Good morning from Luxembourg, friends. It's been a while.
It's a rainy morning right now, at 7:21.
How's your morning and what time is it over there?
Good morning from Luxembourg, friends. It's been a while.
It's a rainy morning right now, at 7:21.
How's your morning and what time is it over there?
>Good morning from Luxembourg, friends. It's been a while.
>It's a rainy morning right now, at 7:21.
>How's your morning and what time is it over there?
I am from America
It is 11 pm here
It's not that rainy because it never rains in LA but it rained a few days ago and made the sky very clear
I am doing ok
I want to learn photography
Oh man, the sky here hasn't been clear in a good while. I bet it feels nice outside, I enjoy good fall weather.
What kind of photography did you want to get into?
Hello Luxembourg. It's 13:20 here. Play the guessing game where.
It's 11:50 at night and I'm up on Jow Forums. Today was a crazy rough day and I'm a degenerate pot-smoker with a sleep disorder.
India? That's my best guess. Something around there.
Oh man, are you okay? What happened?
It's 2:54 am
Am Amerifat
It's Fucking snowing outside.
Not actually India. So what does that leave?
6pm Australia. The most normie place on earth. Bored and no gf
It's 3am over where I'm at in burgerland and I will be sleeping in my semi truck that does not have heat. It's also -9c/16f so I'll probably wake up feeling like shit.