Hello r9k i am about to make a fucking lot of you guys angry. Like probably seething angry.
I am 25 and started talking with this 20 year old i found to be qt at my school. I've never been in a relationship before this but i thought this girl was cool so i went for it. Turns out she was very religious, and later on i found out pic related.
I will skip over many other posts i have made here and on other advice boards about how to progress with her, but basically i put in a fucking LOT of effort, tiptoeing around this girl trying to get her to accept me.
She told me at one point that she cannot date me unless i was a christian like her, i told her that isnt outside the realm of possibility, but at the same time she didnt accept me. It was a big heartfelt moment and i felt like it was over, but i continued speaking with her and eventually she invited me to speak with her pastor about it. He kind of gave me a booklet and told me i was a christian, so i guess she accepted me from that point on.
So im in, we hang out a few more times and i have my first kiss, hers as well. Poetry. I knew in the back of my mind that we wouldn't be able to have sex, she is very serious about this. But just today she revealed she is like maximum security off limits. I asked her to really lay out her boundaries and its no lie: hugging\kissing is ok, touching on arms\shoulders\back\hips is ok. Thats it.
I have had absolutley 0 action before this point, and we've only been really seeing each other for like 2 months. But i don't really know how i feel about this. Me and this girl are fucking scary compatible, we have similar childhood and adulthood interests, similar musical and entertainment tastes, and even today we find we are both INTJ. (lol)
But in the back of my mind i can't help but feel like we are playing a gradeschool relationship thing, she won't even let me kiss her at school, she says she is not used to it and doesn't like it in public. [1/2]
[2/2] I know that this type of girl is ideal for a lot of people on here, but i don't know how much more i want to invest in this girl. She would expect marriage before anything interesting, and i respect that, but i cannot imagine myself doing such a thing. I've already told myself years ago that i'd never get married based on how it destroyed my Father when my parents split. I really do like this girl, and doubt i can find another girl as compatible as we are. So i dunno if im asking for advice or just looking to tell people: it's kind of bullshit.
Im rambling so ill end it here but im looking for more perspective. It's not like im going to dump her and go back to being single, id rather have something. But at the same time i'd feel gross looking for other women while still having this one. I also feel guilty that im her first kiss and am even considering this stuff, but it feels pretty shit not having your physical needs acknowledges. It feels like she doesn't like me enough to do these things, and if she someday eventually does, she has lost her faith or something. It's such a weird predicament.
Nathan Peterson
She most likely lying and either way she will cheat on you and ruin your life.
Ryder Parker
i guess i should mention that her parents also seem to like me, and her friends, and mine her. And we go to university, if that wasnt clear.
lying about what? i really dunno about that man, im not worried about that.
Jaxon Martinez
i worked hard to type this so i will bump
Dylan Barnes
Get off this board you hedonistic athiest normie. What i would give to have what you have and you're going to ruin her for the rest of us by being an ass.
Go ahead, mess with her brain so she can go to tinder and casual sex like all the others.
Maybe your father would have had a better marriage if your whore mother didn't have her heart fucked with by some asshole like you. Its a fucking cycle.
Either wife her or leave now. Don't take any more "firsts" from her before you mess her up anymore you immature shithead.
I alwayd get the girls after people like you dump them. Thats why im mad btw. I get the girls right after you break them. I never get q fucking chance.
Luke Hughes
This was a good reply until you started jerking yourself off with your tears
>I always get the girls after people like you dump them >I never get a fucking chance
i wouldnt say i am an atheist, more of a deist or something, i simply cannot know.
i dont want to "break" her, i don't want to fuck her and leave her. I just want to be closer to her without having to do some barbaric ancient ritual used for farmers in the 1600s to sell their daughters. I could even see myself marrying her, but nigga im 2 months in and i havent even seen her naked, and i probably never will.
But then again she also said i wouldn't be able to date her, i think maybe if i just keep at it, she will be more willing to mess around
Jason Morgan
what the fuck stop trying to fuck a girl who is saving herself for marriage if you can't wait go look for another girl she's not the one for you and vice versa
Josiah King
>only guy that kissed me >kissed me >says nothing about her kissing others huh, wonder why
Brayden Stewart
Shut up i just want my Christian gf!!!
You just gave me hope to ask out this qt catholic girl in my lit class before the end of the semester. Thanks user
Logan Myers
Same what would I give for a girl like this and not Chad's scraps
Luke Hill
>atheist >don't want to get marriage >trying to fuck a conservative religious girl
You're retarded and I hate you
Blake Gray
You're also a faggot OP. I'm in a relationship and I waited 4 months to literally kiss her. We dated for two years and are now engaged. We are happy and satisfied. Have a tiny bit of patience and self control.
>I think if maybe I keep at it she will be more willing to mess around
No, faggot. She has principles, don't you fucking try to destroy them. You're a real piece of shit if you try to push her in a direction she doesn't want to go.
She's Christian. Not omish. Go on dates. Picnics and shit. Parks, restaraunts. Literally nothing different from normal relationship except you two don't have sex every day like idiotic animals that don't know how to use resources other then their genetalia.
Do that for like 8 months, buy a ring an d boom
Thomas Bailey
>asking /r9incel/ about anything related to relationships >especially such an important one >ESPECIALLY with a girl that goes against their jaded worldview Just get out before you actual start believing what they say.
Alexander Sanders
Unironically this btw. >i don't want to break her >i just wan't to strip away all her values >then leave
Literally what i meant by break her. You take a nice innocent girl. And create a whore.
This is why you mom was shitty. You deserve hell OP. Maybe read the bible. You might get the girl and learn to be less of a dickead.
Congrats poster on finding a decent girl. Does she have a sister?
Bentley Young
imagine being so repulsive that any girl that touches you decides she'd rather be a man
this has happened to me too
Gabriel James
marriage is a pretty big deal. You make it seem like its just something that you do. Idk i think it has a lot more weight than that. Also that greentext was gross, i admit. I was trying to rustle that other guy
when did i ever say i want to leave i fucking didnt also you know nothing about my mom yes she has a few sisters, younger than her
by ritual i mean marriage. I am enjoying the times we hang out but maybe you are right that i am trying to move along too quickly. I should take it easy and enjoy what we have before i destroy it.
John Hill
OP needs to stop following his dick and respect her fucking principles
Blake Powell
i am in the wrong, 100% but goddamn do you guys know how hard it is to go 25 years without female contact and then once you finally do theres a brick wall after the first exposure?
Luis Rogers
Literally what I did so yes, I do know.
Kevin Diaz
how did u do it what was the furthest u went with her did u ever marry her
Jason Kelly
>hedonistic athiest normie That's most, if not all of r9k.
>I get the girls right after you break them. I never get a fucking chance. You seem to care about a girl's body count more than you care about the girl herself. You, my guy, are not a gentleman.
Michael Bell
so many white knight faggots in here look OP, your desire for sex is a valid one. you probably shouldn't try to pressure this girl into it, but if she's gonna make you wait years, or use sex to bait you into a level of commitment that you're not comfortable with, you're by no means obligated to go along. I'd actually call it emotionally manipulative of her if it's not something you believe in independently of your raging boner fucking with your brain keep this girl around as long as you're still having fun, but keep your eyes open and if you meet another girl you like who actually shares your values and needs, dump this one and go with her instead
oh also, if this girl can resist the urge to fool around with you at age 20, her sex drive is quite low, and will only get lower over time. you're setting yourself up for a lifetime of sexless marriage
Ethan Butler
she is coming over on friday for a date at my house
i think the first thing im going to do is apologize for being a pig through texts, and explain how i shouldn't have acted that way and be-
holy shit i was actually typing that out, halfway through i realized how god damn beta that was. Is this what it means to date her? completely fucking cuck myself and resort to guiltily masturbating after the fact?
thats fucked
Luis Cox
>Engaged Alimony time
Ryder Flores
valid points, i cant help but feel that the longer i stay with her, the more of an asshole i will be once\if i break up with her.
However, i dont think its fair to say that she is that resistant yet. We havent really had a proper makeout session, and im pretty sure she is willing to do that based on her guidelines i had her explain to me.
Jacob Parker
Marriage does have weight but not that much. Its not uncommon to get married after a year of dating when you're old enough to date with that purpose in mind.
I just don't get it OP. I never will. I sometimes feel like the only person who would rather be in love than see some titties.
Like i know what tits look like. I know what pussy looks like and even feels like(but shes a man now so...) and i consider myself volcel cause after that one mistake i realized. I don't really want sex outside a relationship im 100% committed to.
I hardly want sex at all. Its a dick in a hole. Hardly sounds like something better than making a girl smile. Or getting a hug from her when shes happy or holding her while she cries in your chest. That look in her eyes when she sees you after missing you or those happy tears you give her after doing something sweet.
Call me a fag, but that shit is my 1st 2nd 3rd base. I don't know why you'd want to see her naked. She looks like a naked girl lol. They all literally look the same almost.
But that smile, and those hugs. Thats her. 100% authentic homemade her. You can't find those hugs on pornhub or anything. You can't buy that smile on the street or from a thot on snapchat. You cant get that romantic intimacy from a hookup on tinder. Idk. I just always wanted something special. And sex today... just isn't anymore.
Michael Walker
maybe you're right me overvaluing sex or sexual intimacy, but you cannot deny it is a huge part of a relationship. Maybe since you've experienced it you can write it off, but i have had no such luck.
The steps we've made together and some of those romantic scenarios are pretty fucking incredible, though. I can recall a few that really made me feel a way i havent ever felt before, accepted, loved, appreciated.
holy shit
Josiah Gray
oh I guess I assumed the relationship was further along than it is. meh I dunno, maybe she'll go for the poophole loophole
Christian Reed
I get the girl after shes heartbroken you faggot. Its not about the bodycount.
Its about "my ex used me and it really fucked me up, the girl you knew is broken"
I got that exact message from my last ex about a month in. My second ex had similar excused and the 1st was a decent reason because i was moving away but she broke uo a year before because a fear of getting attached during thst year... why was she scared??
Her abusive ex who she got attached to.
Sebastian Foster
im not gonna screenshot it but "im ok with you holding me and kissing me. I do not want to be touched anywhere other than my back, hips, arms, or shoulders. And if you ever feel like you aren't sure, just ask" was what she sent me when i asked her specific boundaries.
"I draw the line before contact becomes sexual whether it be sex itself or just sexual in nature"
i dont think the loophole will work, man. I was pullin for it, too
Eli Sanchez
>I just want to be closer to her without having to do some barbaric ancient ritual used for farmers in the 1600s to sell their daughters. It's not so simple as that. Historically, what would some bedouin family in Arabia two thousand years ago do if the daughter got knocked up by some random merchant. Feed ab extra mouth because their girl's a slut? Kill the child? The only reason you think its stupid to not have sex now because youre dating is because you think to yourself "lol just kill the fetus," ignoring that that is a life. Fucking wife her.
>I could even see myself marrying her, but nigga im 2 months in and i havent even seen her naked, and i probably never will. If you wife her, you can fucker.
>But then again she also said i wouldn't be able to date her What did he mean by this
Luis Ward
You're clearly salty about those women getting with their ex. Instead of being salty either give them emotional support or ditch them, simple.
Aaron Reyes
at one point she told me that she cannot\will not date me since i wasn't a christian. We spoke for hours on two different occasions about it before we parted. It was the saddest conversation of my life probably. I thought it was done, but i kept on treating her as i did and she let me in eventually. After a meeting with her parents and pastor.
im not trying to have a kid, what the fuck. Not even necessarily sex. I want to touch her body, explore her, have the experiences ive never had. Dick in vagina for a few minutes would be great, but i just want to get my hands dirty, u know? Even if she were to sleep with her im using protection and being responsible.
John Taylor
I never got my dick in or anything tbf. Im still a virgin. But i remember the guilt i felt that night.
I fell over in the street like a sad little gayboi in a movie and cried.
Everyones different i guess. I just feel like sex is overrated. Its the person that makes sex great. Not the act itself.
Like sex feels the same as masturbating with a toy. Maybe worse sometimes, the part thats better is the organic natues of having another person there with you. If you love them its worth it.
How do i know if i love them?
Date them long enougb to get over the initial butterflies and challenges.
But do i really love them? Maybe. If only there were some way to sign yourself to a person and dedicate yourself to them at extreme risk to yourself. An act thst would require you to actually love them..
Thars my personal view on marriage. Proof of love. Words mean nothing. Actions mean everything to me.
Signing away half your shit to someone else takes dedication. Of course im more lenient.
My rule is if i'm willing to wife her im allowed to smash.
Find youe own rule but don't break hers please
Caleb Martin
Or you can support her platonically but refuse to have anything romantic with them.
Noah Morgan
what she says over text and what happens when things are hot and heavy are two different things. I think you need to get her over to your house and test where the boundaries really lie when her hormones are flowing. if she can stick to her stated forbidden zones when in the middle of multiple full makeout session then yes, she has a low enough sex drive that jesus comes first, and you're pretty much out of luck here my advice in that case would be that dating girls with sex drives significantly lower than your own kinda blows, and you're better off moving on. since this one's an old-school christian, if you married her, even on nights she wasn't into it, she'd probably be willing to lie there and limply take your dick while checking her phone, because her pastor told her to. but in my experience, sex with a girl who's indifferent to you feels worse than no sex at all
Jordan Reyes
Well the didn't get with their ex after. They just went off to be single or whored themselves out to random dudes. I'm salty cause thats a shit deal to me. I was emotional support, and some of these relationsjips lasted months.
How does a girl not realize she's fucked up somehow for like months. I guess its my fault cause i oversupport them. Let them open up too much and like therapy i help them find the problem.
Im salty cause i help them leave me. If i treat girls like i don't give a shit though... well. Some reason they like me more. I really don't get it.
Dominic Long
what made you feel guild? what happened that night? I really appreciate your input and experience
i think shes in love with me. I have really done a lot to get this girl to like me, i've kind of glossed over the initial part of our relationship but she is super super into me. She never checks her phone like that and is always willing to meet me. Conversation is great, flows naturally with no breaks.
She will come over pretty soon, and im gonna try to go for a makeout, but i am really expecting nothing more
Logan Johnson
Most humans are more attracted to things that are rarer compared to things more common. If you allow the power balance of the relationship to shift in her favor she will begin to treat you like trash. Also most humans would rather feel pain than be bored.
Christian Ward
>maybe you're right me overvaluing sex or sexual intimacy, but you cannot deny it is a huge part of a relationship. Maybe to some degree? OP, lemme tell you, you have no idea how subjective our societies can be. That you think sex is so incredibly important is only, and I stress ONLY a product of the overly Liberal (and I use 'liberal' as in opposition to 'socialist' and 'nationalist') societes we've created in the Western world. What you see on twitter, or hear about from your friends' lives, or even fucking television (which is a major accelerant to civilizational collapse) is absolutely NOT "the way" the live your life in this contemporary world of ours.
Casual sex in a relationship is the "it's the current year!" of romance.
Alexander Roberts
It is possible to manipulate someone to get the best possible scenario for both of you. This advice is harmful to unintelligent people because they will delude themselves into thinking what they want is truly the best.
Luke Hernandez
yeah check back in five years from now. the early-relationship hormone surge tends to last about two years for most people (roughly when your baby, in a pre-birth-control era, starts to be able to eat solid food). if the relationship survives, it really transitions after that point into less of the stomach-butterflies and grand sweeping declarations of love and more into comfort, familiarity, duty, etc. what I'm saying is that if this girl, at the peak of her youthful hormones, AND at the peak of the hormone surge she's experiencing in your relationship, is not interested in sex, she's never going to be very into sex as a general concept, regardless of where you take the relationship
Benjamin Lewis
Well i'm Christian myself.
I was hanging out with one of my friends and she kept indicating she really wanted me to finger her and when we were in her dorm after it kinds began to get to me. Thing is i didn't want to. I even said no at first, she kinda kept asking an pressuring so i told her why i didn't want to was because od my values but a part of me was curious having no sexual experiencd yet.
So my dumbass gives in. She washes up and we get to it. Its akward and weird but i slide my fingers in to slish and slosh around and play with her clit and she seemed into it but she didn't tell me one important thing..
I pull out my fingers to see what pussy juice looks like... and blood. Blood all over my hands. The bitch had to be on her period. But she told me to keep going. So i did. She asked if i had any condoms and thank the lord i didn't. I wanted to leave. I felt sick but i kept going so i could satisfy her at that point.
So my first experience in many ways traumatized me. Not only thst but i'd gone against my values and done something i really regretted and disliked.
2/10 imo.
Oliver Cook
>people desire sex, the thing every one of our ancestors has been doing since they were bacteria in the pre-cambrian oceans, because of the liberal media
Jaxson Wilson
you're scaring me but you're definitely on to something. It makes sense.
sounds like a problem with the girl, not the situation, imo. A better girl would have offered more warning, more communication, more understanding.
Dominic Cook
Jonathan Nguyen
I agree with you when it comes to saying that sex isn't considered something special in society anymore. The pedostol that people hold sex to has created a community of emotionless cum buckets. However, in the context of a loving relationship I think that having sex with a girl deepens your emotional connection as you've both made yourself vulnerable to each other. I think it just goes to show your comfort level with each other. People have physical needs. Religion has created a stigma for what is a perfectly normal healthy sexual urge for women. I think waiting for marriage before sex is not only unnecesary, I think it's unhealthy.
Dominic Phillips
yeah this is a dick move on her part. sorry that happened to you, user
Alexander Carter
I agree a better girl would have been nice. But i would feel terrible regardless. Thats what its like when you go against your values.
Thats why i so much don't want you to pressure her if you aren't committing 100% yet. Because if you leave. She lost her values, her innocence, and someone she loved.
That will likely fuck her up.
Do what you want though OP. Just saying in my opinion at the end of thr day we're all alone and no one loves us so why not try to change that and put loyalty on your priorities.
Also women hit peak sex drive around or sfter menopause around age 45. She'll never have the same sex drive as you becauae biology. At some point you'll want it less than her. Just think this way.
Lock her down = guaranteed sex and potential family, you'll be loved. Get youe rocks off = you masturbated into a moving sex doll with advanced ai and you may or may nor ever get it again.
Hedge your bets OP
Joshua Cox
i agree, why limit yourself of something that you both want to do? Stopping stupid sluts from having 20 kids by brainwashing religion into them is one thing, but stopping a perfectly happy couple from having sex i feel is unnecessarily restrictive.
IF i had sex with her today, for example, would i be so much worse off? Would she? I really do not think it applies to every situation
Jacob Rivera
See: You'll be fine. She'll compromise her values that she has be raised in and believes in. Thats damaging.
Yeah if you were both of the same values, go for it. But you arent. Which is why she only wants to date Christians. Its about respecting boundaries and values.
Sure i agree waiting until marriage is ridiculous in this day in age. Marriage a long time ago was different and since yohuwould have married a girl right after her first period sex before marriage was practically pedophilia.
Sex when the relationship is stable. Or at least developed. Not 3rd date sex but not like years of dating either. Somewhere in that months of dating and infatuation is wearing off. You're getting comfortsble with each other and then you add something new maybe? I dont know.
Caleb Sanders
Why would I get angry at a pathetic cuck who is dating the worst possible kind of girl?
just leave, stay friends or whatever eventually you will want sex so much that it will ruin your relationship anway
Dominic Flores
Last name Man, first name Straw My point was that our modern fixation with casual sex isn't the default for how human romance works.
Thomas Baker
this is beyond degeneracy
Dylan Morgan
get outta here man, you won don't listen to anything that anyone here says because you're better than all of us
Aaron Myers
Sounds like you have some serious priorities to sort out. How important is sex right now? How long would you be willing to wait? How much do you like this girl, and will it be worth it? Is she your best option? Have a good wank to clear your mind, then seriously consider what is most important to you.
This is a long haul girl. If you're not in it for life, you're wasting you're time with her. And don't think that just because you don't marry her, she won't destroy you when she leaves. Marriage 100% has to be an option for you if you want to date this girl. Don't write it off just because you've seen one bad example. Think a little more about it.
Sexual frustration is a real thing. Especially when you're so close to someone who doesn't give you what you want. But she has been very clear about what she wants. Don't push her into being something she doesn't want to be. You guys sound like you have really good communication, so talk to her. Let her know you respect her choice, but you will also always have physical attraction and urges. Explain your frustration. You might be even more successful if you do a little research about lust in Christianity. Dealing with temptation and supporting each other through it is a huge part of their doctrine. If you make your physical feelings clear, you both can acknowledge them. Then maybe you can bring it up when you're feeling down about it, and if she really understands, she'll empathize and help make you feel better.
Once she likes you enough, you won't be the only one with physical needs. Girls crave sex too, especially the ones who obsess over one guy. You'll have a hardship in common, and she will empathize with your plight even more. The difference is that she cares about her doctrine more than sex, and will still not have sex with you. I can't say it enough, do NOT try to have sex with this girl until she is ready. It would make you a terrible person for a multitude of reasons.
communication is key, i think its a great idea to bring up that despite knowing her boundaries, i cannot stop my body from reacting the way it will. That could lead to an interesting conversation.
Trying to tempt her into sex is a horrible idea, i agree, but i think her faith and willpower is stronger than most. She really has made it clear it's not happening. In text and in person.
Lucas Jones
Speak for yourself, loser. Originale
Brandon Ortiz
> tfw also took a 20 year olds catholic virginity > tfw i promised her marriage > tfw left her and broke her heart and shes now used scraps
She wasnt that pretty honestly, i just kept insisting because i wanted to take someones virginity, I cant believe Im Chad i have very serious low self esteem