Most of you deserve the shit life and ridicule that people give you, you most likely brought it on yourselves to begin with.
Most of you deserve the shit life and ridicule that people give you...
BULLYING user. Its all of your fault you dumbass
Imagine actually having this thought process
Now that that's off OP's chest, can we make this a comfy CYOA thread?
imagine thinking thats wrong
Healer, I will battle the normies with my influence
Hunter 2 please
>never taking personal responsibility.
The best way to shove it to those mean high school bullies is by moving past them.
Never said that's not true, but doesn't change the fact its their fault up to certain point
So you're just letting yourself stay the victim. That's pathetic.
I don't need to be delusional about it or a cuck enough to decide its my fault for convenience. I am Jow Forums and do things, not typical r9k neet, but those first 16 years of my life were surrounded by narcissists who didn't give a fuck about me and put me into a complete pacifist state of trying to be good enough for my own "friends" to like me. Those years have made me a helpless sperg who can't trust anyone on anything, I see everything as sarcastic and don't want to play in anyone's hands anymore.