
Almost hit the big 6 double 0 edition

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thirst for socialism



thank you

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I'm not a mega autist and I'm intelligent so I can fake social skills.
This means I can actually manage relationships with women.



now THIS is a top-tier britfeel post
unironically, fuck trannies


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dont mind if I do WAHEY

this means you are a normie with 'problems'

The trannies haven't been as active lately, bar poley. When Tilde pipes up you know things have gone to shit.

Tfw get to see my bf this weekend

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Every prime minister before David Lloyd George.

Every U.S. president before Woodrow Wilson

*taps mic*

*waits for the room to settle*


Large doner meat and chips with all the salads and extra chilli sauce please

Thank you.. and goodnight

*thunderous applause*

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Seethe more for us please, it's fun

how can you fake social skills? either you have them or you don't.

Not worth it if you already have a PS4 desu, the upgrade in quality is not huge. I would save the money for the inevitable PS5 release within the next 2 years.

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No, I have mild autism and a high enough intelligence to fake norminess.

teehee I hope he breeds your ovulating boipucci uwu

why does she have what looks like loose hairs all over her and around her mouth?

My eyes are heavy
I might just watched the sosijball tbqh

>Not worth it if you already have a PS4 desu, the upgrade in quality is not huge
Seconding this, I upgraded when mine broke and have a big 4k hdr telly and can't really tell the difference

also this for gay high dudes
million miles, millisecond

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>how do you fake social skills
By really thinking about everything you're doing instead of it coming naturally.

avatar posting, isnt that against the rules?

It's supposed to be quieter

PS4 can get quite noisy with some games

autists are literally not capable of that.

not if theyre a good lad

Got no idea desu, it ruins the image a bit.
Not really desu user, bit weird

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vocaroo thread desu

>My eyes are heavy
lids weak, ducts are sweaty

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Pro is actually way noisier than base unless you get the new RDR one, which is probably still noisy

this is fucking lmao tier
you are born a normie or you're not.

Autism is a spectrum.
I'm high functional with enough intelligence to operate on my own.

Yup, just organising my mundane notes and trying to write my history in an organised fashion between mid 90s and this year pre September when I woke up and started really living

high functioning autsim is a cop out.

she violently fellated an old bald fat faceless man and got pubic hairs all over herself

Well if that's what you think then go get a degree and argue your case.

in conversation though you really have to think on your feet most of the time.

>last thread at 600 replies
To the lads that don't make threads, what puts you off?

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Might play some more Final Fantasy 13

I think quickly.

the fuck?
why would she do that, she barely looks older than 15 and I can't imagine that's a particularly nice thing to do

Right lads need more (you)s, what would be scarier to see blocking the door in your room, an angry pitbull or a komodo dragon?

Fear of people not joining my thread and going to someone else's instead. It will be like going through my teens all over again.

if you have social skills you are a normie.

599 actually, but I topped it off for ya

cant believe you got the nerve to come after me

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No, if you have natural social skills you're a normie.

komodo dragon innit, they can actually fuck you up

If it happens, just delete your thread and disappear back in comfy anonymity.

>tfw computer UIs will never ever be comfy again

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An angry pitbull as I can't deal with aggressive all that well. The calm demeanour of the lizard wouldn't make me feel as threatened.

it's anime lad

you're the 'autist' with social skills right

anyone in soton want to be friends?

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Manjaro is pretty comfy imo. Not as comfy as older windows versions tho.

Buying Ketamine off my 16 yr old sister yhhh ladss

Every pitbull has a pitmommy so even if you kill the pitbull (unlikely) you'll have to face the pitmom

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Lee Anthony Hoyland thanking his friends, family, supporters and the returning officer during his victory speech after being elected mayor of Sheffield

I'm having a childhood resurgence right now where I just watch wrestling and dragon ball and play final fantasy games

went went wrong in your life?

Buying a hippo off of my 13 year old sister. She got it back in Africa when she was scouting for starving toucans.

I am an anonymous poster.

Needs more of it. My bennies aren't enough

One of my ealiest memories is playing a toucan in a primary school play

You got the WWE Network, lad? I have the original dragon ball in manga form and dbz in dvd
Feels good to have access anytime
Also WWE Network is way worth the price imo big laddo

quick survey if you don't mind lads


>how often you post/lurk /britfeel/

>what keeps you coming back to

>anyone in soton
>want to be friends?

Gd luck

another bit done for muh narco lair.
every self respecting narco needs their own plane and jungle runway right?

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based wrestle bros

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loving the autism of this druglord minecrafting

>all day
>in between cod matches I need something to do and also when I'm on the shit throne

At what point do you realise that Minecraft alone isn't enough?

Good question user. I'm hoping to self induce a k hole and find out

>all day
>it's my home

Haven't been watching modern WWE last 2 year or so but used to be fairly on and off and lost Interest a while after punk left
Love randy ortons old Theme tune I do

now unfortunatley the darker side of smuggling drugs.
body disposal. what do you do with your enemies?
after my extensive narco training if worked out chopping up the bodies and dumping them in a barrel of acid then washing them down a drain. stinky work but hey somebody's gotta do it

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I go through phases of browsing it everyday for hours on end and then taking month long breaks.

Comfy chats, good times and a place to empathise with others.

It's mostly shit these days mostly watch out of habit. Brock v Bryan was based though recently

>after work eryday
>memes and relatable misery

What if noncehunter videos drive nonces underground and they improve their efforts and then they become harder to catch

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every evening
it's like a pub for depressed incel weebs

Honestly if it hadn't been for this place I'd be dead.

Minecraft lad you use any mods? I never did but played a lot of it on PC. Just got a console now and you're making me wanna jump back in and make a big base
Also Minecraft is scary as fuck when playing in the dark and deep in the ground

All the ones I've watched are utter braindead retards. Actual child rapists are a bit more careful

i know what you're thinking, and you can get a modpack that combines stardew valley and minecraft and i think 1 called harvest moon
was a bit laggy though

they aren't catching the hardcore nonces.

need a comfi low hour job

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All day on off days, as much as I can during wageslavery

As this user said, it's my home. Britfeelers are also my closest friends

Even when I was watching it it was shit, lad
But you always watch because within those mostly shite 3 hours there's a few moments of gold
I remember loving the bully ryback era
That shit had me in hysterics that Goldberg looking fucker going around like a school bully bullying backstage members

I'm thinking of tutoring GCSE maths and getting a part time job in a pub/bar when I pack up work. Seems like easy money and could be chill.

>Seems like easy money
only if its posh kids, working with scummy kids is pure hell

I live in an alright area so I should be fine.

Are you me?

Though I would never replay a game unless it's been like a decade


what's this christmas tune called lads? Forgive the horrific timing

Got 35k in the bank, im 23 y/o. No friends no gf. Spend all my time working and then posting online. Think ive bought into mgtow meme a little too hard

Amir having a childhood resurgence of blowing up infidels while they shit on the toilet back in Pakistan.

sleigh ride

there's a few of us love minecraft. i'm posting my narco lair at the moment so will answer your question.
using modpacks on different launchers. i'm too thick for installing them myself at the moment but on technic and twitch they're already set up with different mods you just install the pack
i'm doing vanilla for my next play though after this 1. good ole survival with mining and farming for supplies then getting a wolfpack on the go and going adventuring
and yeah, suddenly realising your on lvl 2 with loads of goodies but surrounded by lava and skelingtons and creepers and no way out is terrifying.
dug my way up once and ended up in the bottom of an ocean, just got to surface in time
that was on console, only got it on pc this year

As someone who has tutored I can tell you that it starts bad but gets better.
You need to build a reputation for yourself and hopefully once you get your first posh kid their parents will recommend you to their friends and you can stop dealing with little shits.
Having a degree will certainly help you get tutoring jobs.