What are your thoughts on her?

I used to enjoy some of her videos once upon a time but I kinda just stopped watching them because I didn't care about the stuff she was talking about as much. But people seem to like her I guess. I suppose I was indifferent. Then Brittany Venti of all people drops this two part series destroying her image (youtu.be/mpNB9_GDpuo) and that was pretty eye opening.

"She got me" shoeonhead said of Brittany Venti's dunk on her. "That ****ing Venti boomed me." "She's so good," she said, repeating it four times. shoeonhead then added Venti to the list of youtubers she'd like to make passive aggressive shots against on twitter.

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Other urls found in this thread:


repulsive pandering goblina whore with a disgusting "kinkster" bf

I never liked boxxy from the very beginning

>due to nudity

I dont like either of them but I find venti way more attractive, much better body.

I like her tits more than I like her

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She seems like she'd be pretty annoying, but I'd still fucking destroy her asshole.

You have to go back, cunt

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Retarded unfunny average looking roastie that wears too much makeup. I do unironically like her thick Jersey accent though, it's cute but nothing else is.


I feel bad for all the hate she gets since she already hates herself enough for being a woman. Look at her fiance, he treats her like trash and she's ok with that.

lol dis nigga BALD!

apparently she is a coalburner

Remember when shoe on head was just a joke to troll streamers? Fucking hell where have the times gone?

She is a mentally ill attention whore. Do not feel bad. Just another roastie getting toastie. I doubt you'd feel bad if she had a dick.

You are all incredible bunch of ultra cuck faggots soi boys.
How retarded and pathetic you have to be take interest and devote your free time listening t some random whores who talk about events and other people.
You are mentally retarded paypugs


What the actual FUCK is wrong with you people. This is like the modern version of what old women watch on TV with soap operas.

remember to apply seasoning to your posts

not him but I feel even worse for men who get abused by women because I know that I'm just as vulnerable to that kind of manipulation. I don't really care about this lady, but she seems just as broken as I am

So much of YouTube is like that now. I hate that I watch so much of it. Like all the drama metokur gets into or the h3h3 bullshit. Im retarded I get baited everytime but end up just going on like several hour binges of shit I dont like. Even this shit. I just watched almost this whole video. Im becoming a modern version of my dad holy shit im a boomer

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paypugs... I like that one imma use it now

I watched the whole video and have the second part loaded to watch. I dont care for either girl but nice to know my hunch about shoe was right.

justice for scarf girl
justice for balloon girl

appearently shoe messaged and apologized to scarf girl and only got a k back also.
fake ass cuckqueen cunt

>he treats her like trash

They're in a dom/sub relationship.The fact that you cant tell the difference between teasing and genuine aggression makes me sad.


She's a dumb whore who wasn't "ready" to get in a relationship in her late teens and her early twenties, a.k.a. rode the cock carousel.

>b-but you gotta bring something to the table like hobbies or a sense of humor

Most women don't have hobbies or a sense of humor either.

>you don't need a relationship to be happy haha

See Maslow.

>just work on yourself haha
>just learn to love yourself haha

What a condescending cunt.

Also, daily reminder that "nice guy" is a code word for men women aren't sexually attracted to, doesn't matter if those men try to buy a woman's affection or are genuinely nice people.

Is this the baldie herself? He is a shit dom that wastes all of their money on literal toys. If anything SHOE is the mommydom and Septic is the petulant little boy.

Idk everything is out of my scope. I feel nauseated when I really think about it. The pointless complexity to it all terrifies me and further makes me fear groups of people. God I hate it

it's all good man you got this... just think about what you think matters in life and if something doesnt fit phase it out.... i never followed shoe but thought a few years ago hey kinda cute but I bet she's a cunt...

well she's a cunt a cuckqueen and changes her opinions like she changes her panties. no loss on this tart. The researching up on her shittiness and septic tanks shittiness is at least killing some hours for me tonight. Tomorrow she'll be a fuck her afterthought if she pops into my brain

Coalburner. Disgusteng

>Jow Forums e-whore drama
I would suck on either of their tits though. Especially Venti's robust mutt bust.

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Did she really fuck a porch monkey or are you doing a little meme? I don't follow these whores.

She did indeed date a black gun nut, and then cucked him for her current bf. If you think about it, she is lucky to be alive today!

Will the toll ever catch Ms.Shoehead?

Interesting development. They always pay the toll in one way or another. She may have paid it in a way she did not disclose.

That is true enough, perhaps she has the AIDS and that is the cause of her balding?

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huh...cuckqueen AND into blacks. This keeps getting better and better

Fuck this cuck

Boring, unfunny, and not that hot desu. I unsubbed when she started dating armoured skeptic and calling her fans betas.

just think user...she's 26? give her about 4-6 more years and she'll be post wall..
she'll just turn into the occasional afterthot for some men

>barely any hips, big fake tits and probably a flat ass

absolutely disgusting

yup... I thought the same thing.. shit body dresses like a little girl for septic tank and never mentally grew up past 14. 26 and acts and looks like this. cuckqueen and into blackdudes.

she is one hilariously bad dumpster fire

Allegedly her ass.
So you're kinda right about the flat part.

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What the fuck is wrong with zoomers, all you onions drinking faggots do is live vicariously through Twitch streamers and attention seeking whores online. Get a fucking grip, you sound like a teenage girl gossiping about pop stars, fucking cringeworthy faggots.

neato opinions, now go back to posting for karma on reddit.

We know literally nothing about scarf girl, but that "k" alone makes me love her. I hope she's living her best life.

Some people at vidcon were so concerned about his behavior towards her that they asked a friend of theirs if greg was abusive.There's a difference between being dominant and being a shitbag.

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how is moaning about people being queer a reddit trait you fucking retard, I've been here longer than you've had an internet connection

Literal attention whore basic thot. She only does videos on obvious shit and is pretty shallow. Also she's a cunt.

ive been here longer doh ho ho ho hoooooooo
sure you have. old ass rule if you claim to be an oldfag you arent one.

remember haley korber and her double dongs up the ass? martini-chan and her piss?
Anyone can go oldfag but few actually are.
now stop shitting up the thread with your butthurt over being told.

btw if you've been here so long you'd be mid20s about 30 range. wew lad very manchild behavior in your posts at that age. might wanna pack it up and move it to gramps.com or something

lol I love the fucking pic user thanks for posting it.
yeah I heard about this just tonight. got anywhere I can read up on it or see clips of him abusing her in public.
and he's one hella fake ass dom. fuckin septic tank is right

>doh ho ho hooooo

Slut that fucks niggers and now married/engaged to a guy for his Jewtube money & big dick.

>wew lad
>doh ho ho ho hoooo
>might wanna pack it up
you sound fucking gay, if it wasn't enough of a hint by you knowing about and dicussing egirls

The more I dig the more dirt I find on this cunt

her youtube and patreon is more successful than his. /snow/ on lolcow speculate that his family is wealthy.

With him for his huge dick then. Still a typical roastie either way.

she's been typical basic slut since highschool.
kinda surprised her pussy doesnt look more blown out in her nude leak.


Don't care about her but her body is/was practically perfect.

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ehhh it's a very meh body with a flat ass.
if you think that's practically perfect you really should go look are chicks with more.
fake tits
no ass
no hips
basically a boy bod with fake tits
yeah "practically perfect"

These whores have nothing on Tahlia

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This isn't her. There's a close up of some bolt on tits that is almost certainly her but this one was proved fake. The sword pic also isn't her.

welp now I stumbled accross candidand harmful opinions and that rabbit hole. holy fuck what happened to this dumb ho...
and her attempts to be boxxi.
also sad boxxi went on to be a feminist man hater

But i'm in to fat cunts, and i'm not a degenerate nigger that likes fat monkey arses.

kek someone got triggered hard since you started throwing out nigger and assuming things.

not black
not into fatties
not into boy bods

get untriggered lil snowflake

I shouldnt have dug into this... it keeps going and going and going and going... now I wanna find more photos of her lacking clothes.

>any girl with real tits or ass is a fat nigger
Nice going, user.

shoulders too broad
weird old looking skin
not very shapely

I factor in her fatass blob of a husband and so she's a 3/10 for having such subpar taste.
tho to some that might be a boost in her rating cuz appearently she likes fatties while fat shaming fatties online. she's quite the catch /s

Isn't brittany venti retarded though?

Yes, but even an inbred clock is right 56% of the time.

Lost all respect after learning she burns coaI.

I want to squeeze her big retarded tits


wew lad those are pretty damn nice. I really should bother to track the supposed leaks of her tits down

She's a wig wearing, mentally disabled coalburner who rips her remaining hair out every few hours.
All she does is complain about shit her fanbase isn't old enough to understand for attention, what else can be said about her?
Venti's roast on this dumb bitch was excellent, mostly because brittany is the last person you would expect to do this

I gave britt a few points for how she toasted shoe.
And shoe is also possibly a little given the stuff she wears for septic tank.
Plus the pathetic cunt is easily manipulated based on what I learned about her friends and how she ditches people cuz others tell her too. plus she's hanging out with some seriously mental fucks.

This whole thing just keeps getting wierder and wierder the more i dig. It's quite the entertainment for me. But im super out of the youtube loser drama and getting caught up now. This should keep me entertained off and on for a week

>Venti's roast

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This. Also the only reason she's famous is because she was female and parroting the views of the average white male. Then beta orbiters started spamming her videos all over Jow Forums and worshipping her for having a vagina and not being a feminist. Jow Forums is cucked.

Why does she both sound like, look like and use the same hand movements as Sammy Classic Sonic Fan. She hurts my ears.

>barely any hips
Are we looking at the same pic?

she was anti anime gets famous on 4chin and comes back after going mia all about anime and chong speak and other shit.
fakeass cuckqueen

Me too senpai. Its called growing up, embrace the boomer meme.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we are out

This tbqh. The e-drama is interesting because I am a massive autist, her content always has been interesting for say...2 videos.

The basic shit she says has been said hundreds of times by more intelligent and entertaining non roasties.

Seriously, this board is so cucked. Stop consuming roastie media, jack it and watch a man who actually does interesting shit.

>watch a man who actually does interesting shit.
ah a man of culture I see

I agree. I spent most of the morning digging into this rabbit hole and ive learned she's all sorts of pathetic and her husband preggory/septic tank is also. Thought this would give me a week or so of fun but it's all pretty much comes down to she' a fake ass bully and a pos and changes who she is constantly. fake ass cuckqueen for sure.

add in septic tank gets mad jealous of her talking to boys yet he fucks other girls including 3somes. props this fatty can pull chicks on top of being married but he's a tool

>Like all the drama metokur gets into
Up until the recent shit it was for lols. This "sceptic war," though I'm half paying attention to it, is him being vindictive though I can kinda see why as they're vapid hypocrites.

Britt roasted her ass

>hollow there

Now just need that nigger loving Jew fuck Lauren to piss off and all is good in the world