If you post in this thread, you will get a 7/10 gf before Christmas. She will love you and be faithful to you

If you post in this thread, you will get a 7/10 gf before Christmas. She will love you and be faithful to you.

But wait, there's a catch. You can never joke about school shootings again or she will leave you, and she will not look kindly to you browsing Jow Forums. Do you accept?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yes but it's not gonna happen so fuck off idiot.

>Do you accept?
hm nah

wow i cant believe someone would lie on the internet

>falling for the vaginal jew
idk about this


what do those spiderweb tattoos mean? i had the biggest infatuation with an escort who has one.

That's Charlotte Sartre isn't it

Kek, nasty whore. Almost didn't recognize her without jizz in her eye and piss all over her body

>She will love you
no she won't.

are they fans of Cold? year of the spider

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I don't think Charlotte Sartre likes guns. She just doesn't look like that type of girl.

>implying someone will be faithful to me

i feel like im being erased
no one was out to get me

>charlotte sartre

top fucking kek, that name was either picked by a 15 year old who just learned about existentialism for the first time or by a perverted old college professor who masturbates to the thought of fucking his art hoe student while calling her his """muse"""

Ok give

sounds pretty easy


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Sure but bit doubts OP

Sounds annoying. I need want a gf as cynical and messed up as myself or I won't feel comfortable.

yeah that's her

i fucking loathe her, she's a psuedo-artsy cunt and pretends to be shy & eccentric in interviews

these guys were had the SJW look before they were a thing


There's also a third catch. If this doesn't work I will shoot up my place of work.

where is she
tell me where she is

before christmas user

Are you sure, OP? I want to get laid as soon as possible

Can i have extra fries with that cabbage

i accept, sure why not

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no thanks. i just wanted to talk about her spiderweb tattoo

Meee i accept these conditions gladly. If I don't get a gf though there will be he'll to pay for the normie's >:(

Easy bruh

you better not be lying OP, im gonna be free

I never joke about school shootings anyway so ... GIB GF

I don't make offensive jokes so sure OP lol

You better uphold your end of the bargain

Well, here is my post then.
Sure beats spending christmas and new years shitposting.

a reasonable price

I just want a GF to love and fuck

Always found school shootings kind of petty to be honest, even while receiving the potential threat treatment from HS administrators. Especially in recent years, every normalfag who wants to project a tinge of edge loves them. They're the new "dead baby" jokes.

Attached: Timothy-McVeigh-1995.jpg (1000x1000, 86K)

>Do you accept?
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 06 Episode 01 - Mac Fights Gay Marriage.avi

Yes. If I get a gf I wouldn't have any reason to come here anyway.

no i won't nigger

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cool i accept that catch

Can i get a Trap GF instead?

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Yes. Gib

Hell yeah, no reason for talking about school shootings if I have a gf

Were is my gf I'm waiting

fuck it fine

don't even have to ask me twice oregano

Yes. It'll be good while it lasts.

Have literally nothing to lose so here we are.

yeah, sure, lets go, I accept

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Sure I accept. She definitely won't be my long term girlfriend if she's that sensitive, but I'll refrain from offending her until I get my fill of her pussy.

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Accept accept accept, i can just talk about massacres not involving guns


>losing my only social outlet
she's gone

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u can't 'get' a gf without taking any action

>You can never joke about school shootings again or she will leave you, and she will not look kindly to you browsing Jow Forums.
Just to clarify, does the not liking me browsing Jow Forums part only activate after I joke about school shootings, or is it an always on feature?

I have no hope for a gf left, so I'll just succumb to your regulations to have one. This better not be a lie :(

7/10 is definitely better than my last I can only hope somehow this can happen

Is the 7/10 gf pic related? If so, I accept.

Every time I have the urge to shitpost I'll just fuck her on a big pile of guns. DIAMONDS.

It's an always on feature and if she catches you browsing this board she will start looking at your browser history to find out if you've been making edgy posts on this board.

>Do you accept?
yeah, but just because she doesn't look kindly to browsing on r9k doesn't mean she has to know.

but we all know that this wont happen. Just incels wanting to be loved.

>"anonny. um, lyke i caught u making posts on r9k again? i thought we had an agreement?

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you get a 7/10 gf and she tries to make you a better person
are there any downsides


People who suffer from mental illness usually don't want to get better

Absolutely yes
I just have to make her not discover when Im doing either

*5 minutes after this conversation*

>"nobody betrays a fembot! no one."

Attached: E3486A7B-7258-492F-99EB-3B3D1C38301B.jpg (1000x600, 134K)

Save me from this damnation, FOR I AM FLAWED

Alright OP don't fuck me

*after absorbing user's life force for his betrayal, the fembot utilizes her newfound meme powers for the next hottest cosplay convention*

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sure man

at this point whatever


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l accept

(X) Doubt

I do accept though

i accept man just give it to me


can she have a dick

t. sexy escort with a spiderweb tattoo

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sure sounds really nice

fuck it
i believe in meme magic lets fucking go thank you OP


originali comento

Why would I browse r9k if I get a gf?

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I knew it. Thx


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>yeah that's her

Can I get the sauce, please?

Best deal ever

>"anonny, i am your gf. the first thing you must do for me is hand over your wallet and sign your bank accounts under my name. you will recieve a stipend of of $160 a week for food and gas. you may keep your video games but you must keep your sleeping area clean and tidy. and you not allowed upstairs after 8pm, thats when I have my friends over. good boy."

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Pls give me a qt gf I want a qt gf pls

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Yes please, I'd accept that without hesitation.

I acceptorino

sure, i don't even think about school shootings

and she can't know what i browse anyway

>Implying there is actually a 7/10 in my area that will show any interest in me

Other than that why not this board is full of normalniggers and furryfags

>can't joke about school shootings
I don't joke about them anyways, I'm completely serious when I talk about them already, some people may say I'm joking but I'm not

Ill take a gf

But user, I already don't make those jokes and no girl wants anything to do with me. It's not like roast beefs care about personality anyways.

hit me up boy
god I am so lonely

This will never happen, but it'd be nice.
That sounds way too easy.

Accept i shall
I hope this works

i accept. i dont need to joke about school shootings, they are funny as they are. i can do without r9k. i wouldnt have tfw anyways