Tfw illiterate gf

>tfw illiterate gf
Mom was against me dating her, but it's the only girl who bypassed my shyness by directly asking for a kiss.

Attached: looks like her.jpg (198x255, 7K)

How is she illiterate? How does she function in this day and age?

She knows how to write her own name, and learned how to write mine (misspelled).
Occupation: NEET, meet her when I was one too. In other words, she doesn't function per se. She was basically raised as a human pet at her home, just staying there.

I see. Well then, I hope you take good care of each other and that you both live nice happy lives.

user teach her to read.
Imagine how much that would mean to her.

Sounds autistic as fuck. Convince her that daily assrape will make her live longer or something fun like that

What a sweet user.

But... how? Her family just neglected her?

>and learned how to write mine

fuck this is adorable

Is she literally retarded

This, user. Teach her how to read and basic math and shit

You better take care of her forever

I want to, but it's hard for us to even meet.
Both of our families oppose us: my mother sees her as defective and below me, despite the fact I'm a social fuck up; her family gets in the way because, I presume from things gf told me, they're afraid she'll end up pregnant on accident from me.

I don't know the full story. She was in school before, but along the way she dropped out as a kid. I don't know if she had a learning problem or if it was just her parents not enrolling her in the proper time to learn reading.

I teached her some basic math, though she already had some grasp. She deals with money when running errands, like buying food, or alcohol and cigarettes to her trashy family members.

Godspeed you user

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>they're afraid she'll end up pregnant on accident from me.

How old is she?

>they're afraid she'll end up pregnant on accident from me.
You wouldn't let that happen, would you?

get a job rent an apartment and have your gf get hooked on phonics

>they're afraid she'll end up pregnant on accident from me.
Just get her on birth control, problem solved. :^)
Might help if you got to know her family, though.

hookt on fonix werkt four mee!

see the results speak for them selves

Early 20s.

I wouldn't knock her up like that, but who knows what they think of me. She's unexperienced, so maybe they believe she'll ignore condoms if bf asks.
They know me, think I'm cool and I discovered someone told her she'll never find someone as good, but still they get in the way. They hurry her to come home when they spot her with me outside, for example. One time they just closed the door on my face.

No, shes pure BECAUSE she cant read, teach her to read and she'll be off with Chad soon enough.

Maybe they'd be okay with it if one of them came along with the two of you as a chaperone?

I dont know why but that made me scream with laughter

just kidnap her

fuck that I don't need my hoes getting uppity