Good morning from Luxembourg, friends. It's been a while

Good morning from Luxembourg, friends. It's been a while.

It's a rainy morning right now, at 7:21.
How's your morning and what time is it over there?

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>Good morning from Luxembourg, friends. It's been a while.
>It's a rainy morning right now, at 7:21.
>How's your morning and what time is it over there?
I am from America
It is 11 pm here
It's not that rainy because it never rains in LA but it rained a few days ago and made the sky very clear

I am doing ok
I want to learn photography

Oh man, the sky here hasn't been clear in a good while. I bet it feels nice outside, I enjoy good fall weather.
What kind of photography did you want to get into?

Hello Luxembourg. It's 13:20 here. Play the guessing game where.

It's 11:50 at night and I'm up on Jow Forums. Today was a crazy rough day and I'm a degenerate pot-smoker with a sleep disorder.

India? That's my best guess. Something around there.

Oh man, are you okay? What happened?

It's 2:54 am
Am Amerifat
It's Fucking snowing outside.

Not actually India. So what does that leave?

6pm Australia. The most normie place on earth. Bored and no gf

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It's 3am over where I'm at in burgerland and I will be sleeping in my semi truck that does not have heat. It's also -9c/16f so I'll probably wake up feeling like shit.

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