My teen girlfriend has had two abortions

My teen girlfriend has had two abortions.

How many abortions is too many?

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1 desu. Unless it was rape it's a huge red flag

go away michael sosa.

How dense do you have to be to have two abortions. After one you should now you are both fertile and able to become pregnant, and act accordingly.

Abortions make it harder to give birth to healthy children. I wouldn't be in a relationship with a women for reasons other than raising a family.
Also having an abortion betrays a certain character, and so does being pregnant early in your life.

I'd say 1 is too much, unless under very special circumstances.

esu. Unless it was rape it's a huge red flag

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Did Sosa actually fuck her, or is it just a rumor he spread?

I spoke to him a few times and he seemed to be really into Chicano pride and Mexican pride and all that stuff. Would always tell me about his "Aztec heritage" and stuff, made me lol.

ignore him he's going on about pride but he doesnt have anything prideful about him. hell he's not the pride of his father that's for damn sure.
and nah I doubt he fucked her.. granted she's a loose slut living out her daddies issues with that old dude now but for rico notsauve I doubt it but only she knows for sure and she wont say shit now that daddy bf is in her life

I refer to Chicanos as "Shitcanos". They believe they are descendants of Mexicans while speaking Spanish and practicing Iberian culture. It's funny.

you both are flamboyantly new, he met up with ciara irl several times & they literally fucked. they even had car sex & there's screenshots of both of them admitting it not faggotly new but not getting into that kind of /b/tard shit.

I've never seen those screenshots so I legit didnt know. Welp learned she's aztec dick thus lowering her even further on the list. wew she's hitting slut tier levels

>hell he's not the pride of his father that's for damn sure.

Isn't his mother a single mother? Wise Latina woman and all that. God Mexicans really are vermin.

>slut tier
nigger she literally is a whore, she's admitted to fucking countless guys & she's exchanged underage nudes and she's scammed hundreds of orbiters for their money

Thus I said she's slut tier. keep up kid and drop that shit attitude in your replies also

are you like 15 and/or from reddit?
get the fuck off Jow Forums

Michael Sosa: King of the Aztecs, Chicano LARPers and the First Spics.

id she's slut tier. keep up kid and drop that shit attitude in your replies also

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How is this nigger not in jail yet? He's been caught soliciting sex from minors on literally a dozen different occasions.

post where I want bitch boy. but keep shitposting like you are and proving my point. Just a mouthy underage brat save behind the moniter of his slut single mom's house. Cry moar eternal virgin

hi ciara

could this post get any more 9gag/reddit tier? jesus fuck, Jow Forums is truly dead
>cry moar eternal virgin
where do you even think you are lol, you type like a roastie

Who are these ppl ur talking abt

Not Ciara, never even spoken to her outside of Jow Forums since I don't hang in all those gay discords where this drama goes down.

I just find it weird how a guy we have documented proof has solicited sex from at least four minors is not in jail.

because his mummy is a state judge and she protects the fuck out of him

you type like an underage /b/tard
cry moar has been used on here for years more so years ago newfag
eternal virgin is what you are. look up eternal if you dont know what it means kid

fuck you underage are so damn annoying

Mexican women are filthy. Mestizo people are filthy.

Don't we have screenshots of his mother ignoring people telling her the truth about her son's behavior?

t. kid who just became 18 and thinks he's a man

Don't bother replying, I won't see it.

k bye felica

you're literally a faggot holy shit
for the love of god, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>wont see it
>sees it
wew lad you're one weak willed bitch aint ya. maybe reddit's more your speed.
little safer there

I had one. One's enough for me.

>dating disgusting leftover trash

do you like to lick the cum from her previous partner? why do men date non-virgin trash?

im not the guy you were replying to kek

She looks like she would be emotionally draining in a relationship

she is very draining. she leaps from one cock I mean bf to another and learns nothing. add in underage blackmail and pedo shit and yup she's trash tier

Ugh...remember her ugly ass nose anons

plus she looks horrible in a bikini.
add in her posting nudes
her scars from cutting
her rampant drug use
her sluttery
only the most pathetic of virgins orbit this wasteoid of life

It's recommended to have at least one abortion per month.

ciara is goddamn ugly
>plus she looks horrible in a bikini.
I never seen her full bod

an abortion is one too many abortions
two and she's just a fucking slut