Pop sleeping pills, antidepressants, and anti-psychotics

>Pop sleeping pills, antidepressants, and anti-psychotics.
>Go to bed at 9pm
>Sleep until 3pm
>mfw flying through weeks at a time wasting my life only being awake 7-8 hours a day.

Time goes by so fast and I can't keep up.

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You should consider therapy or another mental health professional. I can't say what you're doing sounds good for your long term health desu

>tfw lost all memory of two years of my life thanks to psych meds

I think we would get along I do this also.
It's not really a waste we're middle class life won't ever be that great for us anyways.

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How many mg of zolpidem tartarate should I take, boys?

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Could you specify which meds produce this effect? I need this badly.

tartrate* I totally thought it was spelled tartarate, huh

Holy fuck, did you just not absorb things for two years or did it cause memory loss? Are things like that still happening?

Hello friend. I agree.

Well I mean technically 10mg is max dose.

Pretty sure it's the clozapine. Also makes you drool a lot.

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I know how this feels. Ever since I got on adderall my life has flown by. It's felt like a few weeks but it's been 7 months.
Also clonidine which causes me extreme hangovers

Memory loss. I was taking benzos for anxiety.
>Well I mean technically 10mg is max dose.
Clonidine is a fucking poison. Absolutely fucking disgusting chemical, that one.

My ECT did that for me. Still haven't felt the same after 20 sessions of it.

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What were your experiences with it? I've had issues like bloodshot eyes and horrible head aches etc. user.

Was the memory loss also retroactive for you? I don't ever remember preceding moments prior to taking the meds. I won't even remember going to bed

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Clonidine? Parathesia so extreme I ended up in the hospital, insomnia to the point where I went several days at a time without sleeping (oh, or eating!), killed my libido (still hasn't recovered and it's been over a year), fucked with my blood pressure, made me constantly exhausted and sleepy, made me get angry extremely easily, and probably more that I'm forgetting.
I don't remember basically any of the time between taking my first dose and my last one. Only brief flashes. I probably remember less than one week out of two years.

Oh yeah they took me off my ambien to try a new drug called Belsomra(suvorexant). Haven't noticed much yet, but anyone know this drug?

>I don't remember basically any of the time between taking my first dose and my last one
Sounds familiar. Shit.

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Oh shit. That is what I felt for a few weeks on it. Pins and needles but extreme pain, stomach issues, I would sleep for ironically 3 hours wake up groggy and angry go back to bed. I honestly sleep better drinking coffee or soda. Clonidine is cancer. Man.

Yeah, I'm pretty glad I stopped taking them, but it was an interesting enough experience, I guess.
I'd get off of it, if you aren't already. Seriously, fuck that shit, man.

10mg zolpidem down, feeling comfy enough. I think I'm gonna keep taking them every 15-30 minutes until I pass out. So I'm up to 20mg now, wew.

I hope you don't get visited by the ambien walrus

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Have you heard of hydroxyzine? I am getting on this and yeah I took my last clonidine tonight but like you said I think this ia the last one.

I don't know what that is, but I'll try to avoid it.
What dosage are you on? I was taking 0.3mg, and I had to titrate down, since it can cause a hypertensive crisis if you stop suddenly.
Hydroxyzine is great, and I love it for what it is, but honestly it doesn't do all that much. I was on it for a while, and while it thankfully had no negative side effects, it wasn't strong enough for what I needed at the time.

Well I'm taking two and I think it's. 0.3 per pill. No matter how much I take though it's just negative, it knocks me out but melatonin does the same thing as clonidine. Guess I'll just have to embrace it.

I've never been on anxiety meds which is why I'm curious. Thanks for answering man.

>I don't know what that is, but I'll try to avoid it.
It's basically staying awake way too long and doing stupid shit in a dream-like haze.
Typically stuff you don't remember. Like buying dumb shit on amazon.

The ones I took were small little orange ones at 0.1mg/pill, but I dunno what you have. Seriously, though, talk to your doctor before you stop them. I'd hate for you to have a heart attack or a stroke or some other bullshit.
Yes I googled him and he seems like a very interesting character. Let's hope I don't fall prey to his whims.

Good thing I have a Jow Forums pass because I can barely even type right now, let alone complete a captcha. You guys should get Jow Forums passes. They're great.

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I'm taking the ones their orange and they are made by activis. Finally someone else lol everywhere I look online people say it's amazing.

You've gotta listen to your body, my guy. If they don't work for you, you've gotta tell the doctor ASAP, fuck everyone else's experiences. But I'm glad you can empathise with me. It's good to have the fact that you're not alone in your experiences be reaffirmed.

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Do I go in on 30mg, or is that how the Walrus gets me?

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i sleep most my day away too but i think it is because i have sleep apnea and get poor sleep. i just wake up at 7am and then stay away till 12 pm and then maybe sleep till 4pm and stay awake till 6pm and then go back to sleep till 10pm and then probably stake awake till 3 am. i guess really only sleep 8 hours but i get nothing done because im groggy throught naps and the days just go by

Depends. Are you pretty experienced? People react differently at the same dosage.
If you're comfortable and familiar with it I'd say maybe. But I would start at 10mg just to see how you even react to the meds if you haven't taken it before.

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It's strange living life literally half as much as other people. An odd feeling like I am being left out, but not super bothered by it at the same time.

I've taken them before, but never recreationally. I'm at 20mg now, thinking 30 is a possibility. I'm enjoying the tactile sensations I'm getting, and words kind of go and do their own thing. This is something new to me. A new headspace. As long as I don't lose control of my actions and walk off a cliff or something, this seems like it's tons of fun

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Yeah it feels really nice, but the shame is that you will forget a lot of it.

In the very short length of this thread, I've gained more knowledge applicable to my daily life than I've gotten from months of seeing psychs. Jow Forums needs to add a /mi/ board. Mental illnesses should boost traffic, which boosts ad rev. So Hiro should go for it, really

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I've already forgotten two years of my life - I'm used to it lol.
Think I might enjoy a cheeky cig and see if I'm feeling up for 30mg afterwards

>stood up
>promptly fell over
lol I guess I'm high

lol good luck dude.

lmao I can't even manage to roll a ciggie. This is fun times

sleep is such a peaceful thing though. its the only form of escapism you can not get enough of. i just jumping into nice cool bed with a warm blanket on a rainly day

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feels bad though, i live with my parents and sometimes never see them because im sleeping whenever they are home. its almost as if im never there lol

/lgbt/ already exists user

Yeah I'd say 20mg is good. Don't overdo it.

I'm already seeing weird, oily marks on places/objects. Speech is beginning to fail me, as you can probably tell. Nothing negative thus far, though
/mi/ would allow for discussion of mental illnesses/disorders/issues/whatever, so that /lgbt/ can go back to the discussion of relevant topics.

How old is everyone? I feel like I can empathise with you guys about this a good deal. Most of the time, pills are either all good or all evil, without any nuance to the discussion

Oh btw the cigarette roll is the best one of my life lmao, not sure how that happened, but it did. It looks absolutely 10/10

I'm 27 neet
I am sure you did an admirable job

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20 NEET, here. And I kinda autopiloted it, so that's probably why.
Wow, the trip:dream ratio was not what I was expecting

Oh, btw, I've been saving all your images because I really like them. Could you upload them somewhere that I could download them? I need to expand my Jow Forums image folder

>Go to sleep multiple times a day.
>Get 1-3 hours a sleep each time.
>It's actually excruciating to lay in bed afterwards.
There is nothing about this that I like.

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I've suddenly been struck with an urge to go walk around outside for a bit (5:21AM). This is probably not a good idea, yeah?

I honestly am almost out of comfy gifs. Just got a new pc .

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Yeah I'd say just chill for the night user

Thanks anyway my guy
That's probably logical, yeah. I'll stay inside. Not sure if I should get up to 30mg, but I'm thinking about it. Won't go above that, though, I don't think. Surely 'just one more' will go over perfectly well for me

>didn't fall for the pill meme
>got physically fit, did some strength and solo martial arts training as well
>learned to cook and started eating OK
>got a job, learned to dress properly, lost job after a while but whatever
>axiety was once crippling, is now mostly gone
>will probably go completely once I can get a job that isn't awful and get some money again

The hard way is slow, but you shouldn't take pills of any kind unless you got some real shit like schizophrenia. Shit just fucks you up in the long term.

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You caught me

My issue is that I need to reapply for uni, but most all my bridges with guidance counselors from back in HS have been burned, so idk how I'm meant to even apply, but oh well. What can ya do?

I mean my nigga if you wanna sedate yourself until death, go ahead. Who's supporting you and feeding you tho?

if i have anxiety and sleeping problems how do i get prescriptions? i used to see a psychiatrist for depression and they just gave me useless ssri's, my depression is mostly gone now but not my anxiety, i think it's diagnosed as generalized anxiety disorder

Was in the military and worked for a while after that before my schizo and depression peeked.

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Huh. I'm also in the military, usually people turn to alcohol not antidepressants, lol. But yeah sorry to hear that. Try to grab your balls and do shit before you're 45, balding and working at McDonald's tho. The world has no pity.

Not OP but Seroquel does it for me.

I told the psych I had a phobia of that kind of medication due to all of the horror stories you hear, so I'd got benzos in order to be able to take SSRIs lmao

Seroquel well knock you the fuck out. Best part is you can take nearly a dozen 100mg pills below you even have to consider the possibility of side effects. For immediate sleep, Seroquel is your go to gal

wait what? so you had anxiety and depression, and said your anxiety was from worrying about your depreession? how did that actually work

No, I had both. But the pills freaked me out, so I got a script of benzos to "help me take the other medications" but I quickly told the guy that the others were bullshit, but these still worked, so that's how I ended up on them for two years.

3rd (and final) 10mg down the hatch. Wish me luck.

what exactly did they give you?

>nearly a dozen 100mg pills below you even have to consider the possibility of side effects

Holy hell. What's the most you've taken? 25mg and I'm out for 12-16 hours. And many hours after waking up, pretty fucked. Also can't play vidya for atleast 1 day because it makes me play like a 6 year old noob.

do any of you guys have experience with trazodone? i asked for a sleep aid and my doctor prescribed me some, i tried it a bit (50mg) but it seemed to be hit or miss. and a weird side effect i got was waking up with a really stuffy nose

Fuuuucckkk, that's a long list, and it changed a number of times throughout the ordeal. In no particular order (and certainly forgetting some), I've been prescribed clonidine, alprazolam, clonazepam, hydroxyzine, hydrocodone, morphine, buprenorphine, oxycodone, quetiapine, zolpidem, zopiclone, lorazepam, codeine, gabapentin, amphetamine salts, lisdexamph, fluoxetine, vortioxetine, bupropion, olanzapine, lamotrigine, whatever they shot me up with while I was in the loony bin (fun visits desu). And uhh, I think that's more or less it. If I remember something else, I'll add it in later.

I've not gone above 100mg. Maybe it was nearly a dozen 25mg pills and you're fine. I dunno. Point is, 99% of the time, you'll pass out before it becomes an issue, unless you try chugging the whole bottle at once, and even then, you probably wouldn't die.

I do the same usually but with a different combo. Weed, xanax, melatonin, antidepressants and either ketamine, alcohol or heroin

>stopped taking meds years ago
>dunno if i regret it
>feel worse than before

Oh, add venlafaxen (or something very similar, don't recall it exactly) and meprobamate to the list, too

>tfw seroquel made me feel great but turned me into a hamplanet that slept a lot

Wtf I'm not even high I'm calling bullshit on this med

Wasn't I meant to be asleep at this point?

user here with bad back. I usually can't sleep at night since my back hurts. Should I buy some melatonin gummies? I have some melatonin pills about to take and hopefully they work... I heard they can be bad for you?

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go to the gym and eat some good food also drink plenty of water and clean your room. best anti-depressant ever. will usually take around 2 to 3 months to kick in but is well worth it.

no worries user, it's nearly 100% safe :^)
as with everything there can be side effects but nothing that's life threatening

>clean your room
as much as a meme that is it's actually really helpful

Well this was shit and kept me up hours later than I'd actually wanted to go to sleep. I must've done something wrong, I think. Oh well. Maybe if the thread's still around when I wake up, I'll say something. Otherwise, I'll check out whatever drugfeels thread is up. Goodnight guys

what is that info
how to become more of an addict of these drugs?

If you're gonna be this fucked up on meds why not just do heroin at that point?

That genuinely sounds amazing user. Life is fleeting anyway so might as well just breeze through it.

>life is fleeting so waste as much of it as possible

Youre gonna waste it regardless of what you do anyway. In the end theres nothing.

Oh wow, the thread is still up. That's cool.

to what chinese cartoon does that gif belong to?

>>Pop sleeping pills, antidepressants, and anti-psychotics.
Stop doing that lmao

you go to a uni when they are taking applications probably end of spring and apply, im not sure i get why a grown man needs someone to write a application for them, so im guessing youre leaving something out. Shouldnt be any problem as long as you have that will to"reapply" and any desire to bother with academics.

you should consider some physical treatment instead of chemical one, bad backs will only get worse and even surgery wont fix it, but i hear swimming a few times a week will keep most of your muscles strong enough to support your bones

Why not? /nightwalks/ are dope. Your sleep cycle is fucked anyways, I mean I can't even maintain a stable sleep cycle without meds.

go for it you'll see your street in a new refreshing way maybe or good ideas will come user god bless you

Don't forget to take your mayonnaisium.

every fucking time

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Most every university wants a letter of recommendation of some sort.
I was incredibly high and barely knew what I was doing. I'm very glad I didn't go out.