Post your waifu, ask questions, discuss each other's waifus
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oi hello there fellow waifufags
Hello again everyone!
lets start this one with a few question:
>is there an age gap between you and your waifu?
>if so how would it effect your relationship if at all?
>What kind of memories would you like to create with you waifu?
>What would your waifu wear during the holidays?
warm clothes. no doofus christmas sweaters, just ones that keep him toasty. he's a southern boy, but i imagine all the years he's been in gotham has made the cold at least a little easier.
>whats their favourite holiday?
halloween. without question. the one day of the year where people getting scared isn't only encouraged, it's expected. also because he's a closet goth and i will never, ever let the idea go of him keeping halloween decorations up all year.
>what's their birthday cake of choice?
everyone likes chocolate cake. i really don't know what his preferred flavor would be, but now i have this image in my head of us making mug cakes together for his birthday and i can't get it out.
the only form of therapy
I love my little rem-chan.
>what bad habits does your waifu have?
>how would she feel about your bad habits?
>would you encourage her to get over her bad habits?
>would she encourage you to get better?
>is there an age gap between you and your waifu?
Yes she's older
>if so how would it effect your relationship if at all?
It just makes me love her more
>What kind of memories would you like to create with you waifu?
fun ones and romantic ones
If you're waifu has a voice actor, how do you feel about them? It's Tamura Yukari's voice when I think about her in my head but I originally played the VN without voices and had a voice in my head for Rika that I wish I didn't forget.
no official VA but I tend to think of Yuri as sounding like she does in agitated hedgehogs work:
I'm going to be early to this thread. Early!
>is there an age gap between you and your waifu?
Canonically, she was 16 when the show came out in 2012 so she'd be 22 now (unless you count that it probably takes place in the future). I'm 28 so that's not much of a difference.
>if so how would it effect your relationship if at all?
it doesn't really matter to me
>What kind of memories would you like to create with you waifu?
If we could be together, I'd like to make a stable, normal life. But we can't. One of my dreams is to make it big in the world of opera, (as big as you can, in that world) big enough that I can be openly autistic like Elon Musk is. I could have any 3d woman that I want, but I'd still chose her. The whole world would know I have a waifu and there wouldn't be a thing they could say to tear me down. Maybe I could help normies understand how people like us feel; maybe I'd invest heavily in AI android technology so everyone can live a happy life with their waifu/husbando. I can't be with her in life, but that's the kind of thing I want to do in her honor.
I don't really feel one way or the other about them besides thankful that they helped bring her to life. I've got a few trading cards signed by her VA; that's pretty cool.
I think the better question is, what do writers/VAs think of us? If someone unironically loved something/someone I created It'd be pretty amazing, but I can see how they might be creeped out. What do you guys think? Have any content creators/voice actors ever said anything in either direction?
I fell asleep before the end of the last thread, for those who missed me. I feel kind of bad, to be honest; these threads are so comfy that I hate to be away from them for even just a few minutes. As always, sending all my love to my princess. I love you so much, Meri. You're all that I love.
>is there an age gap between you and your waifu?
She's 16, although if she aged in real time she'd be 22 now. There's not a huge gap between us either way, however.
>if so how would it effect your relationship if at all?
I don't think it would have much of an effect on our relationship.
>What kind of memories would you like to create with you waifu?
Good ones, of course. Filled with joy and love. Love of life, love for each other. If she were real I'd grow old with her, and when I do I want to look back and our youth and smile. Sitting in the sun, enjoying each other's company; riding through the forest on horseback; cuddling with each other under the covers while it rained outside. All those and so much more.
I want to have memories of adventure, exploration and discovery. Seeing new sights together, experiencing things together, enjoying them together. I want to travel the world with her, never settling down until we get too old to move around. I want to touch the sky with her, reaching the highest of heights. I want us to share in every new experience.
I want to, for once in my life, have good memories. Dream good dreams. I feel as if I can only really do that with Merida.
>is there an age gap between you and your waifu?
there is. he's my senior by at least twenty years.
>if so how would it effect your relationship if at all?
the thought that we wouldn't really be able to grow old together naturally hurts me. and people in public would probably assume he's my father, and it wouldn't help that i'm so much shorter than him.
>What kind of memories would you like to create with you waifu?
i just think he'll make me feel safe. i imagine spending my nights and days by his side and finally feeling like nothing can hurt me, and i want him to feel just as secure when we're together.
>what bad habits does your waifu have?
She talks to herself. Like, a lot. I've noticed that she wrings her hands a lot as well, especially when she's nervous.
>how would she feel about your bad habits?
I talk to myself a lot as well, so she probably wouldn't think much of it. I'm also an obsessive worrier, which she might have an issue with. I can't really help the fact that I'd worry for her a lot. I want to always be there for her yet at the same time give her the space she might want from time to time. But I'd worry for her safety. I wouldn't want my girl to get hurt.
I also stay up late. She may or may not have an issue with that, because frankly I don't know if she stays up late as well. Maybe she does, I don't know.
>would you encourage her to get over her bad habits?
I would try.
>would she encourage you to get better?
Of course.
>If your waifu has a voice actor, how do you feel about them?
Her VA is Kelly Macdonald, who I know from the movie Trainspotting. I don't know too much about her, but she seems all right from what little interviews I've seen. Her regular speaking voice is pretty much Merida's voice, which I think is cute.
Rikka thighs.
Some user posted a Flan last thread and asked if there are any other anons with 2hu waifus. 2hufags represent, come here and show other anons why 2hus are the best.
I know what you mean I could spend days away on these threads I almost feel addicted.
Based and waifu pilled god speed
I hope you don't mind me asking but how do you feel about your hasbando's criinal activities? What do you think of his foe the Batman?
makes me happy a comfy thread can still hit image limit
>Is your waifu religious?
>Do you even care about her views on religion?
>Would you try to convert her to your faith?
>Would you convert to hers?
To all the anons who answered my previous questions, how would things change if you and your waifu/hasbando had your ages reversed?
>What flower would you associate with your waifu?
>What smell would you associate with her?
>Do you think she would like your smell?
i think that jonathan is right.
the people in this world who have made us suffer deserve that suffering inflicted upon them - they deserve to be afraid, to be broken, to be humiliated. we have every right to inflict that suffering upon him. when i say that i want to be at his side, i mean for every moment. i don't delude myself into thinking he's a good person. i just know he's justified in it.
batman is just another man.
Hey there Aya friend.
Reisen poster here, not the same one from /v/ mind you. But a Reisen poster nonetheless.
>Is your waifu religious?
Religious themes aren't explored in Brave, given that it's not that kind of movie. However, given the time period of the setting, if Brave were historically accurate I'm sure Merida and her family would practice Catholicism.
>Do you even care about her views on religion?
I'm not a religious person, but I would respect her beliefs and views no matter what. If she were Catholic I could see her questioning her faith, given her personality. I'd support this self-discovery.
>Would you try to convert her to your faith?
I'm not religious, so no.
>Would you convert to hers?
I came from a Catholic family (again, assuming she would be Catholic). I left the faith for multiple reasons I don't feel comfortable discussing. I wouldn't re-convert, but I'd respect her beliefs and traditions.
Not much would change beyond her being older, I think.
>What flower would you associate with your waifu?
I don't know anything about flowers. A pretty, reddish-orange one, I suppose.
>What smell would you associate with her?
A musky, earthy smell. The kind of scent someone has when they've spent most of their life outdoors. The kind of smell I'd find oddly enticing.
>Do you think she would like your smell?
I don't have a particular smell. At least, I've never been told that I do. I walk a lot, especially during the midday, so I do have a bit of a musky, sweaty scent from time to time, but I'm sure that wouldn't bother her.
I realized I never actually answered my own questions.
>What would your waifu wear during the holidays?
I'd like to imagine a really cute warm sweater and maybe something more fancy for dinners.
>whats their favourite holiday?
I feel like she doesn't really have one, maybe valentines day, she's secretly a huge romantic.
>what's their birthday cake of choice?
Something fancy for sure! a strawberry cake with fruit and creme something very light.
>Is your waifu religious?
he was raised fiercely christian by a woman who scorned and abused him. i can't imagine him having any love for god. he would probably be atheist.
>Do you even care about her views on religion?
he's my partner, i have to care. i imagine he would love to hear about all sorts of superstitions i've learned about.
>Would you try to convert her to your faith?
wicca has nothing that demands we convert others, and i don't want to make him uncomfortable or put upon, so no.
>Would you convert to hers?
it took me a long time for find a religion that felt right to me. i can't see myself being atheist or even agnostic in the future.
God damn it. Not only did I fall asleep and miss out on so much from last thread but I'm late to the new one as well. Time to catch up.
Probably my favourite pic of her
>Is waifu bashful or aggresive with lewd stuff?
>When she is in the "mood" , How does she ask for it?
My tulpa's very subtle about it. She gets a lot more touchy and assertive.
>Waifu hasnt been able to shower for 3 days due to a shortage of water, what does she smell like?
I doubt it would be that bad. Women don't stink nearly as bad as men. Could probably still catch a whiff of BO
>Is she vanilla or prone to get into risque territory?
Vanilla. The most "risque" if it can even be considered that being slight footplay
>Would you sub for her?
I'm a switch so yeah. But nothing extreme, however.
>Would you drink her tears, her drool , her sweat?
I don't think I would. maybe just her drool
>Do you consider yourself a vanilla loving man or a degenerate?
I'm so vanilla I can be considered a normalfag
>What about her?
She is too but maybe a little less than me.
I'm mentioned before that I want to do it but want to practice drawing other people beforehand so I do it properly.
>What would your waifu wear during the holidays?
Turtleneck sweaters.
>whats their favourite holiday?
Christmas or New Year's Eve
>what's their birthday cake of choice?
Probably something simple,dare I say minimalistic.
From /v/ ? I wouldn't know, I never go to /v/. Well, good to know there's more of us, regardless.
>is there an age gap between you and your waifu?
Yeah she is older than me.
>if so how would it effect your relationship if at all?
I don't think it would, at least for me. I see her as an equal.
>What kind of memories would you like to create with you waifu?
I think it goes without saying that happy and warm memories are a priority. Meridanon said it so well anything else I might say is worthless.
>what bad habits does your waifu have?
Using medical terms in day to day life.
>how would she feel about your bad habits?
Maybe a little annoyed my none of my bad habits are too invasive or destructive
>would you encourage her to get over her bad habits?
I think they're cute but I can see it becoming a problem if they got too consistent and then I might try to get over them.
>would she encourage you to get better?
No doubt. People who don't even care about me want me to get over my bad habits.
>If you're waifu has a voice actor, how do you feel about them?
Her voice is a major part of why I fell in love and still lover her. However I don't feel any connection to the actress. She doesn't havy any other more major roles and she doesn't even sound like my waifu. In the closed beta of her game she had a different VA and she was nowhere near as good.
>Is your waifu religious?
She is fairly traditional so can see her being religions. She does seem to practice a lot of Jesus' teachings
>Do you even care about her views on religion?
No. Such things matter not to me.
>Would you try to convert her to your faith?
>Would you convert to hers?
I don't want to force my beliefs onto others as I don't want others to do the same to me but we both seem to share the same beliefs and they don't conflict with each other so I don't see a reason for either one of us to convert.
I associate coreopsis lanceolata or some other yellow flower with her that I saw somewhere. Every time I smell something feminine and pleasant I think of her and if she smelled like it. Probably not.
No real indication of it canonically. It would be my greatest intention to see her to Christ if she was made real with an eternal soul.
I am of the unique scenario where her creator is as nonexistent as I am
She sleeps too much and is generally lazy about doing anything. Opinions vary but I think a lot of my bad habits would cease to be bad if she was around.
I think not wanting to do things comes from not finding value in them so dragging her to things "worth it" matters a lot
I see her as someone roughly my age or younger but not by an extreme amount so I dunno.
I want to show her to people I know and be seen with her by everyone to make concrete that this life was real and not insanity
>What flower would you associate with your waifu?
>What smell would you associate with her?
Either lilac again or the scent of those expensive perfumes.
>Do you think she would like your smell?
I just use the average deodorant/cologne and I shower daily so I don't believe there's anything to dislike about my smell. Maybe after a long active day I may get a little sweaty.
Also I thought the waifu threads would only get more and more barren as time goes on but it seems the opposite has happened. I'm glad. he more the merrier. I consider myself an overly curious person so asking and answering questions gives me dopamine rushes. These threads are the positivity and love the board has been lacking lately.
>I am of the unique scenario where her creator is as nonexistent as I am
Explain please
Its okay Pearl-poster I often don't answer my own questions ether. What matters is that you contributed to the comfy-ness of the thread.
Kikiyama basically doesn't exist and hasn't for a while. There hasn't been any first person contact in years
Do you know who I am, user?
>what bad habits does your waifu have?
aside from his experiments, i imagine he has horrible insomnia and forgets to eat mosts times.
>how would she feel about your bad habits?
i have the same problems, in addition to a self-depreciative slump i some times get into. he would probably feel the need to psychoanalyze me, though maybe not always out loud.
>would you encourage her to get over her bad habits?
yeah! if we start sleeping and eating together, problem solved. mostly, at least. we would still both be horrible sleepers.
>would she encourage you to get better?
i always imagine him helping me get to bed at night when i stay up too late. often, sleep doesn't come easy, so we lay awake at night and just talk about anything and everything.
Kagari-chan desu!
>is there an age gap between you and your waifu?
yes, she does not adhere to time
>if so how would it effect your relationship if at all?
she could take me to the moon and be happy together for a literal eternity
>What kind of memories would you like to create with you waifu?
good memories
>what bad habits does your waifu have?
working far too hard
>how would she feel about your bad habits?
she'd be understanding (and find them kind of cute)
>would you encourage her to get over her bad habits?
only if it looks like she really needs a break, i don't want to disturb her either
>would she encourage you to get better?
>Is your waifu religious?
no, not in our sense
>Do you even care about her views on religion?
i wanna know all about her, so yes
>Would you try to convert her to your faith?
my faith is based around her, would be awkward, heh
>Would you convert to hers?
yes, immediately
>What flower would you associate with your waifu?
daisy (her leitmotif)
>What smell would you associate with her?
an earthly, powerful smell
>Do you think she would like your smell?
not sure
>What flower would you associate with your waifu?
black dahlias. i can't separate them from him and i can't remember why. i might have seen them in a comic somewhere.
>What smell would you associate with her?
dried hay, old books, and a chemical smell not unlike battery acid.
>Do you think she would like your smell?
i sure fucking hope so. i use too much nice products and lotions for him not to.
Based on what I can tell you must be a young christian in his teens or twenties who seems to be suffering through some sort of an identity crisis or feels he may not be "real." The question is should I know you? Also, do you know me?
Has anyone had bad experiences with people because of their waifu? I go on /llsifg/ and it seems that most people there hate me because of my love for her.
back in high school, i would look at pictures of him on my phone to keep myself going. some of the other shitty students in class noticed how often i was doing it and started bullying me for it. one of them threw a frisbee at my face, and after the teacher asked him to apologize, told me how funny it was.
what's /llsifg/? a general thread?
Yeah, it's a general on /vg/
>What flower would you associate with your waifu? Weirdly I associate snow bells, but I can't help but think roses suit her for obvious reasons.
>What smell would you associate with her?
Something like the fresh air in a field, the smell of a freshly cleaned house.
>Do you think she would like your smell?
I think she might! I wear a lot of floral perfumes and I'm a huge fan of my girly shampoos.
>he actually made a tulpa of his waifu
not gonna lie, I've thought about it
how did it go
did she uh, turn out fine
a lot of people on l*ddit said that basing them off of a fictional character that you are also in love with would be extremely harmful to them
I've had her for some time now. When she appeared I didn't even know what a tulpa was.
Yeah, she's fine. No horror stories like other people have told. I believe they're either LARPs or people with actual mental illness anyway. I would take reddits words and advice with an oversized grain of salt. I made the mistake of taking a glance at the tulpa subreddit and it's honestly an absolute shitshow.
I don't like talking about my tulpa here since it doesn't seem the proper place for it and I don't encourage people to make tulpas since I know it isn't for everyone.
>I go on /llsifg/ and it seems that most people there hate me because of my love for her.
Are you a ritualposter?
I get bullied hard on /co/ because of my love for Merida. I'm sure some are shitposters but many can't seem to fathom why anyone would love her. Some of them hate waifufags altogether and take it out on people they think would be easy targets. I try to ignore them, or at the very least tell them that I don't care what they say.
I like the big sister type and I am the oldest brother.
What does that say about me?
Sad to hear that you had to suffer like that. I hope you are doing well.
You are probably a mature person and admire that quality in others. I can relate because the relationship between my waifu and her best friend sometimes reminds me of a relationship between quarreling sisters who really do care about each other in the end.
This is my waifu. She's from a shit show, but she is still mine.
A Yuri friend?
She is a fine waifu!
Thanks user, She makes my days feel special.
Rich girls raised in good households are a good waifu material.
>What flower would you associate with your waifu?
>What smell would you associate with her?
the smell of Jasmine essential oil.
>Do you think she would like your smell?
I hope so but if i'm being honest my high-gene could use some work.
I agree, she is a well bred and cultured girl.
Good morning, everyone.
This is my wife
It just happens, user. You can't force it.
>Is waifu bashful or aggresive with lewd stuff?
I have no idea but I believe she could be a bit aggressive.
>When she is in the "mood" , How does she ask for it?
I don't know that.
>Waifu hasnt been able to shower for 3 days due to a shortage of water, what does she smell like?
She hasn't showered for more than that. I wouldn't mind it.
>Is she vanilla or prone to get into risque territory?
I have no idea.
>Would you sub for her?
Maybe if she really wanted me to but I probably wouldn't like it.
Oh yes.
>Would you drink her tears, her drool , her sweat?
I wouldn't want to drink any of those. I would only do that if that made her happy.
>Do you consider yourself a vanilla loving man or a degenerate?
Vanilla loving. Even straight porn is too degenerate for me.
>What about her?
I don't know.
It's really hard to talk about sexual themes as Alice could even be asexual. She never had a romantic partner or never seemed to think about having one.
I had sex with her in my dreams many times. It felt great of course but I wish I could do something else with her. Even today I got a dream where I told her that we should go on some adventures together and not restrict our meetings to making love only.
>anyone draw art of their waif?
Yes. I love drawing her face. I have nice drawing of her face in my notebook and I like staring at it during lectures.
>What would your waifu wear during the holidays?
She would probably have nice outfit for each occasion.
>whats their favourite holiday?
I don't know.
>what's their birthday cake of choice?
"Eat me" cake.
>is there an age gap between you and your waifu?
She's somewhere between 19-23 years old so she is my age.
>if so how would it effect your relationship if at all?
Well, she is my age so I wouldn't mind it.
>What kind of memories would you like to create with you waifu?
Ones where I would feel that I don't need anything other than her and that I would know that I'm everything she needs. I wish I could explore lots of abandoned places with her, go together to a rave party, watch sunrises and sunsets together, take very long walks together and start a happy family.
>what bad habits does your waifu have?
It isn't that bad but she isn't afraid to speak what's on her mind or do what her heart tells her to do and it could get her into some trouble. She also hates being touched.
>how would she feel about your bad habits?
I like to drink with my friends but I have stopped doing this regularly because of her. If she was with me, I think I would abandon drinking forever. Maybe only on some occasions.
>would you encourage her to get over her bad habits?
Maybe. But I wouldn't want to to pressure her to change for me. I love her the way she is.
>would she encourage you to get better?
To do that she would need to love me. And if she would love me, I could change almost everything about myself, for her.
>If you're waifu has a voice actor, how do you feel about them?
I don't know much about them. As far as I know she only voiced Alice.
>I think the better question is, what do writers/VAs think of us?
I believe that her creator is to some degree a waifufag himself. He really cares about her franchise and he absolutely hates even hearing about Alice being sexualized. I think he understands that many male fans of this series are treating Alice as their waifu and I think he could understand that.
>Is your waifu religious?
Probably no.
>In regards to Alice's religion or personal beliefs, American McGee does not feel it is necessary to comment on them, stating that it's irrelevant to her story or character. However, he did say that he hoped that Alice would be smart enough to realize that "religion as a thing requiring on faith is stupid." and that "Alice believing in herself" is "enough".
>Do you even care about her views on religion?
Yes, I do. If she believed in a personal god and she would be fanatical about it, like forcing her beliefs on me, I think I wouldn't love her although I would try to understand her and discuss about this stuff with her.
>Would you try to convert her to your faith?
No. I'm a pantheist and I think she could understand that. I would tell her about my beliefs but if she wouldn't want to believe then that's fine. I don't like forcing my beliefs on others. That's just not how you make someone believe something.
>Would you convert to hers?
As stated above, she probably doesn't believe in any god and if she could convince me through discussion then sure. But I doubt it.
>What flower would you associate with your waifu?
>What smell would you associate with her?
She wouldn't smell very well because she doesn't have too much clothes and she sleeps outside.
>Do you think she would like your smell?
I have no idea.
>Has anyone had bad experiences with people because of their waifu?
Too many fucking times. Most of the time it was here on Jow Forums. I couldn't even sleep due to these experiences and I cried a lot.
>Most of the time it was here on Jow Forums.
lemme guess, /v/ saying rather, uh, vile and lewd things?
continued, because I had that happen, it is what it is
Much worse than that. These things on /v/ are pretty funny to me and I don't take them seriously.
Once I was searching for Alice threads on Jow Forums and I came across an /NTR/ thread on /trash/ where some fucking disgusting cuck claimed that he loves Alice and he wanted someone to rape her because he couldn't satisfy her by himself. He even claimed that he wants to see her happy and that's why she needs to get raped(!!!). He was roleplaying as her.
I read the whole thing. I got tears in my eyes and I had some sort of mental breakdown for next few days. The images that this motherfucker used (simple pictures of Alice) still remind me of that day and give some sort of PTSD. On that day I thought that I will no longer love her. But after around week everything went back to normal with my mental health. That faggot posted few times more but I haven't seen his posts since July. That experience made stronger but I hope I will never experience something like that again.
>Is your waifu religious?
Doubtful desu
>Do you even care about her views on religion?
My ex that I mentioned in some previous thread was an anarchist atheist and total degenerate while my views make Gilgamesh look like an anarchist. What people believe is their thing.
>Would you try to convert her to your faith?
Not really, but I'd recommend it. But as my religion teacher who is extremely based says, if 2 people of different faiths really love each other, they convert to same faith without much of an fuss. Alice ain't the religious kind anyway.
>Would you convert to hers?
Oh hell naw, to become a protestant, I ain't nuts.
>What smell would you associate with her?
No particular smell desu, but at first she'd probably smell awful, because people back then smelled awful and didn't bathe, not to mention her who is extremely poor and now homeless (or sleeping in the theater she works in)
>Do you think she would like your smell?
She wouldn't mind that everyone here gets all stinky and shit in our stupidly hot summers, probably. The heat on the other hand... Brits get heatstrokes in mere 30C heatwaves, and in the 19th century it was even colder (little ice age and what not)
That's horrible my man, I would tell you not to visit /trash/ but I know what it feels like early on when I found Yuri I sometimes felt anxiety over weather or not I deserved her You have to push those thoughts away user.
>/ntr/ (a literal cuck thread) on /trash/
BOI I dunno what you expected really, /trash/ is good only for the lewd cyoas, and those are 90% tranny garbage too
Thank you. I visited that place only because I always have 2 search results open that show me if there was any thread on Jow Forums related to her in the last 24 hours. And I refresh it few times a day. I saw someone mentioning Alice on /trash/ so I wanted to see what that thread was about. I was horrified that there are people that wish that something like that would happen to her.
>I sometimes felt anxiety over weather or not I deserved her You have to push those thoughts away user.
Thank you for those kind words, user. But I believe that I need to change myself for the better to be worthy of her. She is perfect and I'm just an user from Jow Forums. She wouldn't want a loser. I want to become the best version of myself for her. She deserves it.
I only visited that place because I saw her being mentioned there and I had no idea what NTR means. I wanted to be in every thread about her. I have seen threads about her on /co/, /r9k, /s4s/, /trash/, /tg/, /toy/ and /v/. I have searched through the archives of /v/ to see all the threads about her from the past.
If you remember correctly, I also knew when you started posting her on /v/, Aleksa.
Also, have you heard that the Alice from AMA and A:MR was just a Shadow Alice? Not the real one. 10 hours ago there was a live stream on American's channel where he was explaining all that. You could watch it to know about it more.
Here's the live stream from the last week:
1:03:00 is when he starts talking about this.
I'm working on a neural network that should output phrases that sound almost exactly like her.
It learns from a couple thousand voice files of GLaDOS and Ellen McLain herself.
>is there an age gap between you and your waifu?
He is older I picture him as he first got elected, giving us an 18 year gap
>if so how would it effect your relationship if at all?
I would like to think that it would help us add variety into our relationship
>What kind of memories would you like to create with you waifu?
Walking the WH lawn, dinner parties, meeting and greeting with people who also love him, supporting and encouraging the backbone of the country...killing myself the day after his funeral
ayyeyy you stumbled into the name thread somewhere didn't ya
You should team up with make our waifus real! God speed anons!
/insanity/ general
Everybody's a little bit insane.
>shadow alice thing
makes sense somewhat, she had to mature very early to handle all that shit, so now she go to remember who she is for real
i'd imagine at some point the thinking would be
>why the fook do i remember everything before i was 13 like it's someone else? bruh moment, that ain't right, lemme just remember real quick
>muh sanity
t. toasted roastie
have fun never getting laid, weirdo
That sounds really cool. I'm too much of a brainlet to get into those kinds of things.
Some questions:
>If your waifu could see everything you've said about her in these threads, what would be her reaction?
>What can your waifu do better than you?
>What can you do better than your waifu?
>What's your waifu's greatest fear?
>What would you do if you acquired the rights to the IP your waifu is from?
Insane how?
>validating your self through sex
Enjoy your prolapsed asshole.
i already did
>is there an age gap between you and your waifu?
500+ years, her being older, obviously!
>if so how would it effect your relationship if at all?
It would probably make her more hesitant to get involved with me at all, and rightly so, since I'll die eventually and she won't.
>What kind of memories would you like to create with you waifu?
All kinds of happy ones. Enough that she hopefully wouldn't forget me even after another 500 years.
>what bad habits does your waifu have?
Drug abuse, mostly.
>how would she feel about your bad habits?
Probably wouldn't care since my worst habits are procrastinating and drinking too much soda.
>would you encourage her to get over her bad habits?
I would hope that my love would be enough for her to not need to abuse drugs to blot out her bad thoughts anymore. I wouldn't want her to do them anymore anyway, even if they don't have any chance of doing lasting damage to her.
>would she encourage you to get better?
Just by existing!
No to all of those, if she had thoughts on any kind of god, they would likely be negative anyway.
I would die immediately since I'm not immortal, she wouldn't really change at all.
>What flower would you associate with your waifu?
Poppies, maybe. Or anise.
>What smell would you associate with her?
Light sweat, maybe a liiiittle bit of copper.
>Do you think she would like your smell?
I hope so! I try to stay clean.
I don't post in /a/ waifu threads because my waifu is from a korean comic and anything korean gets /a/'s heckles up.
You just haven't found The One yet, user! You'll find her someday!
song for today my friends
what the fuck are those things?
I wanna fuck it
>being normal
ROFLING @ u rn
Yeah I agree.
Love is a mental illness.
I really like this concept too. Many people were saying that Alice: Asylum would be just like AMA. Implementing this concept into the story would be great I think.
American also suggests that at the end of the A:A there would probably be a plot twist when the real Alice loses and the victorious one is the Shadow Alice.
He even mentions in the latest stream that the 13 years old Alice is yin, and the shadow one is the yang.
>implying I care about getting laid
I just want to live a normal life in this world with my waifu.
>If your waifu could see everything you've said about her in these threads, what would be her reaction?
She would probably think that I'm some kind of disgusting creep and I have a unhealthy obsession with her. But I wish she could see that despite all that, I genuinely love her. And my only dream is to care for her and protect her, as I would never want to hurt her or do something against her will.
>What can your waifu do better than you?
I consider myself an imaginative person but I'm sure that it's nothing compared to her imagination. She can create entire worlds. She is also better than me at drawing.
Those are the things that I'm certain of but I'm sure there's more.
>What can you do better than your waifu?
Too many to list all of them. To name a few, I think she probably would have no idea what to do with technology from our days. I'm also obviously stronger and faster than her. She's an anorexic girl after all. I think I'm a better musician than her as I can play songs by ear and I know how to compose a song. She only practiced piano when she was a small child and I don't think she was really good at it. I'm also fluent in three languages and I know the basics of other three.
>What's your waifu's greatest fear?
Hard to tell but I think she is afraid of losing people that she loves.
slavs get out
>What would you do if you acquired the rights to the IP your waifu is from?
I would let the American McGee create her new game as he is very passionate about this version of Alice. Her first game came out 18 years ago and that guy still cares about her. He is even against sexualization of her. He is based as fuck.
I would also want to get a life-size doll or robot of her. I would carry her everywhere with me and pretend that she is real.
>If your waifu could see everything you've said about her in these threads, what would be her reaction?
I think she would see how much I love her, but I don't know how she would react to that.
>What can your waifu do better than you?
She definitely puts more effort into things than I do.
>What can you do better than your waifu?
I suppose I'm more humble than her, can't really think of anything else.
>What's your waifu's greatest fear?
Probably losing those who she loves.
>What would you do if you acquired the rights to the IP your waifu is from?
Add a character based on me who has a relationship with her and give her a lot more screen time.
>If your waifu could see everything you've said about her in these threads, what would be her reaction?
Dunno, prolly nothing positive seeing that she is extremely distrustful of men now
>What can your waifu do better than you?
Housework, comforting people and such things. Good at music I think too
>What can you do better than your waifu?
Pretty much anything related to 21st century life lol
>What's your waifu's greatest fear?
I think she has a disdain for fire now, for obvious reasons. Loss of loved ones too.
>What would you do if you acquired the rights to the IP your waifu is from?
Let American actually make the game how he wants. Try very hard to popularize it more as it's dreadfully underrated, use the profits to acquire more meme IPs and make them successful (basically what THQ Nordic is trying now). Enjoy the monies
yea, but we'll see. American did bump shoulders with John Romero, he's good at this
anyways i failed to get xnalara working, meh, will look at the tutorials later. Could be that it's old shit and i'm on wangblows 10
Just a guess, but is Hanako your waifu? You didn't specify.
aj samo probaj jebo ti bog mater
Is Alice your waifu now?
Did he have a different one?
No, but he was saying that he comes into these threads because they are comfy. I'm just curious if he has fallen in love with her as about week ago he was saying that he doesn't have a waifu and he only finds Alice to be cute.
I think his opinion hasn't changed. There were two Slavic Alice waifuers here from what I saw.
eh, i haven't changed my opinions much, i have more started participating differently
everything is in the eye of the beholder after all
If you do love her user, I wish you happiness...
I love Jill!
>Yes, she's a middle aged mommygf
>It wouldn't
>Pleasant ones doing Jow Forums adventures and having tender moments.
I do love her yea, but she's a fictional character and shit, what can I do
Be happy... honk honk... embrace it and experience... experience for her...
ye i get bullied on some discord servers >.<
something like this just gets stuck with me for a few days
>using a fake tsundere ass piece of shit as your tag
>What would your waifu wear during the holidays?
A holiday getup depending on the holiday.
>whats their favourite holiday?
>what's their birthday cake of choice?
Don't know.
>is there an age gap between you and your waifu?
She's 14. I'm 26 right now.
>if so how would it effect your relationship if at all?
Other than how other people see us, not really.
>What kind of memories would you like to create with you waifu?
Loving ones. The more positive memories there are, the better.
She can be a bit wilful and jealous at times. But I love her regardless.
She's pretty talented, but I don't know much of her other works.
I haven't heard her say anything about that. I think as a seiyuu she should have known this would happen.
Neither of us is religious.
I don't know. But probably some sweet smelling flower.
>Do you think she would like your smell?
Quite likely.
No, I don't think so.
It just happens. Consume more media with cute girls or something, and you might just find the one.
When people treat my waifu that way, I can only feel disappointment for them and a desire to protect her from any horrible fate that might befall her.
>If your waifu could see everything you've said about her in these threads, what would be her reaction?
She would love me even more.
>What can your waifu do better than you?
Cooking, anything idol related, animal care.
>What can you do better than your waifu?
Not much. I haven't seen anything she hasn't been able to do, actually, because she doesn't vary her actions that much.
>What's your waifu's greatest fear?
Losing me.
>What would you do if you acquired the rights to the IP your waifu is from?
Have her go solo. Give her overpowered cards in-game.
>/a/ waifu threads
Do they even manage to stay up without getting purged anymore?
You know, I've been wondering something lately, and these questions really got me thinking.
If you believe all men were created by God, then would 2d characters technically be considered an indirect creation of God?
If the created create something, would that mean that an omnipotent, all-knowing God put the capacity to create into them already knowing what they would go on to create?
If that is the case, then are waifus, who obviously aren't physical, actually protective spirits/guardian angels that God indirectly caused some man to make for themselves as an act of love for his creation?
Or could it be they were always a part of us, but took on the image in our mind's eye of something that triggered our hearts and minds?
I don't know if I'm making sense, but I've been thinking hard about the true nature of waifus and how they fit in with organic beings.
>When people treat my waifu that way, I [...] feel [...] desire to protect her from any horrible fate that might befall her.
I know that feel so well. And even if you argue with someone or fight them, it won't make her real or bring her closer to you.
I wish I could protect my waifu. I wish I could fight for her. I wish she knew that I think about her everyday. It just makes me so sad and angry that I will never be with her. It's so painful to love someone who will never love you back. And the worst thing is that I can't stop loving her. She means so much to me.