What kind of emotions do you feel as you look at the girl in yellow?

What kind of emotions do you feel as you look at the girl in yellow?
Be honest, be you.

Attached: emot.png (256x296, 160K)

i feel normal. shes a girl i guess

Attached: 9B3EDF77-4F4A-4533-A419-A68AF54FA5B5.png (128x150, 8K)

Well, at least you're honest. Thank you.

I like her tiddies but any girl that wears those type of sandals are worth staying away from

dismay and a seething desire to harm someone

To be honest, I'm thinking, OP must have some kind of mental disorder if he's so obsessed with this single photo of a particular woman and trying to get a second opinion on it again and again.
That's just me though, I have a tendency to process form and context before content.

I feel like I'm a kid again because it's a fuzzy picture and she's dressed a little 90s-ish. I've noticed that a lot of 90s fashion is coming back in style. I wouldn't be surprised if this picture was taken last week.

What's wrong with the sandals? I think the biggest offender is that nothing else she's wearing matches with them.

>I wouldn't be surprised if this picture was taken last week.
Oh man, you must've came here last week if you think that.

I feel jack shit

hard mode:
what kind of emotions does pic related make you feel

Attached: lobsterRevenge.jpg (823x900, 92K)

Girls that are particularly more prone to be a roastie if they wear those sandals, imo

Ha, if she has a vagina she's a roastie, idiot.

>what kind of emotions does pic related make you feel
Liberation. Take them all on, lobby.

Indifference. Noting about her that I can see is remarkable.

It reminds me of my own stupid dog. Pigeons come down to steal his food and he just barks at them from a few feet away. He's clearly upset but doesn't do a damn thing about it. I feel this dog is similar. He's in pain, but is he going to do anything? He could probably crush the lobster's shell and kill it or incapacitate it.

It makes me feel anger when I look at the compressed pixels and lament that all data will forever be lost due to retards

I feel nothing.

Attached: images.jpg (349x422, 11K)

what is this, an emotional trigger for ants?

very mild amusement

nothing cuz it's a shit photo in a shit shot in a shit angle in a shit era on a shit camera so its shit... as for her she might have nice ok titties but she's like 50 now so no thanks.

waste of thread

any other takers on her??

very much this

i just imagine her being brutalised and decapitated
i hate women

prove you're not edgy and tell us how the dog and lobster makes you feel

She's probably a roastie based on those pants and that top. But emotionally I feel nothing toward her.

what's wrong with the top tho?

the lobster has a nice ass
that's it

It's quite low-cut I suppose. Anyway in my eyes women are either cute or roasties (I use it in a general term for women who like to have sex). There's 100,000,000,000% some flaw in my logic but I can't think straight right now. I'm meltingh

nice tits. shame about her face, though

Literally no emotions.
I snorted.

> lobster has a nice ass

Attached: download (1).jpg (300x168, 7K)

I think the thread is coca cola product placement data mining. they post the girl with the coke and they see if anyone notices.

Attached: dogDrink.png (640x480, 659K)

Pretty hilarious

Didn't you make this thread a few days ago, but with a slightly different picture of that same girl?

I saw it too. it's not in the archive so they deleted it when it served its purpose.

looks rather disgusting desu, might just be the shit resolution