>why don't you talk more user? Are you a mute?
Bonechilling sentences
Landon Martin
Levi Jenkins
>you're only gonna feel a little sting, just a prickle.
Elijah Sullivan
>Burning sensation in your veins moves up your arm
Gabriel Taylor
>You might feel a little prick
is what I always say to girls when I get them into bed.
Ayden Wood
Dear Chad, Would you kindly get the fuck off my board, you fucking normalfag scum
Kind Regards ~ user
Evan Roberts
How dare you speak to a dubs like that!! Begone normal nigger!!!
Brandon Taylor
>"What are you a virgin?"
Julian Parker
he only but a simple dubs, not deserving of any respect as he is not trips or quads.
Isaac Taylor
>Alright, you're going to start working on a group project now. Everyone form into groups!
Daniel Jenkins
Dubs is still better then a normal post, user.