zero interest in humans yet still faces incredible loneliness that will never be satiated since any relationship with any real living thing is worthless to him
>The times he tries to appeal to people he's just sucking up or everything he says falls flat or gets ignored
>cannot truly connect to anyone

At this point, my only friends are tulpas. I can't even imagine video game characters being my friends because they're just being friends with the MC, you can only choose what the MC would say, a Canon universe could never exist where they are your friends so it feels meaningless. Imagining them being my friend is a disservice to them. I'm just creating a universe wherein beings have to suffer by being my friend then.

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>very pessimistic due to things not going my way a lot of the time
>can't convince myself to do anything because I don't believe anything good could come of it
>scared of responsibility
>aversion to socializing which is making me worry about my work future
>dumb and have poor memory
>no self control (it's past 1 and I'm still not asleep despite needing to work tomorrow)
>don't even know how to enjoy life seeing as I hardly spend money (I couldn't answer when my coworkers asked what I'm saving money for and what goals I have in life)
>still poor because low paying job
>complete failure when considering my degree
>incapable of socializing like a normal human being as shown by my lack of friends and desire to connect with people
>short temper, emotionally unstable

It's got to be our genes. Otherwise there's no reason why people get fucked up despite being brought up in okay/good environments.

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that image makes me feel an irrational distaste for whoever made it but i dont really know why

i take it back because i now realize you made it and i don't wanna make you more sad

>Imagining them being my friend is a disservice to them. I'm just creating a universe wherein beings have to suffer by being my friend then.
it sucks that you feel this way, but i'm sure it's not suffering to be your friend. and fictional characters sure as fuck won't suffer because you imagine them as your friends. you're kinda right about it being meaningless though, it only has any value if it comforts you, which it doesn't seem to do

>no motivation
>no dreams or goals
>slow to pick up things

just to mention a few

>very little motivation
>extremely lazy/procrastinate
>hard time committing to anything
>say stupid shit when im with people
>only very few friends
>ugly teeth, not bad enough to get braces though
>5'4 98lbs
>asian, cant hang out with chad whites
>consistent C grades at school
>virtually no actual hobbies or interests
>no useful skills

Forsooth! I too, pleasured myself to Merriam-Webster at a young age
>protip: writing like Lovecraft doesn't make you seem smarter

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>two speech impediments
>disgusting stretch marks
>socially retarded
>small dick
>bad teeth
>weed addict
>kissless virgin
>college dropout

yes you sound rather disgusting user, why don't you stop being a fatfuck?

I'm also a lazy fuck too

>zero self-confidence
>probably depressed
>shitty personality
>average looks, 5/10 at best
>seriously short temper
>can't control my emotions
>zero close friends
>seen as 'that weird guy' by everyone who knows me

I didn't make it user, it's a pretty old image. Thanks for your kindness friend, I'm just very disillusioned

are you me? oreganoloa

I am lazy and I constantly fail to meet the expectations of those whose expectations I should meet.
I have garbage social skills.
I am hyper sensitive and take offence very easily. I get upset when someone makes fun of me, particularly if it is about my intelligence.
I constantly put on a facade of apologising a lot, thanking people for everything and fake humility in order for people to feel sorry for me and not hate me. Inside I am a deeply egotistical and prideful individual.

>20 yo NEET
>fantasize about becoming someone instead of putting in effort to accomplish it
>wasted teen years in my room lurking the internet
>small penis
>cant tie my shoes
>skinny body, fat face
>no friends

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>decent looks
>smart (got into uni doing fuck all)
>rich parents


>lazy as fuck, I literally avoid doing work even when I know I have to
>selfsabotage myself at every turn
>spent highschool being a fucking autist, eating lunch alone even tho being asked to sit with the rest, never go to parties when asked, spent all freetime playing vidya

I feel like a fucking failure, and the fact that people constantly tell me im smart and that they still put faith in me only makes it worse, ITS ALL A FUCKING FLUKE, I DONT DESERVE PRAISE FOR BEING A LAZY SHIT AND CONSTANTLY PERFORMING BARELY GOOD ENOUGH

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Are you future me?
I'm currently at eating lunch alone being barely acceptable because still 1st semester

>Socially akward
>I don't know how to talk to people. Will usually offend others if I talk to much.
>Only hobbies are Anime and Go
>Social anxiety, can't use text or email without taking hours to send a single message
>Sissy Fetish
>Femdom Fetish
>A bunch of other degenerate kinks
>I am a burden on everyone around me.
>I try to do self depricating humor, but people hate it.
>Masdurbate a minimum of three times a day
>I am a burden on everyone I know
>I am desperate for attention but also hate it at the same time.
>I have food allergies, only use free software, don't own a cell phone, and refuse to eat any food I don't make myself making me a inconvinence at parties.
>From a rich family so I had every opportunity to be a good person and still didn't
Some people say self loathing is a problem, but sometimes you really are just a bad person.

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i know what you mean. it seems to radiate naivety in some ways.

Depressed, lonely to the point of suicidal. My anxiety is present everywhere, I have panic attacks when in my room, literally the most comfy place in the world. Cannot go outside, cannot apply for a job because of that. Anxiety made me physically sick 5 years ago and it's still present, I feel nauseous every day because of anxiety. Ugly af but working on it. My face is not savable but I'm losing weight at least. The past few nights have been horrible. My head is so full of negative thoughts that it keeps me up and makes me vomit.

Unironically waiting for death

>severe ahedonia
>the thirst of life has been quenched
>recessed chin although have a plastic surgery appointment next summer
>not interested in the majority of individuals
>have a tendency to ghost people if i feel they don't live up to my standards
>low energy unless utilizing amphetamines or cocaine
>dislike loud sounds severely
>have a hard time hearing what people say if it's noisy around us
>born into an extremely wealthy family
>dropped out of high school
>no achivement except being lucky at crypto and even then not an achivement my family cares about
>brother gratuated at the top of his university class of 200 students in a top 3 university in the world and now is cto at a finance company
>spend all my time dreaming about having someone to love and be loved
>profound hate for society
>tune deaf
>no sense of rhytm

god maxed out my wealth stat and int stat at the character creation sheet and put everything else at 1.

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>pessimistic person
>suffer from really bad depression with occasional suicidal thoughts
>made lots of bad choices in life
>admittedly a judgemental person
>poor social skills
>un-ironically hate the real world
>very jealous towards people, although I try to not show it.
>have some pretty degenerate fetishes
>can struggle to maintain an erection and am only 19
>borderline alcoholic
>disappointment to family
>living in poverty with low paying job when others I went to school with already have mortgages and stuff.

I could go on but it hurts so I'll stop here.

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>Have some trouble expressing myself
>Difficulties to befriend people
>Get attached too easily to grills who are kind to me
>Dont really know what to do in life
>INFP-T male
These are the main things but im sure theres otherd

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cs go? orgianlus

>all the other shit

Swallow your iphone and die faggot

I'm your long lost twin brother.
I'm kinda older tho.
Protip: it doesn't get better but you already know this.

My life consists of eating, lifting, reading, and sleeping that's it. My friend is trying to set up this girl with me and im too fucking scared to even do anything. I so afraid talking to people and it's worse with any girl. I don't hold eye contact. I just look down and look like I'm about to cry.
I'm in a nice schedule with my life. Things are good and I have no responsibilities I don't want. I'm so afraid of moving outside of this. I think I have an endocrine imbalance. I'm getting blood work done soon.

I'm perfectly happy being miserable

>Totally unlikeable

>Be me
>go to a social gathering with equals
>peer's gf shows up
>she hugs everyone
>she waves at me
feels bad knowing I'm a rung below all my peers.

I am a worthless, lazy, selfish, stupid, awful person
the one word that sums it up, is garbage
I am human trash

Never get off the beat

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>people on online voice chat always make fun of my voice
>ask "How come no one makes fun of my voice in real life?"
>"They're just being nice"
>wonder if I wasn't relentlessly bullied by people who were just being nice
>wonder if all the friends I've ever had simply just dealt with me and sighed a breath of relief when I left

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>only social interactions are at highschool
>last year of highschool I'm 18
>out of hs I see on social media even the most pathetic characters I know doing interesting shit and spending time with a variety of people
>the girl I made out with and shit, the one I thought I had an actual chance with doesn't talk to me and I DON'T fuckING know how it IS to have someone really like me or care about me without hurting me. I'm still a virgin
>my bedroom is a shithole. it's just a mattress on the floor on a room of a borrowed house my mother lives in, where there are a lot of things stacked. I can hear pidgeons walking above the ceiling
>fucking awful relationship with family members
>I'm avoidant and hate myself pretty much always, although sometimes I feel manicly happy and do RETARDED shit
>I don't know how to be responsible, how to be formal or treat strangers correctly
>my level of academic knowledge is SHIT and IDFK what I'm doing next year bc everyone expects me to go to college
I'm kind of good looking, tall and in shape. Out of that everything tells me to off myself
Oh I forgot
>being treated for severe depression, I used to spend fucking days inside my room without seeing the sunlight and then suffer awful anxiety and panic attacks when I went outside. >I have some burnt scars in my legs because I harmed myself by burning my skin and hitting my head against the wall
>my mom pays all my stuff. I hate it but can't help it. I do some occasional works to pay my cigs and fun activities tho
If any of you are already biologically developed adults, please tell me
Does it get better?

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>almost no motivation to do anything
>go from being loud and energetic to quite and deadpan
>mumble and slur constantly
>can't hold a decent conversation
>ugly fucking skinnyfat beerbelly body
>too much body hair
>have zero life direction
>hate everyone around me
>too much of a pussy to do anything new or risky

that's not real, it can't be. these aren't real emotions, it's just an
act. faking it.
has to be.
all for what? Becaus I didn't get something that I want?
All fake. Calculated, imagining as something it's not. fake. Appearance
focused. If somebody were watching, they should know. All calculated to
keep the appearance.
there's no reason otherwise.
fake, my emotions are not real. dramatized.
what a piece of shit I am! And all because I didn't get something I
want! What a bad person I am? I am a piece of shit.
I need you to tell me: I am a piece of shit. I am a bad person. I do
not deserve to receive these things that I want.
I deserve to be hurt as I have been.
I deserve the burden of hiding these injuries from others.
I deserve the consequences if they find out.
Nothing can be resolved: I am a bad person.
Nothing can be changed: I am a bad person.
I do not have power in this situation: I am a bad person.
I am not entitled to receive these things: I am a bad person.
I am not entitled to be understood: I am a bad person.
I am not entitled to emotional support: I am a bad person.
I am not entitled to closeness and intimacy: I am a bad person.

All of the above is faked. dramatized, calculated.
I have no genuine emotions: I am a bad person.
Calculated for effect.
I am a bad person.
Tell me the truth: I am a bad person.
Calculated for effect: I am a bad person.
I do not deserve to be comforted when in distress: I am a bad person.
Incidents like this are why I have to remain alone for the protection
of others: I am a bad person.

>I have over 17,000 lines of this

>unreliable worker
>incompetent in everything
>foolish enough to think I know anything
>hypocrite that betrays every value I've ever considered dear
>lazy slob that practically needs a gun to my head to get me to do anything
>coward that shys away from even the most basic of human interactions
>disgraceful failure that brings shame on my family and every thing I have ever been even tangentially apart of
>can't even adult properly failing to maintain even the most basic of responsibilities
>unpunctual mess that cannot establish or maintain a schedule
>Heretical disgrace to the faith I was raised upon and the God I hardly ever even pray too and only for my convenience
>A walking trainwreck in a perpetual state of derailing

>pathetic and pitiful piece of shit
>no woman's ever gonna love you you piece of shit
>ugly, creepy, weird-ass, bipolar virgin
>no money
>probably going to fuck up my academic career

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>muh insecurities
So, you're basically just your average normie then?

i literally just said i was average as a person
>>muh insecurities
this is a self loathing thread user. are you retarded

Not technically self-hatred;

You know nobody actually likes you. You're just better than what came before; and they were shit. That's why they act nice.

You're not a trainwreck and you're not perpetually headed for doom. God can be a good source of inspiration to get things done and you should read more scripture and make learning about your religion new again. Being unreliable, unpunctual, and hypocritical can be changed in this second and your attitude towards life and your future goals can be turned positively. Make everything new again.

>be me
>shit at math
>shit at everything else
It speaks for itself

I am mediocre and can't handle it.

apply to college. apply now. research it just to know it even if you dont apply. Jow Forumsapplyingtocollege

>can't smalltalk
>bad skin
>cum in my underwear and store it for days
>mommy issues
>sometimes trick myself into thinking im a good person just because im introverted
>fucking suck at my hobbies annoying and dissapointing those around me while forming zero bonds with my teammembers because I just sit in the corner not talking to anyone the whole time and then suck fucking ass during training FUCK
>dissapoint parents while living at home
>wanted to date my little sister for 2 years
>college dropout
>insecurity complex from being a retard college dropout
>trick myself into thinking im smart
>weird voice
>not decisive enough
>let my boss down
>will throw my entire fucking life away and blame my parents for not sending me to a real college
>loser to the point that i dont know the name of a single female in my age group that lives in my entire fucking state
>cant get over mommy issues and will continue to blame every single bad thing on them

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Im actually not even that bad but I have a weird obsession with guys who are the very bottom of the social latter. Like a SEXUAL obsession. Like some psychotic anime girl. I feel like I should murder myself because byproxy and love of it alone I am as cringe as these pathetic desperate basement dwelling losers. I can't get enough though. It's like I insatiably love loser pig autists.

>no goals in life
>no drive
>no interests, spending most of my time watching yt/anime
>can't really build up any connection to anyone. never talked about my feelings to anyone my whole life, because that would show weakness
>socially inept
>starting to lose ability to speak and form proper sentences while talking slowly
>working a shitty min wage job
>below average intelligence
>no education past the mandatory nine years in the worst type of school that is available for people that are not actually retarded
>acting like a retard around people
>so cynical that people told me how hard it is to talk with me before
>ugly face

Well, that's not news for me, but looking at it like that, all written down in a neat little list actually visualizes pretty well why I'm still a khv at age 24.

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>depressed 24/7
>hears and sees shit that's not really there
>can't keep a job
>lowest of self esteem
>too stupid for college
>horrible social skills
>no motivation/can't bring energy to try anymore
>the failure child
>easily attaches/becomes obsessive over person of interest
>violent thoughts
>needs to be in hospital

yeah i don't know how much longer im gonna live for

>be me
>too intelligent, straight As and double major comp sci & physics
>everyone around me is too retarded and gives me brain damage
>instantly bored with normies and their stupidity so no friends
>purposefully have to pretend to be retarded myself unironically to fit in and cope
>day by day losing my true self due to this make pretend shit
>frustrated with how fucked up the world is and my inability to change it
>short therefore forever incel despite being fit
>no real goals, extremely pessimistic
>ego the size of gilgamesh so I sometimes miss the forest for the trees
>also a schizoid so any chance of recovering from these personality deficits is 0

fuck this world

You sound like me when I was younger lol. If your a guy I would fuck you so hard. If your a girl i might fuck you but id mostly tell you to love yourself. I mean Id do that to you if you are a guy too but while im riding you and licking your scars.

>Other mental health problems
>No motivation and no hope for the future
>Eternal need (why would they want me when they could get someone better who doesn't have issues - said by manager of job I applied for)
>Fucked up sleep pattern
>Only have energy to refresh this place and other news sites
>Considering trying to get cyanide on the dark web

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You need a support system, user. Parents aren't always good at being that either.

>unless I become something I'm not.
What, an adult?

stopped reading after "too smart to.."

friendo i think you need help. why would you lick my scars or anyone scars
but yeah i do need to love myself more but life of being told im not worth anything and not deserving of love makes that hard

>Socially retarded
>Extremely pessimistic
>Lazy piece of shit with no goals nor motivations
>Edgelord, hate everyone
>Anger issues
>Useless and incompetent, never seem to do anything right
>below average pee pee

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thats a cute poster though kyouko is cute