Life is completely pointless.
Debate me faggots.
Life is completely pointless.
Debate me faggots.
Okay what do you want to debate me about?
I will debate you, whats your lifestyle like OP
Life is so nightmarish that we pretend it's pointless because it's actually more comforting than it having a point
the point, from a biological/natural standpoint, which is the one and only valid standpoint one can ever take, is to continue your bloodline
this is the point of literally all life on earth
Yes because life is a circle
I'm a 10 year strong career NEET who does nothing all day but fap, watch anime, drink and eat junk
This, but worse. Species all battle one another for survival, humans compassion evolving out of it being a tool for suffering. When we die, we join the chaos of the universe, set for either being crushed into other matter or left to wander is cold endless space.
However, the concept of there being a "point" isa human construct, therefore it could be anything that makes whatever minuscule change to the universe you wish. If you're hungry for power and changing universe on a mass scale, well good luck
Life is pointless. Your purpose is to make it have meaning. Sometimes that is too much to ask. It can be too much to bear.
So what's the point then, genius?