Who has had the longest consecutive NEET streak on Jow Forums? anyone been NEET for over 5 years?

who has had the longest consecutive NEET streak on Jow Forums? anyone been NEET for over 5 years?

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Is this a type of contest. Srs. Damn man.

I've never attended a school or job in my life. I am 19 years old.

I just know of one obese guy who's been NEET for 12 years but I don't know if there are any NEETs left on this board

Succesfully been a neet for two years now collecting disability income, will be good til I'm 67 years old

If the Thing would let me without assimilating me. I would fuck it.

13-20 here, no school or job in that time. 24 now, went to school for the last 4 years, clinical depression got worse over the last two years and I've failed too many classes so I freaked out and took a break this semester, been NEETing again since August.

im coming up on year 6 this new year's

12 has me beat, but I'll have been a NEET for a decade in a couple months, I'm reaching the breaking point where becoming an hero starts looking really sensible.

34 years, never had a job in my life. Fuck everything


how the hell did you legally avoid school?

How and why did you do this?

this guy's work story is really good

>how the hell did you legally avoid school?
I did not.

We skipped town and laid very low, I spent most of my time inside, only went outside after school but I was already conditioned to stay inside so it didn't happen often. Especially after the kids my age in the complex I was at moved when I was almost 15.

your parents skipped town just to let you skip school? Based ass parents.

how did you get away with never attending school, user?
were you homeschooled?

No, they skipped town to avoid our family members who put them in jail.
>Based ass parents
My brother didn't learn basic algebra or get his GED until 22. He still writes like a 4th grader(when he was dropped out). We are both fucked in the head in more ways than one. I don't resent them but it wasn't a good decision.

so? all you really need is a fourth grade education if you aren't going to be some super prestigious worker like a doctor, lawyer or whatever.

the fact that school exists in modern times is mind boggling
why the fuck would anyone go to school when google literally exists
you can get all the information you need by watching jewtube vids & googling stuff

his brother can learn algebra online but he doesn't need to anyway

The reason why kids weren't fucked before school is because they had shit to do, communities to be apart of and peers to be around, we didn't have anything but bad Nick Jr. shit on TV. I can name Dora the Explorer characters, fucking awesome, thanks Mom and Dad.

Never been a neet. Got a job straight out of hs because I was tired of having to ask for money. You have patrician taste in movies though desu.

shut the fuck up loser, there's no friendship or real communities at school you literally just get bullied to death & you feel bored out of your mind in class being taught by aggressive condescending shitty teachers
your parents should unironically be given some kind of reward or prize

Nah, being in that tiny room every day was awful, we had to sleep in the same bed and did so until my mom thought we were doing shit we weren't and we started waiting for each other to wake up to go bed. We have no concept of scheduling or structure due to that, too lazy to teach us a thing or ensure we're doing anything productive at all.

Is 7 years of selling pot neetdom?

i love getting high

12 years here, worked in High School then thought I'd make it big online but instead I jumped on welfare and played WoW till 2011 then started watching a lot of anime and JRPGs.

29. Been a NEET since 13.

why are you fourty two years old, user.

he is 29

i did more than 5 years. was tough.
no longer neet, but wasting a law degree doing menial secretarial work. shit sucks.

do you do drugs.
u should

>he is 29
No, I'm actually 42.

No. I don't drink and have never even smoked pot. I wouldn't be opposed to acid or shrooms for therapeutic purposes.

Not me. I'm 29 and have been a NEET since age 13.

if u smoked cannabis, you would have neeted this long cuck.
same with acid or shrooms

u can buy lsd legally, which country are you from

you wouldn't have*
fuckin typo

Lost my job on July 19 2009 and did not get regular work until August 13 2013. So, like a little over four years.

Knew a guy who dropped out of high school in the 10th grade and never had a job. He's 26 and doesn't even have a GED, no job, his mother also doesn't work either. It's really saddening to watch really.

That was fucking pathetic

are they on welfare?
how do you know this info about them

maybe but you can't say he's wrong

I used to be friends with him for a while in freshman year and would hang out after school. When I graduated, sometimes I'd go and randomly stop by.

I stopped seeing him as I got more and more busier with trade school and work.

I'm on my 4th year. I fucking hate it. I'm on welfare and I barely have enough money to live off of. Just enough for my cellphone and my part of the rent/board I pay my Parents. Being on welfare is fucking demeaning and makes you feel like the biggest piece of shit in the world. Everyone treats you like you're just a lazy druggie. Why the fuck anyone would willingly choose to live like this is beyond me. I don't want to live like this. It's frustrating and depressing I feel like I'm just a burden on everyone around me. On top of not being able to save up any money every year they ask to see your bank statements. You also have to sign a waiver saying they can investigate you and access your bank. If they don't like how you're spending your money they might reduce how much money you receive or cut you off completely. I just wish I could be normal like everyone else, go to college and get a job and make a life for myself but how can I do that when I can't even go out to the grocery store? But I'm just lazy and use mental illness as an excuse and I'm just making it all up, right? I totally want to live like someone is watching every purchase I make and judging me.

>shut the fuck up loser, there's no friendship or real communities at school you literally just get bullied to death

Sounds like you're projecting your own loserdom

no, he's right. especially in american schools. If you aren't some evil normie you are outed.

>and my part of the rent/board I pay my Parents
live in your car or get an old van to live in. you're just making that money disappear when you could be saving money to live a better NEET life.