How do I fix this? I don't want to be alone anymore :^(

How do I fix this? I don't want to be alone anymore :^(

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Skelly wrist? Terminal, unfortunately.

Fix what? There's nothing in this image I can immediately isolate as a problem.

>my arms are thinner than this
not even god can help me now

you don't think the size of my wrist is even marginally unattractive?

post el piccerino

I think literally nothing of the size of your wrist

here's a better pic of how bad it is

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What? Who gives a fuck about wrists?

>"My god, my earlobes are slightly asymmetrical. I had one chance at life!"

If you really care, do 50 pushups every morning and night.

I appreciate what you're doing but come on

What's your face like and how much do you weigh

I literally can't even do one pushup

Are you atrophied or something? Fuck, even I can do 5 with no problem.

>muh wrist
Who cares, faggot.
That dirt under your thumbnail is significantly more off putting if anything

6'1, 130lbs
Face is maybe a 6.5/10

Take growth hormones, they could increase the thickness of your wrists

You'll be fine OP. I'm a wristlet and manlet and it hasn't impeded my ability to get girls. If you're really that insecure, just work out your forearms.

Yea I went through a major depressive episode a while ago and I lost a lot of weight

fresh off the camera roll for you chief

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Baby wrists make your forearms look more jacked when you start lifting.

t. went from 140lb skelington to 180lb slightly less skelington They never go away just get used to it.

thanks for reminding me to lift tonight

are dumbells enough? I get laughed at enough on the sidewalk so I feel like the gym would be a lot worse

I'd say we're about even. Sticcs unite

np boss. Go pound some roasties for me

Yes. There's videos on YouTube specifically using dumbbell excercises to thicken your wrist.

brothers in arms, we have to sticc together

Small wrists are cute. Not sure why you're insecure about them.

>Not sure why
Now you do.

I have sames originally

Literally nothing wrong with your wrists you halfwit, if you want something to be wrong with them then cut them up like I did.

Is that why people laugh at me? Because my wrists look cute? What on earth is cute about looking like a literal skeleton?

Fix what? Your skin?
Try pic related.

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>he thinks that's bad


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Jesus man just gain some weight. Has the weight loss eaten your fucking brain cells?

qt. Wish I could be sticc.

jokes on OP

I actually like being thin

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>tfw part of the wristlet masterrace

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>just lift
Wrists are genetic

bruh (originally)

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have u tried eating more food


now I feel better about myself. I think thin wrists can look pretty aesthetic if proportioned properly

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Not in my case unfortunately. Glad I made you feel better

it's okay user I'm sure you're a cute boy irl

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its a relief there are more people who have my freakishly thin wrists, hate it being pointed out so ive always worn a hoodie outside even during summertime since middle school

when people say wrists do they really mean forearms?

my forearms are big but wrists are average.

whats the big deal about wrists?

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Hey op you could always wear a jacket 24/7 unless it's summer then wear a long sleeve button up shirt as if it were a jacket
With the right ones you can look pretty good and it should cover your smol wrists

But what happens when I finally initiate sexy times and the girl realizes she's about to fuck an XCOM thin man?

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tfw no bollock-forearm

Nigga being thin makes your dick look bigger dude chilly your willy man

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Fuck you m8, you got nothin to complain about

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Post your cat nigga

if you've managed to get her in bed I find it hard to believe your wrists will be the deal breaker.

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You're focused about wrist size when you should be thinking about the rest of your body, women wont give a fuck about your tiny wrist if you're in good shape/good looking/not autistic.

a lot of people say with wrist exercises you can increase the size by a couple inches

become a trap duh

You got nothing on me lmao.

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his name is cheeto

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work out a bit and it becomes a blessing, having small wrists make your arms look big

My wrist are ~6" around. There are dicks that are literally thicker than my wrist.

I look exactly like OP and have a gf. Stop being such an insecure pussy man for fucks sake.

Measure your wrists and tell results. If you're worse than me you can go cry. Mine are 16.5 cm

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Thicker than mine. I'm at ~6 inches or ~15.25 non-freedom cm

>Believing shit from Jow Forums

Damn. You know most girls have thicker wrists than us right? What's your height and weight? I'm about 5'9" 145 lbs.

5'8 and about 150. Considering almost 50% of US women are overweight or obese, they're going to be thicker than mine. As I posted, there are guys that have a dick thicker than my wrist.

I've got 16cm on the dot at 6'1 130lbs

6'0 100lbs