Tfw manlet

>tfw manlet
>tfw dicklet
>still got a gf
I don't know why i believed you faggots for so long, you told me only Chads can get gf but that's lie.
The blackpill is bullshit to feel better about not even trying.

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How fat is she? orengia ofc

She's does have a fat tummy but not excesively so i don't mind.

haha dont count

congrats, enjoy raising chads son and sucking his dick when you kiss lips

>muh outlier means that the average doesn't exist

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Nice cuck fantasies user.

How is it an outlier?
The average joe has gf's and even cheats on them, the real outlier are kissless virgin robots.

Fat doesn't count. Anyone can get a fat gf.

As far as dicklet and manlet go, money is the only thing that matters anyway.

>>tfw dicklet
what's ure size?

4-5 inches.

I'm proud of you, OP. Good job.

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Ah, so just tearing down someone elses happiness? Do you know you are sub human garbage who shame your parents. Please feel immense social pain and mockery until you change your bullshit.

So are you saying robots are virgins by choice?
Good to know robots truly only want a 10/10 Stacy and nothing else.
I don't have any money either, i'm a student with no cash to my name.

to this day, i still don't understand how you try at something you don't know how to do. makes absolutely zero sense to me.

Go out and talk to people ez what's so hard retard

>thinks i've never gone out and talked to someone
>yet im the retard

nevermind. forget i posted anything.

No please don't restrain from posting I was sarcastic anyway

It's surprising how easily you can get away with height/ dick size if you look good. I'm 5'8 and 5.5 inches, but have a face chiseled by Zeus himself. Facial aesthetic is the only thing that really matters. Anyone who says otherwise probably hasn't been laid.

Well if you like your orcish gf good for you but she will probably cuck you or she is already cucking you .

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It is obviously the most important physical feature. I'm 5'7" but handsome. I routinely pull girls that some 6'2" football player was trying to hit on.

Stop being so paranoid.
Girls are not looking for dick 24/7, and is fact that men cheat more.

Found the whore .

>Girls are not looking for dick 24/7

We are in a new era; this is no longer true, if it ever was

I'm sure you plenty of proof in the form of twitter screencaps.

>fact that men cheat more.

women are catching up and is about the same now. I would be extremely paranoid having a gf in the age of social media,dating apps and cell phones. easy as fuck for women to cheat and do paternity fraud. I bet you they are going to even pass a law to prevent men from getting a DNA test in the future because women are cheating so much.

I would love to have some proof for your claims.

women are cheating more then men on this one. women are whores can't be trusted.

By a whopping 1%, and still overall cheat less than previous generations.

how did you meet your gf user.
i hate going to bars and i don't have the personality for tinder

I never went to bars or tinder, i met her through a common friend.

fuck it I am just buying a sex doll they will never cheat on you and I know what she is doing 24/7.

>he thinks dating a fat 'girl' actually counts as getting a gf

imagine if a woman said
>manlets dont count anyone can get a manlet bf
yall would be losing your shit

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Found the normal faggola

What counts then?
Only anorexic Stacies?
Robots truly are just as shallow as the people they claim to hate.

It's true user. It's all about trying.

>able to loose weight
>grow taller