Asian fembots

Asian fembots,

Why do you hate asian men and love white men?

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They only want white chad. People like you and me can go jump in a lake.

well i don't know if i am a chad but i'm definitely objectively not ugly. i would say i'm above average and often called handsome. I had an asian gf before long ago.

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I'm not a fembot and none of this is based on science but Asian woman are believed to have tighter more shallow vagina and the average Asian penis length is not enough to satisfy the woman's urges and black men are way to big to the point where it would hurt during intercourse so white penis is like a perfect balance.

i like both asian and white, but theres barely asians here. i am surrounded by lots of white guys though.

Liar, I bet you prefer white guys.
Is it really true that asians have microdicks? I once thought it was a meme but every scientific study says they're the smallest.

never said i dont have a preference. growing up the way i did, yes i guess i do prefer white guys.

I don't hate asian men, I hate black men.

Based. I don't get how you like asian guys, most are ugly short and beta.
t. future bwc addict

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I prefer mixed guys.

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Women hate everything. The Asian ones are smarter so they know how to exploit your weakness and insecurities better. White Stacy wants to destroy you too but she doesn't know how. Asian Stacy knows how to really get under your skin and ruin your life without daddy state coming in to mandate your demise.

ive seen some pretty handsome asian guys. just depends on if they have a good haircut/dress nicely/take care of themselves for the most part

In a way I don't really blame them. The majority of Asian men look like . I used to be bitter about the whole thing, then I got the fuck over it.

I don't really care anymore unless they're hypocrites. My cousin was your typical Asian Stacey, only going after white guys during her best years. Then she hit her late 20's, and suddenly she's all about "embracing my heritage" and all that stupid bullshit. She wants her beta bucks, and unfortunately for us, she got it. Married some nerdy Asian guy, I think he's a software engineer or some shit like that. Fun fact, she got mad at me for saying that I like white girls.

you sound like you post on asianmasculinity

If you're mixed yourself, then go for it

im not, I just really like the unique look of mixed guys. hapas, mulattos, hispanics, ya name it.

god i wish you were near me that would be great, an asian girl into a mixed guy is rare here

Don't know if this site is factual but look at the top and the bottom primarily black countries are at the top and primarily Asian countries are at the bottom

Honestly it speaks for itself
shitting on asian men, disgusting

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White men do well with asian women until they go bald. Given the fact that 20% of white men have male pattern baldness by their 20s(which increases 10 points every decade) white guys lose their window fast.

So your other racebait wasn't enough

I had interracial wmaf sex this morning.
The gf appreciates the relative size of my member compared to her accommodation.

It's not true. People always blindly swallow resources without citation and it gives me an autistic fit.

Here some actually helpful scholarly articles with legitimacy. Most ethnicities from my findings are considered to have a median of something around 13 cm erect. What is more noticeably different on ethnicity however is the size of the testicles.

>in before r/Asian masculinity
Im not Asian and I do not think i am masculine. Its just that when people think black people have bigger dicks on average because of porn, it annoys me.

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stereotypes are true nigger. Black people are better at sports, have bigger dicks, and dance better too.

For all you Asian robots out there, always remember that you are the minority I hate the least.

It is odd how poor the methodology of penis size studies are. How does someone that thinks of himself as a scientist publish self reported penis size data? Even stretched flaccid length seems like it would be obviously inaccurate to any scientist studying dick length.

As for racial differences, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some minor genetic variation compounded by dietary differences. Seems to be true about height at least.

(((They))) got to him.
>stereotypes are true nigger
a bit oxymoronic, yeah?

Aren't white people taller than blacks on average?
Scandinavians are the tallest in terms of genetic origin and whites on average are taller than blacks in America.
I don't think blacks have literally any superior trait over whites besides the amount of melanin in their skin.

white girls are better anyway. asian girls have to settle for a mediocre white loser

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poor kid. he should sue that rice chink for giving him ptsd. then call ICE

>I don't think blacks have literally any superior trait over whites besides the amount of melanin in their skin
much less likely to go bald
less likely to get wrinkles
less likely to go grey
less acne
I could go on about the advantages blacks have.

btw whites are NOT taller than blacks in America.


>shit colored
>thinks theyre equal to Whites

nope nope and nope

this bitch doesnt even look asian

>Why do you hate asian men and love white men?
I hate both

this dude just hit the nail on the head
the losers like us are losers across the board and the thought that asian girls are somehow naive or easy is an illusion. They're just the same as all the others

>shit colored
Infinitely better than the wrinkly skin white people get in their 20s
Only from studies done like 30+ years ago.
aging is the ultimate form of ugliness and white people age fastest.
>thinks theyre equal to Whites
White men can have their "power". I'm going to laugh at all the red pill types when they lose everything trying to use money to betabux.

Keeping buying that red pill shit. Incels always think they'll do better with women once they get enough money.

>I'm jealous of them
>pissed because I'm a virgin
>need someone to hate to make up for my own inadequacy
>better than me in every way.

There, decoded your post for you incel.

Who don't you hate?

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good to know nigger. im asian not White

Fruedian psychoanalytic projection isn't real psychology.

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this board is for the white kids that don't make it in any of those categories. We're the outsiders that no girls care for, regardless of race

hi storm

Why do I keep running into people that watch World of Dave in Jow Forums?

its not fair, niggers are so ugly. niggers always wanna mix and theyre the ugliest, and the cuck un loves their pet niggers and force them on everybody.

>good to know nigger. im asian not White
Blacks actually get laid gook and aren't 20+ virgins. We also get laid after 30 while you betabux for Chad's used goods.

White guy here.

I'm assuming you're an Asian guy asking this. Let me just tell you that it has nothing to do with your race. If you act more assertive and actually talk to girls, then you'll be able to date them. You being Asian has nothing to do with it, its just what you use to explain to yourself to explain why you don't get girls.
The worst thing you can do is be frustrated and angry about it, because then you come across as an incel. Look at your own behavior and see what you can do to improve yourself. Good luck bro.

Even if asian women in the west only want attractive white guys you can still go to asia and slay as an ugly white male.

cus nobody wants to fuck nigger women

nigger women dont count. theyre so ugly only other niggers can find them attractive enough to sleep with. nigger women are so ugly non nigger men willfully stay away, leaving nigga homeboy with lots of nigger pussy

niggers are the world's charity case lmao

quit bumping your own thread samefag.

>tfw ITT with a bunch of whiny niggers

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good guess, i didnt make this one. i actually dont make these, but i do respond in them.

i was thinking "black is beautiful" and then i had a real sincere laugh.

i love watching asian amateur porn, but it does get annoying when i think about how most of the girls are sucking white dick and having sex with white men.
pretty depressing man.

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I know this is probably gonna be controversial, but I think most Asian women look just weird. It's like not like women looking. I'm just not attracted to them.

I only watch him for the hottie on the right

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Dayuumnn boyy

god i wish i had a cute asian gf

Storm's autism is a sad case. A thread shitting on asian males is made and he's desperately trying to spin it into being about blacks when we all know OP is white

asian faggot here

>Dating an asian
>they understand the media you consume without awkward translation
>they culturally understand you
>higher chance of similar taste in food
>better chance of relating to each others childhoods
>high chance of autism

>have to deal with asian family politics
>50% chance of single eyelid
>May have darker skin
>Less tall, smaller penis in general
>Probably less confidence
>no raceplay superiority element

>Dating a white guy
>Guaranteed double eyelid
>Pale skin, often taller, better physical features generally
>Can roleplay some raceplay shit
>usually better at communication/confidence (can have the good aspect of autistic features while being able to help me navigate social situations)
>dominant personality more common

>have to deal with white family politics
>can't understand cultural struggles
>wont fucking take off their shoes when entering homes
>need translations when talking about weeb shit or music
>too scared to eat sashimi

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Its not true, I love black men.

im not trying to "spin" anything, just tired of niggers.

so what if op is White? im gonna explain this one time.

WM+AW = full consent, good

niggers = bad. niggers+ WW = single moms, missing person's report, etc etc. are all black men awful partners? of course not, but this is r9k so any niggers here will be the porn spamming, White hating type, ie the trash kind.

shitting on asian males = go right ahead, i couldnt give any fucks. asian guys are ugly, wierd, and unpleasant to be around and to listen to them speak.

Only asian thots love white men. 10/10 pure Asian women go for successful and educated Asian men.

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>wont fucking take off their shoes when entering homes
Stop dating Americans

i live in the land of freedums and eagles n shit

Guys, reddit is leaking. This time it is Jow Forumsaznidentity. Or Jow Forumsasianmasculinity, can't tell.

Why would you want McDonald's when you can have a real burger.

>blacks have bigger dicks so it would hurt

Are you new here, or just a nigger cuck?

Also i bet you think asian pussy is sideways too.

I LIKE white guys but I don't HATE asian men.

you hate yourself you yellow hoe

Not asian or a fembot. But I've talked with a very reasonable asian girl that I think gave me the best answer. I think a lot of it has to do with the western culture's influence on people, a lot of asians still have very strict controlling family hierarchies and by marrying a white boy it let's them get away from those crushing traditions like having to live with your family for the rest of your life. Another reason is hypergamy, asians feel whites are just generally better, honestly white people are the only ethnicity to have built better civilizations than asians. They recognize that and want to be apart of it. They also think white people features are pretty and I can't blame them because all brown hair and brown eyes would make me want to kill myself.

So they go for white boys.

holy shit!, what in the fuck. fuck this gay earth.

lmao this sounds like it was written by a white incel

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Ah, so that's why they draw themselves with big eyes and good hair

this also hits mexi bois, half of mexi girls are traditional but it's changing.

That study mixed in self reported data with actual legitimate studies were the doctors measured properly
But yes asians do have smaller penises on average and in my experience as a bisexual for some reason a big one is very rare on yellow guys, when white guys or black guys can range from small to large and offer a wide variety

racist bitch kys

it's absolutely true though. There are a million videos on the web explaining that white guys are generally more polite, and chivalrous to women.

you're just stupid OP. every girl knows white guys are entitled pussies

t. triggered ugly asian incel
the only entitled pussy is the asian betas whining about it

You really have nothing better to do with your time Mr Tendies?

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no stupid, just sick of you white guys that think my panties are gonna drop cause you are so fine. most of you are arrogant with gross, flaky, pimply skin, greasy hair and stooped shoulders. yuck

Asian incel wearing panties. Are you a tranny in the making? Off yourself before you succeed

Asian girl here. I don't hate asian guys I love them but I see them as friends. I wouldn't want to date by brother lol but I still love him.

you know and we know trannies are a white guy thing. A WHITE GUY THING

But thanks for confirming white guys are arrogant assholes that think because they are white, always right

top kek asian girls are based
t. tranny

there definitely are asian girls who are self loathing like that but the vast majority date and hook up with their own race/ethnicity. asian americans are usually more open to interracial relationships but fobs aren't. they may think a few white guys are hot but that's really the extent of it. i do admit a lot of asian guys have traits that are...unlucky but there are also those who don't have those traits and are fine with women. luck of the draw

>every girl in the world knows an average looking white guy hard mogs the average asian guy
the top 1% of any race will always be an exception but the brutal reality is most asian guys will die alone or at best hope he finds a gold digger who will marry for money

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>but the vast majority date and hook up with their own race/ethnicity
That's not what the statistics shows though. This is US data and keep in mind that Asian women are a lot more likely to marry outside of their ethnic group and it becomes more likely for the 2nd gen etc.

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we're talking about how asian women perceive white/asian men though and idk enough about girls from other races but in my experience asian girls tend to stick together. also the two guys in that pic are way dif in levels anyways
they lead the rates but 30.8 still leaves a big majority. again, those in the US def are more open minded about it but the majority of asian women are in asia

The white guy on your photo is definitely above average.

white boy and his fantasy

if anything i assumed id get the aznmasc card lol or are you saying the post i replied to was a white boy's fantasy? either way i try to stay away from racebait threads like this but i feel bad for my asian bros who may be affected by all the negativity

No he isn't, he just has a good side profile. Arguably 6/10 at best from the front. An average white man is above average in universal standards. A 5/10 asian guy is a 2/10 by universal standards. Likewise, it's difficult for any average minority to mog a white guy unless you're just genetically gifted. Why do black men have issues dating quality women outside their race without money and success? Because a 5/10 by black standards is lower by universal standards.

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the negativity isn't coming from asian girls but from white boys, and their superiority complex, thinking if they think asian guys are not attractive and they are then we by default must desire white guys. A billion asian girls and but an infinitesimal small % date white guys.

>all amateur porn (casual sex) in the world involving college age asian american girls is with white guys
>all the girls on r/asian gone wild is asian girls fucking white guys
>all the asian girls on tinder want white guys and not asian guys

No matter how hard asian guys cope that white guys get the worst asians, all attractive young asian women in the west go for white guys. The only ones who like asian guys are betabux collectors, ugly ones/fobby ones. Everyone who is considered conventional hot is a white man's cocksleeve.

western white porn as proof

you're not arrogant you're stupid

What do you plan to do about it then Tenda?

>western white porn
kek, do you have any idea what amateur porn is? It's just random people having casual sex and the guy decides to film it. no one is getting paid. The truth is all asian girls who are stacy tier have no semblance of racial loyalty. if she has the opportunity to not fuck asian guys she will fuck the white guys.

lmao I don't. i hate white subhumans. i'd date an asian guy over a white boy any day