I hate being a mutt
I hate white people
I hate myself, I'm done with trying to fight the mirror every single day because I am disgusted with how I look, I hate my miserable life, I'm not interested in improving my worthless self,and pointless life, what's the point, no matter how much I change my life I will always be disgusted with myself, I'm tired of this I'm actually gonna kill myself goodbye.

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Things get better man there are good people out there. Also i like mexico where do u live there?

sad, pick up a hobby, play vidya to clear your mind, be happy with life and not let a shitty meme determine your entire life

This. Being Mexican is hell on earth. Wish we could wear masks in public so we wouldn't be so ashamed of going outside. Whites dont know how good they have it.

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I've tried all of that, but in the end I always end up from where I started, I don't follow any religion and have zero belief in an afterlife, literally the only that was stopping me from killing myself was expecting something to change, but now I have absolutely no hope for that.

I grew up in new mexico. It seems to me that hispanic people there have a way better quality of life than white people because of family and culture or whatever.

before you kill yourself could you post a picture of yourself? surely you're not as ugly as you think you are

pic related. its a Mexican

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Si si porfavor suicidate, pinche chucho subbhumano con mezcla de sangre europea africana y india no tienes indentidad y eres una abominacion.

>I hate white people
we hate you too.

Kek most mexicans arent white

She's the average Mexican you frijole

I hate you as well beaner fuckboi

Thats just a meme. Our families are broken and were constantly at each others necks. Mexican fathers are stereotypical drunks/abusive pricks. Our mothers shit out children, and then its survival of the fittest. Like Eagles the children fight among themselves and the ones who are defeated is me and OP

I can finally agree with spichoe.

This is what I think of when I think of a mehiko women.

I don't see how your depression and nihilism have to do with your ethnicity, but alright I guess. What exactly is the issue? You feel like you need to live up to your stereotypes or some shit? Just start muling drugs over for the gringo already.

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Don't get yourself down, man.

Mexicans are good shit. Never met one I didn't like.

actually yes I did-- But that was about 8 years ago. He was a twat. You, good sir, are not.

That girl has some negroid admixture like most spics
Let him off himself pls stop interfering with natural selection

>The spic beheads himself

is this how you look like op?
this girl inst ugly just fat and poor.

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>this girl inst ugly just fat and poor.
Yeah, that's what I said. She looks mexican.

yea but you can stop being fat and poor. whats so bad about being mexican if its not their looks

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Jesus Christ LOL

If your self-hatred is really that strong, do Jow Forums a solid and work to help prevent any more mutts from being born.
Help stop illegal immigration and absurd social welfare policies and such.
If you really hate yourself enough to kill yourself, don't.
Instead kill the system that created you and an environment where you think you can never be happy. Ultimate revenge.
Maybe afterwards you might find something worth living for.

>tfw Mexican
>tfw only have pictures of white and Asian women saved in my computer

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They can stop being fat and poor due to their low impulse control and almost nigger tier IQs

Also why do spics always post white mexicans to represent themselves if most of mexico is mestizo?
Stop larping as white people you filthy subhumans

Where I live most Mexicans look like this. I'm from Tamaulipas

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Because most retards think that spanish europeans = mexicans. Of course spanish europeans are still also not white.


Delete them. They aren't yours.

You're pathetic desu
Later loser, I choose to be proud of my people

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nice try Jow Forumstard. Mexicans are proud to be Mexican. We have the best food,hardest working people,one of the top richest man on earth is Mexican and we have sexy women. pic related she is Mexican.

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>our fathers act like gang members and drink a lot
>our mothers act 16 even tho they're 55+
>constant family fight
it's hell

Nice meme there may be white skin mexicans but being mexican sucks in heinsight

>hardest working people
Mexicans work hard because they are too low IQ to survive any other way

>one of the top richest man on earth is Mexican
Most spics are poor it doesnt matter if one of the top richest man on earth is from mexico

>we have sexy women
Why dont you post the average fat triracial mutt spic woman?

>Wish we could wear masks in public-
You can retard pic fucking related

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Keep name calling whitey we take your women just like the negros do
>but muh Asians
Asians aren't any better than white bitches so don't kid yourself bro

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You want white women because you believe they are superior to women of your own race

Actually the richest people in the world aren't even counted in public figures. Also often times families store wealth and not individuals. For example the walmart family. Most hispanic elites were politicans(AND WHITE LOL HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT WORK) or drug cartel leaders. As for the richest man, he's not the richest man anymore and hasn't been for some time, Jeff Bezos is the richest counted individual. The person you're referring to isn't even top 5 anymore. Won't even address averages and statistics because I think that would go over your head.

You tell him spichoe.

>tfw you will never kill cartel members and help your nation better itself

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>implying youre not actively trying to get your indigenous boy pussy impregnated by whites

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Mexican here. Anyone have any luck hitting on our kind? I feel like ill have better chances getting laid going for my own species.

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Thats what im here for
Yeah but I dont claim to be proud of being a spic and I admit im inferior to white people

3 spic girls asked me out during high school, I rejected them tho

Maybe move back to Mexico? I dont know, maybe youll fit in. Atleast you aren't racemixed, i dont fit in Sweden (too dark) or South America (too pale)

Just chill dude
t. Robot chileno lmao

...anyways OP I have an uncle in mexico who can end your misery if youre interested.
Hell feed you to his pet jaguar afterwards

lol wtf spichoe, does your uncle actually deal drugs or what?

Yeah one of my uncles does lol

You sound like one of those edgy teens but if your uncle is mexican then everything makes sense lmao

We all have a weird tio and a normal tio. Just how the cookie crumbles

What didnt make sense before?

He used to be a sureno here in america but then he got deported to mexico and joined a cartel