Trans daughtee finding life ama
I have not told my dad
Trans daughtee finding life ama
I have not told my dad
geez what is with you people? does life revolve around sex here?
plant more trees also
>Can not even type daughter.
even trannyposters are better than tree shills, fuck off.
>even trannyposters are better than tree shills, fuck off.
the absolute state of Jow Forums
I try to talk about something more wholesome than just sex or tfw no gf and you treat me with hostility. or is it because of a personal grudge perhaps?
Fuck off you pathetic failure of a man and human being. Kill yourself right now to save everybody the annoyance of having to deal with your mentally ill ass
you can talk about all that stuff right over there, no one's stopping you. we don't want it here, this is a space for robots only.
they're more organized and franky less retarded than you. how can you be more retarded than people who take drugs that literally MAKE them retarded?
Fuck off with you're shitty thread
kill yourself now to save your dad the heartache
Hey OP, how are you feeling? Is it all too much?
Ugh this thread agaaain. for fuck's sake.
this is me but not as a joke
comment was not original
muted for 4 secs
stop re posting this thread discord tranny
Wish you'd find a dictionary and learn to spell.
This is why we fucking hate trannies. Stop posting this shit thread looking for attention over your mental illness. When your dad inevitably ostracizes you then you can post on here
fuck off tranny go plant trees and heal your mind
why does this even fucking exist?
Go choke on mustard gas you brain damaged faggot fucking idiot. Gtfo and never post again. Also tell your dad so he can give you a concussion and hopefully knock some sense back into your head.
You got such overwhelming hate ITT I had to come back and ease my nagging conscience for being so cruel. Don't kill yourself OP we're just tired of the tranny spam alright? I hope you get yourself sorted and you'll be okay.
Ok, here it goes:
How do you like your bullets? shaken or stirred?
*POP* *POP* *POP* *POP* *POP* *POP* *Click* *Click* *Click*
You are welcome!
Didn't even let her answer smdh