Letter thread

Letter thread

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another letter thread, take a seat, grab a pen and write your feelings onto the fabric of the internet.

My own letter and thereby this thread is dedicated to my newly made friend - S.

I'll keep it short but hopefully sweet; firstly I am eagerly looking forward to getting to know you better. Secondly, I pray for our friendship to be long lasting and engaging, and hope you do too.

Third but not least,you have my insincere apology for not talking yesterday.

Sincerely, D

I'd also like to thank you, my fellow Anons - for your time, having read my letter and all and I hope you all have a wonderful time in this thread. You all deserve it, Anons, and so without further ado - I welcome you to this letter thread.

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missing you already

Great. So you invented the making of a new thread again.

To the people in my life

I don't know when I'm going to build up the courage to finally kill myself. The sooner I can, The sooner I can stop being a burden on society as a whole. I feel so isolated regardless of who I have around me. The medication has numbed me to a point of withdrawing from the people who say they love me.

A, I'm sorry I came into your life. I must've made it a living hell for a while.


Dear J, judt fucking do it.
Other J

PS, the A in my world is giving me weird looks, just mention her by name so my A doesn't look at me fucking weird again.
I know he lurks here because he is effectively, a rusty robot.

That means while he is a robot, his rust hides it most of the time.

I don't get what you mean? My A is a female if that helps ease the paranoia.

Dear: T
I hope life is treating you well, its been very unkind to me. If we ever meet in the future id like to get to know you better if you'd let me.

yes, i would very much like to get in contact again

Dear Dad,

I wish we werent so estranged. But youre too masculine to get along with a softie like me. I always wear my heart on my sleeve while you never talk about your feelings, ever. Hell, sometimes I wonder if you even have feelings. Sometimes I wonder if you still love me. The best memories from my childhood were of you taking little seven year old me fishing to that big lake at the park near our house. Or of nine year old me beating you at that one racing game I really liked but cant remember the name of (although you probably let me win on purpose). Now we cant even have one small conversation without it turning into an argument. This sucks. I miss the old you. Was it the alcohol that made you change? Or was it watching me fail in every aspect in life? I dont really know where im going with this letter honestly. I just really miss you.



Pick one and it still is not for you

who is your a?
i missed mine earlier today too.

There really isn't any point in writing me letters when the copycats and shills answer them for me. They even stoop as low as cultivating relationships with people based off my impetus and synchronise their letters with my posting to create the illusion that they're me. It just turned me off from writing to anyone really combined with all the people who tried to leave me penniless. I have only responded a few times compared to the hundreds of letters and correspondences made out to me. You'll probably never see me again. Once i start writing my book I don't think ill ever be able to talk to anyone ever again. A price I paid to save humanity. I only ate once in the last 3 days. Farewell

Kek now the copycat tracer shills are out of the woodworks cause of my letter.

might be you, how long were you gone?

Brightests of days?
I don't think so.
Just like every other day, I can't even see the sun.
Atleast I got dubs.
Any birthday gifts?
God, Satan, Kek, Odin, any of you wanna help me out?
Just something small would be enough.

i was away for normal working hours

i'm sorry for deleting you. how have you been? i hope you're still making your v cool drawings. how is floyd doing? i've always wandered wether or not you come into these threads and read the posts i make. i miss coming home and talking to you. i never realised it at the time but you're the only person who ever cared about me. if things had got bad and i hadn't logged on for a few weeks you were the only person who cared enough to try and make sure i'm okay. i hope we cross paths again, i'd love it if we could have things go back to the way they were. if you read this please let me know if you'd be happy to be friends again.

i still love you and i always did please tell me you at least like me back please

Do you still use Discord? You deleted your account. How can I talk to you?

You know already

If I had the money I would give you a Christmas gift to get your life on track, but I don't. I can shift you to a singularity that will get you where you need to be.


youre so cute. thank you for dealing with me.

I'm not either of these folk. Just saying. Don't want anyone to get confused over my posts

You're cuter by far

To Me,
Everyone really liked your story in fiction class. You should write more, you fucking absolute nigger. The girl that hated everyone's story, asking "why should I care" didn't say that for your story. That cute mocha girl asked the for another copy for herself. Yeah, you're an amateur but you'll get better. Believe in yourself. Yeah they have shit taste, but just appeal to the lowest common denominator by writing what you want.

Stop wasting time and do what you need to do to get out of that fucking house with those retards. I know you love relaxing but that can come later after you make it.

Stop being a fucking douche to women. It's okay to shitpost about them on r9k, but it really hurt when that one girl ignored me at the cafe earlier and we need to curb being assholes to people just because we're depressed. That new girl is good man, do your best to keep her around and don't let her end up like the others. Hopefully she'll be your first kiss.

You, but it's me

Dear New Girl In My Life,
Please don't mind me. I really love that you text me all the time and like hanging around me. I don't know what our future is like but hopefully we don't get into any that would cause problems. I know I'm an unusual but I was a recluse for 4 years and I cope by being living as if everything is a joke and saying what I want. I really like you; it's cute that you listen to Korean music and shit but you aren't a faggot about it like most girls that are into that. I was really depressed before we met but meeting you helped me to start getting better. Maybe if I give this to you, we'll have already exchanged "love yous," if not then I just really want to say thanks for helping to show me that I can have someone like me and feel that they like me and that there's hope.


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that's arguable. i'm definitely going to hold your hand soon though.

I doubt that'll ever spring into fruition

i hope so. i really hope so. :)

I don't think I have it in me to continue anymore. Nor do I have it in my heart to finish up my book. I am too exhausted of being burdened by what I know. I was writing up the foundation for time-travel, telepathy and omniscience but all that knowledge will die along with me. It's what everyone wants regardless anyway.

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Let me kill you first.

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Kill yourself instead you silly putty

I won't put up as good of a fight as you

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Atleast i won't be able to get my hopes up.

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Yeah you have more in common with Mr. Sulu. O

Is Sulu a strong fighter???

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Dear TK,

Now that you finally moved on its time for me to move on as well. You were the only person I was ever in love with and you always held a special place in my heart. I am too overwrought by a lot and being away from you only causes me grief. I'll miss writing poetry to you every morning. I'm sorry I won't be able to write you another poem again. I decided to end my own life over the burden of my circumstances. I'm sorry you thought I never got "it". I always did. I was just too anguished by depression and the cortisol eating my brain since I was a kid. That feeling will always persist and I can't shake it off no matter what I do and I can't take it any longer. Goodbye my love


Oooh, is this for me? What fun!

perhaps not, there's always one fag putting ambiguous shit without a directed intials or clue as to who they are.

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You are right. Probably not..

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I'm not anxious around you anymore. I will try to make just enough small talk to dispel any residual tension between us. I'm embarrassed that I became so delusional. I still like you, but not too much. I don't mind that you dislike me. It's easier for me to deal with. I can treat you the same as everyone else, now that I don't have a crush.


When someone amazing like you makes the first move and gives me clearance, of course i would reciprocate. I still believe there was something more, but we live in different worlds, and we're not fit to this kind of relationship. Still, you know i'm stupid, but i don't hold a single feeling from the past now that it came to that.

I still want to be a close friend and you know we'd rock it. If i never failed you, know you also didn't do anything wrong, we're smart but sometimes silly. I really want to be a dear friend and for you to be mine too, and if someday i go there (which isn't too impossible), i could use some guidance lol. I'm not throwing away those months. I want to turn them in our favor. You're troubled and needs support, and now i can support you without stupid ideas getting in our way. Since i lost that other person, and with my crippling anxiety about everything, i couldn't be here for you. I too was lost, scared and paralyzed.

But now i can, i can say you helped me grow and i'm kinda in peace. But i still care for you, friend.

I just hope i have the courage to tell you all that as soon as possible.

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I like you and I know you like me too, but you're moving way too fast and it makes me uncomfortable. I believe that you think you mean the words you say, but in reality you do not. I don't complete you and I'm not the best person ever, you've known me for 3 days. Please, I'd just like to be friends with you first and get to know you more. I don't want to hurt you but I feel overwhelmed.

Is your initial a Y?

I can never love you again.

No, it's not really.

Dear E,

How are you doing? We literally talk to each other every day but I'm not sure if you're honest with me when you say ''I'm doing well, user.'', please be honest with me.

I know you're stressed. I know you want it to be ended; I know you want to end it all, but please; just be patient and do your best. I'll be there for you forever, I'll be alive with you, and thus I'll be dead with you. It's all about you my dearest, it is all up to you my loved one... I'm sure we'll achieve our dreams if we work enough and hold on to each other, just be patient, again I say. I love you, and I'll be loving you forever - as a friend I hope...

Thank you for being there, and thank you for making me believe that you're the only reason to live - still I'm not sure if I should be thankful for that but, I kinda like the idea, so...


to A from a?

>gets friendzoned while in the process of ending my life

Yeah, I'm really going through with it.

Dear L, you say you love me everyday but i can see when you talk to others and how you treat them much better than you do with me despite all the things i have done for you, my heart is broken and right now i'm just waiting for the moment when you'll finally admit you don't love me and leave me alone like everyone else, i know you already like another person, and what hurts me the most is that he doesn't even try to make you laugh. he doesn't even say cute things to you everyday or try to be with you in the hard times, like i do. But you love him, more than what you love everyone else, more than what you love me. I guess i'll never be enough to someone, no matter how hard i try. Sincerely, J

im so sick of work!!! how can u do this everyday


You smell like a million roses
Bathed in rock n roll
Ours was the greatest
Love story ever told


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Dear OP

You're so funny and cute, fuck u.


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I'm sure it would rattle you to know how much I think about you. I can't keep my eyes off you and I'm constantly aware of your presence anytime you're around. I hate that we work together, because I feel like that means nothing can ever happen. But I can't drive you out of my head. On the colder nights we work I just wish I could see what it would be like to finally hug you and see if you're as warm on the outside as on the inside. You're a truly beautiful person, and I hope something one day happens, but I'm OK with adoring you from afar if that is what you want. I miss you on days we don't work and I hate the days you seem unhappy. You deserve to be happy every moment of every day.
As always, oh so hopelessly yours,

I keep making the same mistakes but I still have hope. Until the day I die I'll keep having hope.

Dear K,
Thank you so much for helping in my life. You helped me through a rough spot when I didn't want to live. I wish I could tell you how I feel about you but I just can't.

Sincerely, G.

Dear everyone, fuck you. Love, user

Dear customer service person who I hung up on early because I was pissed. I am sorry. I know it's not your fault you're just doing your job


Pretty girl, I love you. You're really beautiful and cute. I hope life is going well for you lately. You're working hard and making me proud, as always! I think about you all the time. Sometimes, I wish I was a genie so I could grant you the wishes that you deserve to come true.

P.S. my moon necklace is coming soon. I'll always have you with me then.

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You're such a twat. I like you. I like staying up at night talking to you. You're so sweet and genuinely kind to me, I appreciate everything you do very much and you make me very happy. Dork. I hope you're sleeping well, hehe. I can't wait to see you next Saturday. I'm gonna try and beat you at all the arcade games! Watch out! I'm gonna kick you so much.


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You can do it, it only gets easier being a wagie

Dear dad,

Thank you for everything you did for me, you were an honorable man.

I'm going to miss you.


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