Guys, so I worked in a department store and I lost my fucking job today and I'm pissed.
>in the high end designer fashion section
>most of the store was cleaned out completely on Black Friday and over the weekend
>so we've all been busy with restocking
>song comes on over the store speakers
>I don't know the name but I like it
>do some dances while I'm stocking
>hear somebody shout at me, turn to the left
>there's a group of preppy looking teenagers walking towards me
>one of them says listen to me
>still kind of dancing, so he says don't dance with me
>he's got this brand new kind of talk but it's not very clear, probably cause he's black so it's kind of like ghetto talk or something
>he says my moves are bland and full of tension and fear, "whitey can't dance huehue" bullshit
>get a little steamed because it's really none of their business and the Black Friday weekend had me putting up with enough shitty customers
>tell them to fuck off, figure there's nothing they can do about it cause they're just teenagers and I'm the adult here
>manager is right around the corner, overhears and comes over
>starts shouting right into my face
>he's loud and tasteless with his choice of words so the teens run off, probably fearing they'll get caught up in it
>I've heard it before but this time he says I'm fired
>storm out, teens pass by me in their car and honk the horn twice
>one leans out the window, flips me the bird, and yells "SQUAD!"
>turn to the right and stomp off to my car
I'm posting this from my phone right now. Haven't even left the parking lot yet. This job was all I fucking had. Do you think my boss would give me my job back once he calms down?

Attached: 1505878805082.jpg (750x546, 32K)

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Pics with time stamp of you in your car or it didn't happen.

The way you reference how you've "heard it all before" and the way you reference the manner of speech as some sort of "new talk" shows that you are:

1) Probably on the spectrum and very socially weird

2) A problematic employee

No, I don't think you will get your job back.

Fine, let me find a pen you faggot.

Before we get into this, I want you to answer this as clearly as possible:
Do you have autism?
Were you diagnosed with autism?
Do you think you might have autism?
How autistic are you?

Here, I found a Sharpie in the back of my car.
I'm gonna have to start coming to town soon though. I think is right, I won't be getting this job back so why would I stick around.
No, not that I'm aware of.

Attached: OP.jpg (2160x2160, 861K)

Okay, next questions:
Have you ever been considered weird?
Do you struggle with understanding things in social situations?
Do you generally do the same stuff every day?

Okay, well I've had communication issues in the past where my speech is not very clear but I come from a good home so I got the right treatment and I've been doing fine talking this year.
I don't think I've ever really been considered weird despite the speech stuff. My friends thought it was weird that the last time we went out though, I started shouting while dancing on the whole dance floor.

Dude, is it not clear to you that youre autistic?

Go talk to your boss and try to get your job back. Be forceful.