Hard work and effort does not bring you success and money. It's being the biggest treacherous sociopath who can talk and lie that gets ahead. Being kind and helpful is not how you meet lifelong friends. They are meaningless attachments you barely tolerate and will take you for granted the first opportunity. Women do not adore a man who is respectful and loving. They want the most violent and vulgar who can still get away with it. Since I was little they kept telling me these falsehood after falsehood.
Why did the world lie to me? I poured my life and soul into these platitudes and ended up with nothing to show for it. I am alone and I see that god has blessed the most evil people and lifted them up. I am angry yet I can not allow myself to be angry either. Who will give me justice?
How did your not know some people worked hard and got nothing? Did you not see adults trying to feed their kids on minimum wage? Did you not see adults who talked about the dreams they had tried that never happened? Did you not get told of or see homeless people? Did you not see mentally retarded people bagging groceries or pushing shopping carts because of their condition? Did you not hear about factory layoffs? Did you not see donation shows on poverty even in the American Appalachian mountains? I'm Millennial yet have no clue how anyone can come to that conclusion as a kid if they saw all that.
Ryder Morgan
We were honestly told those people were lazy, also we didnt have all those shows, and parents said the stuff about relationships and work so we bealive them as they were the birthgiverd and had control over Information varence
Joseph Murphy
So you would work and make other people profit. You got duped son. It's your own fault for falling for it. Now you can accept that and move on or keep being a spaz and screaming for "justice".
Jordan Walker
It didnt lie only to you. It lies to everyone. Some people like us just happened to be in wrong place in wrong time. But the majority was spared of that fate. They will birth new happy kids and tell them the same lies, advance humanity further and change the world because of that beautiful lie. Because its only the unlucky few will be filtered out and disregarded, so the great majority will pass ahead.
I dont know what to tell you user but I too am learning about so many lies ive been raised on. I hate it I want to lash out in anger and burn it down but nothing will happen no justice will be served no karmic coming to god or anything.
So I just stopped really trying anything except the bare min. I dont go out I dont interact with almost anyone anymore. Idk.. it sucks massively.
Luis Sanchez
I was told it's who you know not what you know, connections are everything, that people are better one on one instead of in groups, that large groups don't tolerate the different one, that some people are born without opportunity on earth because they are born to disabled, poor, or in a war torn country or bad economy but that the last will be the first in heaven. Also how easily anyone can become homeless. I got told the righteous got persecuted on the earth for doing good but in heaven they would be rewarded if you keep going with your righteousness in the name of Jesus.
Asher Torres
Did that work out for you? Bullshit. They could have at least told me not be a sniveling beta around women, which I was basically raised to be and it fucking runined my dating career, I am 37 now and I didnt get over my programming till my 20s but but then I was so behind I never caught up
Because in the 90s I was always watching those shows with my family and we sponsored a child we wrote to living in poverty in the Appalachian mountains. Growing up in school and in church we would collect canned goods. In Cathechism I was taught the importance of helping those in need and how the old, disabled, and homeless needed our help. I was told how lucky I was to live in America and that even being born in the wrong country could doom you to a life of poverty.
Did you personally know the families where the minimum wage workers supported the families? Because if you did you'd realize they did work hard in some cases but were slower or had learning disabilities. I actually knew people like that growing up.