*makes you tacos and hands you a beer after a hard day at work*

*makes you tacos and hands you a beer after a hard day at work*

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She is so fucking ugly and fat geez does it enjoy anything in l1fe but food

I will never date a fat girl because they have liw impulse control

>they have liw impulse control

Because theyre niggers user

haha imagine having someone loving you unconditionally wouldn't that be funny

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doesn't exist

that's why it's so funny haha imagine someone actually loving you for who you are kek

Fuck off with your test lowering shit drink

If you lift and eat right a a couple beers won't kill you user

I would unironically love to live like this for the rest of my life and if you wouldn't, you need to get the fuck out. One would only hope to have a woman who treats them as good as a Mexican wife, regardless of her looks. She's not even that bad looking desu. Her teeth are probably fucked, just looking at the way she's smiling but I'd marry her in a second.

Make that buttermilk and I'll dick her down, like a good man should.

Ive lifted for 2 years and i eat predominantly meat and i still am not gonna drink alcohol let alone beer

You're wrong indigeous women have engraved in their brains that they belong to their husband and will be forever faithful no matter how much of an asshole he is.
t. Mexican that worked as a teacher in indigenous communities.

>tfw me mexican wife won't allow me to also have a mexican gf

>Not picking a more realistic looking Indian mexigrill
Nigga its 2018, indian girls squat and shit now.

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she looks like a thot tho, nty

She's a South American camwhore.

that's because those men are assholes

men in the west have become pussified

Shes more mixed
South american amerindians usually look better than mexicans and central americans

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fuck you ugly mutt bitch I hate Mexican food

Its mostly the nigger genes up North that make the ugly ones.

>nigger genes in Mexico
Most of the Africans went to South America, user. Mexicans are less than 5% black on average.

Am I making tacos right if I use corn tortillas and turkey? How do I make them "authentic"?

I unironically am trying to learn spanish language and recipes, just because being monolingual is boring and I never have any ideas for cheap recipes.

Imagine not enjoying life this much. Weew

Corn tortillas are authentic. Turkey is not. You can use fajita beef, steak, pork, fish. The most popular is fajita. Look up how to make fajitas first.

You all talk about Mexicans but would you date a native gril?

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its the nigger genes that make brazilian women so thicc user

I dont like thicc, I like sticc

>She is so fucking ugly and fat
...Am I missing something? She looks normal, maybe even pretty?
I suppose you spergs prefer a face full of makeup over a traditional woman anyways

But shes fat and probably has banana boobs with huge nips

She looks like an istmid india and they tend to have round faces which make them look fat

>banana boobs with huge nips

turkeys are native to the American continents though, pork isn't

I guess beef arguably could have been used from oxen at some point but I figure turkey is more authentic than anything else

Yeah turkey is more authentic, mole and most mexican dishes had turkey before spaniards arrived to the americas but authenticity doesnt matter as long as the food tastes good

Id love that honestly. Dream come true.

add onions, salsa, tomatoes, guac / cream cheese

That's basically a "nigga." Except her face.

Are you trying to make authentic 2019 Mexican tacos or are you trying to make Aztec tacos

Is this how we solve the incel problem and the refugee problem all at once?
Just have refugee women marry incels.
Incels get a trad wife, refugee women get citizenship and half-white kids.
Win-win for everyone.

Is it a choice between taco bell and using ingredients that don't come from Europe?

>I would unironically love to live like this for the rest of my life and if you wouldn't, you need to get the fuck out. One would only hope to have a woman who treats them as good as a Mexican wife, regardless of her looks. She's not even that bad looking desu. Her teeth are probably fucked, just looking at the way she's smiling but I'd marry her in a second.
Same. I just want a Ma Larkin really, race doesn't matter.

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Indias arent the ones coming here its mostly mestizas, and mestizas arent trad usually

No. Authentic Mexican tacos have European ingredients because Mexico was conquered by Spain and it influenced some of the food they eat. If you don't want ingredients that don't come from Europe, you're asking for some ancient recipe.

tfw no qt Mexican gf
feels bad t b h

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tfw Mexican gf I found on placement year while at Uni. Catholic with a rich family. Best thing that's ever happened to my miserable life

how to get a qt Mexican girlfriend

If you rape a girl in mexico she becomes your automatically

that girl is at least half white

Attached: Modern_9999994[1].jpg (416x497, 53K)

here's another one, robot pls

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that's not how modern mexican chicks look

Never seen a mexican selling tamales by home depot have you? They do indeed look like that

>loving you unconditionally
>loving you for who you are
This is a contradiction, for isn't "who you are" a condition?
Unless it's your parents and you're a kid. Then you need unconditional love because you don't know any better. But no one else will do that.

I really lover her mix
would definetely fuck her

She isnt mixed, shes just a regular bolivian amerind

Stupid cunt *punches her in the face* ive told you a thousand times I like pies and cocacola after a hard day collecting neetbux

You've never been to Mexico.

Honestly dude the girls in small towns tend to be thotty. There is nothing to do there but hangout and fuck.

Wrong, she will be loyal and make you food and shit. You just have to not be a piece of shit or she will leave you for someone who isn't.

I have been to mexico and have mexican family members

If you think the girl in my pic is mixed you have never been to Mexico. Natives rarely exist anymore.

Mexicans don't own iPhones

more like

*wipes guacamole clump off of her face with a tortilla then eats the tortilla*

*hands you the last shitty Tecate from the back bottom corner of the fridge*

*rambles off tangent in 'spanich' to her little gordito kid while smacking him upside the head*

People who are less mixed than her exist, what part of mexico have you been to mexico anyways ive been to tierra caliente sonora and morelos

Yes they do exist. It's the natives, who rarely exist anymore. Chihuahua, Torreon and adjacent cities (Gomez Pal, Aliansa), Guerrero, the Federal District, Tepito (briefly) and another state that I cant remember.

Natives like OP do exist but by now Mexicans are so mixed that small towns normally have girls like my original pic. I've only seen few actual 100% natives like OPs pic.

that's like $8 worth of work.
go back to ruining your own country, lupita

I have
they are significantly fatter and their faces are glossier than the bumper of a rolls royce

Yeah so I was right about your picture beimg mixed

Mixed with what? You tell me senpai. By now the new natives look like her.

Apparently natives make up around 30% of the Mexican population, maybe more since natives who don't identify with a specific tribe are thrown into the 'mestizo' category.

>that's like $8 worth of work.
you can't buy love user

Because it's out of my price range.
I can buy tacos and beer though.

t. s*daca

I would argue that mixed small town people qualify as natives. Since technically they are poor which equates to being a native somehow. I dont know much about Mexican politics but I know if you are 2 shades browner you are native. Especially since Mexicans take pride in being "native" even when they are mixed.

No mis padres son de tierra caliente mexico

The girl you posted has a caucasian nose, not a native hooked nose

So you are telling me 80ish% (give or take) of me hee cans are mixed with caucasians.

Jesus christ. I've met African Americans that look Asian and their ancestry never gets close to that at all.
>look at the nose shes clearly mixed.

Nigga it's a nose.

Yes thats why we are called mestizos

Not by themselves. Being mixed is generally normal in Mexico senpai. Unless you are heavily mixed.

Every race developed different type of noses depending on their enviroment, its not just a nose.

When I said she was more mixed I meant she was less amerindian than pic in Op and im not wrong about that, shes too tall to be pure anerindian and has some caucasian facial features

Some groups native to Central America, groups from Asia and groups from Africa have similar facial features. Look at the Olmec heads. If you fix your mind to do it, they could look West African or Chinese.

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Which is normal in today's time and she is still considered native because of her skin complexion.

I look like that and I would claim Im amerindian, im just a mestizo

Similar facial features but not the same, I have a cousin who has a face like the olmec head and I would never think she has negro or chinese admixture, she might have similar lips to a negro or similar eyes to a chink but there is still differences



Don't bother arguing with spictrap, it's some mentally ill tranny with an axe wound between it's legs and it's constantly sucking up to whites because it wants to be accepted.

Callese negro

Kill yourself you degenerate chicano mutant

Dame una buena razon para hacerlo y lo hare

>got an older unnattractive hispanic woman afraid of getting deported as my practice gf

It's alright I guess, better than being alone.

>Jow Forums fags spamming "half white n sheeit" whenever they see pretty natives now too
Next level cope

Already have kinda first GF was black and 1/4 native super fine but pretty fucking crazy i think her inner savage is still going strong

native girl thread now

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