I'm a pedo, should I kill myself tonight?
Have you actually raped or molested any kids? If not, it'd be "no".
no. just do nofap and make your appreciation of little girls purely cerebral and for aesthetic purposes, not lust.
yes but not for those reasons
No, but I can't stop feeling attracted to little girls, and don't think that's ever going to change.
Just fap to 2D you'll be fine
this girl is literally the cutest thing to ever walk the earth
Scar some kids for life before you go out, if you do. I hope you stick around but I know nothing of your life, not a grain of sand in a Sahara desert about you other than being a pedophile. If you really wanna go out, do it was a bang. Be bold and do what few others dare to do. I say don't kill yourself, but arouse the hatred of others until you yourself die. Take your pleasure and fuck everyone else, and I'm rooting for you user. But again, if you are to meek for an explosive life, then I guess you can go out with a whimper. Gl pedo friend.
idc what you do. actually, here is a better idea. buy a gun and a lot of ammunition and shoot up the nearest mall or college and kill yourself.
just take the 2D pill bro.
being pedo isnt bad unless you think thoughts are bad.
if you kill yourself live stream it please.
Here add me and ill 2D pill you melancholymouse#6708
Try Loli. If that doesn't work then start tying the noose.
I've thought about this, but I don't want to hurt a child, I woud like to cause as much suffering as I can to those who hated me and pushed me to this, but that's not the children.
I get off to loli, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still attracted to 3D.
I voted "yes" but I take it back. Only kill yourself if you 100% know you're going to try and pursue a sexual relationship with a child.
Also, loli.
Lmao who cares about them go fucking wild doing barbarian shit, fucking kill a family walking on the roadside and rape their child, get a fucking tank and start random pedo insurgency, idk about anything in particular, just do some chaotic shit. You would be making a bitter and sad soul happy friend :)
who is this girl and why is there so many high quality photos of her
holy shit the results show just how many normals are lurking here but are too stupid to engage in dialogue
If you weren't a cunnyposter I'd say no, but since you are I said yes. Wish all cunnyposters would kill themselves.
are you fat? how old are you? my answer paritally depends on this
Pedophilia is wrong because it is wrong!
>Sexual relationships with children are bad
I won't, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still going to be a miserble pedo for the rest of my life so ...
Nah man, I still have a bit of emphaty inside, beside, i'm going to do it tonight, sorry.
Just a little girl that was posted regularly in chans, don't worry, nothing illegal related to her.
Yeah, you are right, I'll stop.
No, 25
>On my Jow Forums
That shall be a yikes from me.
I don't think anyone should have sex with pre pubescents but most NPCs literally cannot tell you what their definition of pedophilia even is. if you ask them what age is pedophilia they will have a hard time answering because age of consent varies so greatly. and they literally can't conceive that under age of consent does not equal pedophilia
Try to become an ephebophile instead and get an asian gf
>Jow Forums now represents the lowest common denominator
sad times
>pubes and menstruation
Yeah you should.
For the good of all kids
Oh look yet again I run into the cancerous tripfag being cancer. KILL YOURSELF AND STOP POSTING.
There's no way you could have read the threads with how often you post. You are pure cancer.
There's nothing wrong with thoughts and thinking, and as long as you don't act on those thoughts, you're doing nothing wrong. Take 's advice, get into hardcore/old-school lolicon, get into youth gravure models, and channel that into a positive thing. As long as you keep your urges and interests in check, you could do positive things. Translate that love for children into being a good teacher, day care provider, pediatrician. If you do act on those urges, you're fucked up, but as long as you keep them in check, you can make your life work. Don't closet yourself, but also don't embrace those aspects. Accept that they are a part of who you are, and cope with them. Just don't hurt anyone or any kids, okay?
Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt anyone, but I just can't continue this, the thought of living the rest of my life being a freak with constant fear of getting close to a child, or being discovered and hated by everyone terrifies me. I will never be normal, I will never have a fulfilling relationship, and most people want me dead anyways.
do you fap to cunnies?
if so I would recommend nofap + meditation. a lot of your thoughts are probably anxiety driven
Cya later pedo friend, god will make you an archangel for your purity and holiness. Heaven is waiting then, and it sounds like you just couldn't wait.
Based Socrates posting on Jow Forums
I am also a peado dude. Nothing to be ashamed, just do tell anyone. I have a normal life, but I just happen to masturbate while seeing pretty girls like the ones you posted. Nothing bad about that.
No, I do not fap to 3D stuff if that is what you mean, although being a long time lurker in obscure chans I can't deny I've seen stuff, and I feel sick just thinking about it.
I've tried nofap before, but it just makes my repressed lust more dangerous.
I think it all ends tonight, but thanks for the advice and for your time user.
I laughed a bit, thanks user.
if you are gonna kill yourself at least get some cunny first
this thread makes me so sad and angry, i wish society was ready to see you as human. i always wonder what someone who parrots "the only good pedo is a dead one" would do if they found out their 10 or 11 year old child, the love of their life, had innate pedophilic attraction (these thoughts often stay cemented from early on but are seen as ordinary from the get-go until covered up for years) but otherwise had a heart of gold. what would they do? how would they reconcile "bullet to the brain for pedophile scum" with "protect children at all costs"?
Based barbarian commenter
Just let me get my viking helm and battle axe, lets do this!
the shame and stigma is way overblown and is an incredibly recent phenomenon in culture. people actually believe that having a 12 year old suck your dick is worse than violently beating her. that doesn't seem right to me. society has elevated sex to something it isn't. A little girl seeing a penis is not going to give her life long ptsd. that is unless she is coached by counsellors into thinking it's the worst thing ever
for the love of god don't do this, you're going to set back the acceptance of people like yourself another hundred years, as if it could get any worse
You're 25? You've gotten a lot farther than me and you're still kicking it, why stop now, if you're on a roll? Paraphiliac interests are rough to come to terms with, but that's what needs to happen, you need to accept that you have those interests, and learn to cope and live with them. Turn your weakness into a strength, and accept who you are, accept that that's a part of you, and learn coping mechanisms, ways to ground or distract yourself whenever those thoughts come up. If you ever come close to committing the act, identify with the victim, think of it all from their perspective, temporary immerse yourself in their hypothetical shoes, and you'll kill your arousal. If you have a problem with your interests, that means you are capable of empathy, remorse, understanding. If you weren't, you'd feel no guilt, shame, etc over these things. You aren't that kind of person, and you don't have to become that kind of person. Something a guy I met in a treatment facility was this
>90% of faith is faith in yourself, the last 10% is faith in a higher power
>everyone is born with a rope and a big net. we drag that net along by the rope our entire lives. if we run into something we can't handle or fix immediately, we throw it in the net. it isn't that long into our lives when the net gets too heavy, and it's way too much to do anything but drag. instead of trying to make it easier to carry, putting a cart under it, or sorting through, make things easier for yourself and just drop the rope. leave everything in the net behind, just drop the rope. the person you were before now, and the problems you had before now, don't have to drag along any farther.
How did you become a pedo can you tell us before you go?
You were the only people I could tell this in the end, so thanks you guys for this time and all your advices, and thanks for showing some empathy, I hope you have a great life.
this user is completely right.
user, don't. You can make it past this.
don't fucking kill yourself because of some normalfags idiotic opinions
>doesn't know what a tripfag is
In my day, we had to lurk for a year before we could post
user please don't kill yourself, I want to talk to you
Don't let the normal niggers win, this is what they want
Live just to spite them user
Do not do this holy fuck. Innocent pedophiles don't need a worse name
OP you're a good soul and as long as you're not hurting anyone I hope whatever you feel most at peace with brings you relief
If you view drawn loli porn, you have done nothing wrong. If you view actual child porn, you deserve jail. If you ever abuse an actual child, you deserve much worse than death. That's it. It isn't your fault that you are attracted to little girls, but that doesn't make it okay to act on that attraction. As long as you understand that, you're okay in my book and I'm sorry that you have to go through this.
I hope you're okay, OP.
Yeah, nobody ever stops to think about this.
Please don't be kill OP
You don't need to kill yourself. I suggest that you seek therapy AND Christianity. Unironically. Even if you decide against Christianity, your best bet is medical assistance and some kind of admittance that there is a higher power, similar to AA.
It's not inherently wrong to be attracted to young girls, but it's inherently wrong to act upon it and especially to pretend that it's ok.
Seek paths of meditation that keep yourself on track and away from pedophelic acts. You know that it's wrong and you need to try to find what's important to you beyond such things and keep focus on them. You're no less of a human but you need to handle your situation properly. You can do this.
Gonna have to vote no on this. Just being a pedophile does not mean you should kill yourself. You can still be a great person to many people and enjoy many things in this world - it does not begin and end with sexual thoughts.
he originally speaks the truth
you're not defined by your sexuality, but by your deeds
The sight of a naked little boy or naked little girl is a wonderful one. Those penises bouncing around, sometimes erecting, all that hairless vulva...love it when the little boys tug on their penises or the girls scratch their groins.
I would babysit just for a chance to see one naked.
Fuck Jow Forums for telling virtually anyone to kill themselves, but getting teary eyed when the fucking pedophile is probably not even serious about his threats of self-annihilation.
Fuck all of you programmed faggots
>oh, but I'm not Jow Forums
Ya, I've been here long enough to know myself when I'm upset. Fuck
you are causing millions of people pain
By viewing photos of naked kids?
I only go for the nudist photos, or certain sites that host photos. If I see CP I will ignore it. I enjoy looking at naked kids. It reminds me of better times, plus they are unspoiled and natural. Seeing the penises bounce around as a boy walks is pretty cute, even though I have one myself. Seeing a naked little girl, it's interesting to see how the pussies of girls are just as different from each other as the sizes and appearances of boys.
can't tell if bait, either way not helping
duhhhh how
shut the fuck up retard. my iq is 160. i am fucking genius. you are a fucking idiot, and everyone would benefit including you if you killed yourself. also, shut up you fucking retard. you are making no sense. neck yourself, cunt.
they're hardly "threats" you dickbag, the dude is innocent, in pain, and doing everything in his power not to hurt anyone. have a fucking heart.
What's wrong? Were you molested as a child?
definitely don't pursue a field of work with kids. That is the worst idea ever.
Just spend your life bullying roasties
i wonder if she is wearing panties underneath that dress.
>OP offed himself
>Tfw voted "Yes"
This shit just turned into a Black Mirror episode
Can't blame you, she's cute.
>OP wants to kill himself because he dislikes what others think of him and wont have relationships with normalfags
Don't be a pussynigger. I'm no pedo but I haven't had a friend in 10 years and I'm here withstanding life just fine.
>tfw no recent pictures of her
>>OP offed himself
Another one bites the dust, another one bites the dust. And another one down, and another one down, another one bites the dust!
No, you have done no wrong
I bet she looks great naked.
Get rope and stream it bitch
She sure did when she hit puberty
Yes please for the love god kys. You're a fucking monster.
>She sure did when she hit puberty
I prefer a field without grass and my pancakes to be flat.
Too bad ciara grew up. I prefer her now
jesus christ she looks like she just drowned her pet hamster in the goldfish bowl then casually strolled out to the kitchen to grab that soda.
In that picture she must have been 10
or 11. I always thought she looked sickly and had those eye circles because of drug use, but it seems that she always had them
>thanks for taking me to the baseball game, user!
>No, but I can't stop feeling attracted to little girls,
But can you start feeling attracted to big girls?
>>thanks for taking me to the baseball game, user!
no problem sweetie, now let's go use the bathroom in between innings. you can come in with me, it's okay...
What? How could you user? You sicko.
I can't tell you how many times I have been at a urinal and a father brings his little girl in with him. Or I have walked in and the same.
I reason it like I would if she were in a locker room changing or I was getting changed. If she's in there with him, it's nothing she hasn't seen before.
who tf this girl you keep posting man. kinda weird
how is the board so slow right now? 4channel is killing