Post how often you shave r9k.
>I shave my face every week and a half.
R9k shaving
Mustache every single day. Chin and neck once a week or so, I don't actually count days.
same, if I don't forget since I don't go out
does fuck up anyone elses skin? I hardly have any facial hair at all but when I shave I get little red bumps all over that don't go away
Damn user, my facial hair grows back VERY slowly.
Shave probably every 2 weeks because I am lazy, it makes me look like I am in high school.
Do you use an electric shaver or no?
I use manual razors, I never used to get these but now my skin looks terrible and it seems to get worse whenever I shave
That's your problem, manual razors cause rashes. Try electric.
I shave about once a month. I can't grow a real mustache or beard and what little facial hair I do get ends up looking really bad. I should really shave more often but I'm really lazy and usually can't be bothered.
i haven't shaved in some months. trimmed my beard a week or so ago.
i shave my neck but i trim my beard so it looks presentable
I shave my entire body every week. Im not gay or anything and I usually cover up most of my body because I know that it's kind of weird. I just really really really hate being hairy
I shave right before work because I am required to, so 2 or 3 times a week
>I shave my entire body every week
>Im not gay or anything
sure user
sure user, suuuuuure
>buzz beard down to stubble every week or so
>trimmer broke recently
>unable to shave
>can't buy replacement
it's been a couple years. haven't even trimmed. fuck everything.
ok idiot body hair sucks its gross fuck hair fuck u
aww user don't be that way!! Most guys I know love a cute hairless boy!
I'm sure you'll him one day
Once every two weeks. If I let it grow any longer I just get a neck beard, im jealous of people who can grow full beards desu
Every three or four days, manual shave.
Beard just feels disgusting to wear, dunno why.
>Beard just feels disgusting to wear, dunno why
a-are you a twink user?
i shave ever 3 days i guess.
Haven't shaved in three years, haven't cut my hair in five
Every day, except the days I dont work.
You could be going too fast or not changing blades often enough. I use a mach 3 about 5 times and have pretty heavy facial hair.
What's a good way to shave/trim for someone with a long beard and very sensitive skin that bleeds easily? I just do it when I get my haircut but maybe that's not the best idea.
I don't shave. I'm a hikikomori NEET who has no need to groom.
Ingrown hairs. You should use some kind of guard so you dont shave so closely.
I rarely shave, at best I just trim up my beard every one or two weeks before it starts getting really shaggy.
Prettyboy-ish, but only into XX chromosomes.
I just hate having more the 5 o'clock shadow.
Once a month, usually when my beard gets uncomfortable
Ideally, I'd shave every day. However, my acne makes it nearly impossible to ever shave at all. I occasionally trim, and once in a rare while, when I don't have any zits in the same area as my facial hare, I'll take the razor and go to town. Even then, if the razor touches one of the few bumps or scars from previous zits, it causes me quite a bit of pain that I have to withstand. If I did not have acne and was not a manlet, I'd be so unbelievably happy for the first time since I was a child.
OP here.
Pic is how my beard looks after 2 weeks, just not as thick. I hate having a beard, it just feels wrong. As for the rest of my body, I only have when my hair is long enough to comb through.
I try to only shave 2x a week. 2 days it just too long for work so I shave every two days but then not on Friday and not on the weekends if that makes sense.
tfw shave this morning because I have a meeting and meeting is cancelled.
When you apply shave cream use sensitive skin types and leave the lather on for a minimum of 4 minutes before shaving. Use a fresh blade, preferably a safety razor or straight edge and go slowly. Try cold water vs hot. Don't buy cheap razors. I recently got that Harry's subscription and it is actually a damn fine product but nothing holds a candle to me straight razor.
I think it was around a year ago. My work made me trim it, (even though I didn't interact with customers or anything like that). Beard is around 7 inches long now. Kinda just seeing how long it can get. It's kind of interesting.
>trim beard and shave around it every few days
>shave head every other day
t. Hairlet
I use Wahl clippers to shave my face.
What do you anons use?
I use a safety razor. Don't have the patience for a straight razor and its incredibly cheap and effective
I always shave my pubes every 2 weeks. having pubes suck, it makes your pubic area smelly.
I got a Norelco Oneblade for Christmas last year, but the tip broke recently. I don't know where to get replacements, so I'm probably not going to be shaving for a while.
Like every 5 or 6 weeks.
once every few months. I'm a mess but I never leave the house so yeah.