Robots I had a nice interaction with a girl today that I want to share

Robots I had a nice interaction with a girl today that I want to share.
Female friend is livestreaming on instagram on the school break ( high school, senior year ) and she briefly filmed us who were sitting close and talking. A girl I've never even heard of then sent a live message asking who "the guy with messy hair" is. I'm that guy. I'm sure that girl didn't know the rest of the guys sitting there with us so why ask precisely about me. Does this mean I'm not bad looking?

Attached: download.jpg (229x220, 10K)

Messy not in a dirty way but like a messy haircut on purpose kinda thing. Definitely wasn't anything bad.

Cmon guys, someone share my excitement with me

Well uhh, good on you user, sounds like a roastie tho

Doesn't matter! If I'm cute to her I'm objectively cuter than I thought I am!

Well, thanks to the one user that responded.

You're all just jealous

no, we just don't like high schooler faggots shitting up an already shit board

Dude, you're in high and have friends. Even female friends, why the fuck are you on here? I never understood this whole new trend of "oh I'm an outsider and I'm soooo depressed" that all my younger family members are going through.

hit her up

Youbare already fucking up friendzoning is coming if not already there, people like you should just use Grindr and fuck sissy robot twinks and cum in their boipussy about the best you can get